-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 10/27/2004 3:54:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Caveat Lector-

1.) John kerry is pro abortion
2.) John Kerry is pro-homosexual
3.) John kerry is pro homosexual "marriage"
Have you ever noticed that George (like most Conservatives) is only against these things as long as they do not involve him, his family or his rich friends.  I recall a conversation with a cousin in Florida who mentioned that her neighbor was out marching in protest at some abortion clinic (I'm not sure the clinic was even in Florida), but he was protesting as loudly as possible.  "Well," I said.  "He has a right to his convictions." 
"Oh sure," she replied, "but his 16-year-old daughter has had three abortions." 
It's pretty typical, I guess.  Conservatives aren't worried about their behavior.  Apparently they think God only observes the behavior of non-conservatives.  It's your abortion, your homosexuality that concerns them.   As long as they bray loudly against that, God will never notice what they do.  As for me, I just want Canadian slaves.   Prudy
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