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-Caveat Lector-

Bojinka II: The Pakistani Connections
Funds Wired to Britain from Pakistan, LeT Founder Placed Under ‘House Arrest’
By Steve Schippert

>From ABC News, Brian Ross and Richard Esposito report that British 
>Intelligence had a man on the inside of the 30-man cell that sought to blow up 
>US-bound airliners in a plot becoming known as “Bojinka II,” nearly identical 
>in scope and method to Operation Bojinka I in 1995. In British Penetrate 
>Terror Cell, it is also detailed that an arrest in Pakistan two days earlier 
>caused the British operation – Operation Overt – to descend upon the cell 
>before they learned of the individual arrested. A link between the deep mole 
>and the arrested would have apparently tipped the cell to the British 

Also, the BBC reports that a Pakistan arrest several weeks ago originally 
unearthed the plot, which Pakistan claims uncovered the plot and led to the 
British investigation.

While it was feared that the Pakistani arrest on the Afghan border days ago 
would jeopardize the British operation, it is worth noting that the five 
ringleaders of the 30-man terror cell are not among the apprehended and on the 
loose, presumably still in Britain. Word from Pakistan would logically reach 
the leaders first. Did they take immediate evasive action and run aground in 
haste without informing the 24 who were eventually arrested?

With regard to the nature and connectedness of the terrorists in the Bojinka II 
cell, the ABC report characterizes the cell members in a fashion that is sure 
to be echoed by far too many. Referring to the plot as “homegrown” and the 
British cell’s members as “young, longtime residents or citizens, inspired by 
al Qaeda and perhaps loosely linked to the old hierarchical terror group” 
misses the mark.

At the end of the day, these “young, longtime residents or citizens” of Britain 
must be recognized as no more British than they are Mexican. Most of the cell 
members were of Pakistani origin or descent. They clearly did not identify with 
their host nation nor hold any affinity for it.

It is difficult to imagine the condition as ‘loosely linked’ to al-Qaeda, 
certainly with an operation of this ambition and scale. As the ‘foot soldiers’ 
that they were, their plot was either guided and/or funded by al-Qaeda or it 
was not. But, as should be increasingly clear, the name of the label – al-Qaeda 
or otherwise – should matter far less than is popularly perceived. There is an 
ever increasing trend among terror groups to shelve their ideological and 
religious differences and focus on the common enemy, Israel and America - Jews 
and Crusaders - and all that ally with them in the West, including Britain.

Further, make no mistake; the “old hierarchical terror group” is alive and well 
and not a ‘new, busted-up decentralized mess’ as the chosen descriptor implies. 
Consider the quality of al-Zawahiri’s latest messages and one must conclude 
that funding is still adequate and that command and control is still effective. 
al-Qaeda leadership, bruised and pursued, is not remanded to the dark recesses 
of a cave in Pakistan, cut off from the rest of the world and the rest of their 
terrorist organization.

Here’s the rub: If the plot was “homegrown,” as asserted, and the terrorists 
merely “al-Qaeda-inspired” as opposed to al-Qaeda-led, why would a terrorist 
arrest in Pakistan cause the cell to scatter? This expected reaction is not 
consistent with ‘loose links’ to an arrested terrorist(s) in Pakistan. What 
prompted these arrests in Pakistan?

But more importantly, where did the money for the complex operation come from? 
Who was funding the airline tickets for dry runs and the six to ten actual 
attack flights? Who was funding the lab equipment and chemicals and supplying 
the technical skills necessary?

Consider Thursday’s arrest of Hafiz Mohammed Saeed in Lahore, Pakistan, 
apprehended at virtually the same time the British arrests were made. Saeed was 
the founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the terrorist group believed to be responsible 
for the July 11, 2006 synchronized train bombings in Bombay, India that killed 
more than 200 civilians. The Lashkar-e-Taiba attack list is quite extensive.

Lashkar-e-Taiba’s links to al-Qaeda are both intimate and strong. In late 2004, 
Dan Darling described the group as “basically subcontracted by al-Qaeda to run 
its infrastructure, propaganda, and recruiting efforts in South Asia while the 
central leadership remains underground.”

Lashkar-e-Taiba was banned by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf in 2002 
following an LeT and Jaish-e-Mohammad attack on the Indian Parliament in 
December 2001.

Hafiz Mohammed Saeed then turned his energies to creating a new ‘charity’ 
called Jamaat al-Dawat, whose benefactors include many madrassas throughout 
Pakistan. In fact, at least one of the terrorists in the July 7, 2005 London 
bombings attended one of Jamaat al-Dawat’s madrassas.

In April of this year, the US State Department officially listed Saeed’s Jamaat 
al-Dawat as a terrorist organization.

But it should be noted that Saeed’s arrest is only ‘house arrest’ and for a 
confinement duration of only one month. Prone to fiery speech and crowd 
incitement, this is not the first time Saeed has been placed under ‘house 
arrest’ by the Pakistani government in 2006.

Was the charitable Saeed a source of the Bojinka II plotters’ funding? What 
action initiated his ‘house arrest’? Money was known to have been wired to the 
plotters from Pakistan, which means authorities knew of both ends of the 

And what of Pakistan’s claims of supporting the British operation? Was it 
genuine support or – with the Lahore and Karachi arrests that accompanied the 
UK arrests Thursday – was it possibly a matter of Pakistan simply getting ahead 
of the news knowing the trail will inevitably lead back to their own soil?

Regardless of the unknowns, what is known is that a terrorist plot on the scale 
of the 9/11 attacks was successfully thwarted and pre-empted.

What is also known is that all things al-Qaeda inevitably lead directly to 

August 11, 2006 01:30 AM 

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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