-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 11/17/2004 9:00:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The American Life League published an ad in Tuesday's Washington Times, warning Catholics that "the scandal of pro-abortion Catholic public figures continues."
I know it has become a popular phrase, but nothing so demonstrates ignorance more than the word "pro-abortion."  The real word is "pro-choice."  There is no one on the planet who could be described as "pro-abortion."  Pro-choice means that babies would be done away with prior to birth by women who really did not want the child, not birthed and then sold for various purposes, thrown out of third-floor windows to see if it bounces; or left in the care of creeps called "boyfriends" by crack addicted prostitutes.  Pro-abortion actually has no meaning.   It's not that abortion should not be defined as murder.   I wouldn't argue that, although blaming the medical professionals who provide the service makes as much sense as blaming a dairy farmer for your lactose intolerance.  It's all on the soul of the mommy or the daddy.  I've yet to hear of a medical professional dragging a woman kicking and screaming into his or her office to abort a fetus.   If every Catholic refuses to have an abortion, I think that's wonderful.  That would do more to keep abortions down than all the marching and protesting could ever effect.  I've only known two women in my over seventy years who had abortions.  One was Catholic and one was a Moslem.  Neither woman wanted the abortion, but their respective husbands insisted on it.  The Catholic threatened divorce if she did not do as he wanted.  And one of the most vehement protestors I've ever known of marched and yelled at women going into clinics, yet his teenaged daughter had three abortions.  It would be nice if all the folks just worried about their own and their family's abortions.  That should cut the rate down so drastically everyone could untwist their panties and go home.  Prudy    
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