-Caveat Lector-

Well, well.....Madeline Albright would have to give this information out
too and then we would all know of her jewish background which she has

We would know who all the bastards are, and who did not have a father;
we would now who might have some, well, black blood.....you know to this
day, the KKK puts out propaganda that J. Edgar Hoover and Eleanor
Roosevelt were black....well, not that that matters.....

Now what do we label next....homosexuals and perverts....who the hell do
these people think they are.

Does Bill Clinton now who his father was; what would be on his birth
certificate?  What about Gerald Ford, whose real name was Leslie King
supposedly, and then he had a brother named Leslie King - what were they
- two of them perhap.

Next we will have doctor's records; now, I do think we should all know
if someone had some VD; you know that is what the one secret society
said Clinton had and was trying to conceal - andn is it true he had some
plastic surgery recently - just before going to Court Paul Jones....or
was that just a hamstring accident as they said.....

Yes, I want to know all about these people; their IQ, their bank
account, who has a jewish background, or a black background, mixed
blood......maybe we all have a little secret we do not want anyone to
know.....after all, who really cares?

No - come out of the closet all you homosexuals - they say the coast is
clear; but just try it, Barney Frank and see how you are made to look
more perverted than our lying, cowardly President.

Oh yes, we should have draft dodgers names on thise ID's.....go all the
way, and put on the criminal records in particular, say about the
Franklin County Clerk of Court who stole $400,000.....mostly from poor
people, but tht is still small time compared - oh yes, let us not forget
the genocide being performed.

Lets do a job on the ID cards....but not me.....never, will I carry an
ID card that maybe holds a little secret, I would not want anyone to

Did HIlliary have an affair with Vince Foster; make her take a lie
detector test; tht is adultery, and brand her card with a big red
W....as - or is tht big red A....and Clinton, well a big SS for him -
sodomist and Storm Trooper would be ok with me.

Lets get them all on the public record - not just the poor worker who
has to pay for all this crap....by the way, who is going to print ll
those ID's an check out all this information.


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