-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 11/29/2004 3:37:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Three-quarters of Cerbera victims are women. The team says that this may mean the plant is being used to kill young wives who do not meet the exacting standards of some Indian families. It is also likely that many cases of homicide using the plant go unnoticed in countries where it does not grow naturally
Drats.  They must have heard of my method to abolish the bride burnings that for years was the method of getting rid of a young wife that the family didn't want--it was that the bride upon waking and finding herself on fire should rush to embrace her mother-in-law.  I figured about two of those mothers-in-law being taken out along with the bride would cure the whole problem.  Now the only thing for them to do is make sure that the mothers-in-law always eat half the food from the bride's plate.  There has to be a way to teach India that their system of divorce is not nice.  Prudy
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