-Caveat Lector-

I want to pass this on......re Mark Lane (and I guess I have been too)
ahead of a killer's footsteps:

Larry Flynt - his office was about a block from my office; he had
offered a million dollar reward for assassins of JFK....a friend brought
his first and only FREE PRESS into my office; I read it and said My God
they are going to shoot Larry Flynt....well they did, and my bossie was
afraid I would have the FBI in on me (again)...but, whose name was in
this paper but Mark Land who told a story about Bud Fensterwald, that he
did not want out.....Bud had been offered the post of Legal Counsel for
the Assassination Committee in Washington House of Rep; the CIA told him
if he took the post, they would come with his head on a platter....he
also told Mark Lane, that if he told tht story he would deny it.....
Flynt was then gunned down.....he still has my riginal FBI file, where
they had accually censored some of my own stuff.

Paranoid?  Well Hall Bopp.....I got a book from a group headed up by
Rick Strawcutter, a patriot, who is trying to help the farmers....lo and
behold, there was Mark Lanes stuff being used.....this gorup knows JFK
was gunned down by a group of conspirators who have escaped notoriety
and justice....well, when Halle Bopp died.....who did they send their
tapes to but Rick Strawcutters - a person whom they knew they could

At Jonestown, you guessed it.....Mark Lane, and he alone escaped to tell
the truth.

Dorothy Kilgallon.....met on a corner with Mark Lane as I recall.....she
had a lot of stuff, and so did Lane....then, this strong woman,
accidently mixed booze with a medication....heart attack.....

Now this is not paranoia.......a friend let us say, used to play tapes
for me of Bill Colby and this Secord; to tell the truth, I didn't
understand what they were talking about.....but this is the man who told
me that Mary Ferrell's son (she edited some of my stuff for me at Bud
Fensterwalds request) had been murdered, found in a river in a burlap
bag...this is the same man who played the Colby tpes to e....and this
man, is a loyal patriot who also stood up for his country and like
Tomlinson, took a lot of crap by his disloyal CIA employers who failed
to back him up...but he has hidden stuff like Tominson.

Paranoia?   George Wallace - I warned him; Jimmy Hoffa  I warned him,
and  his Criminal Justice Association sent me a letter where I was to
meet with Hoffa....well,before his book was on the stand, he was
gone....the Red Fox Retaurant.....and Red Foxx was on this Criminal
Justice Committee, or his name was on the letterhead....Lowenstein or
Lowenthal had written th letter for Hoffa....I knew they would kill him,
and Hoffa knew who did what to the Kennedys.  He, was not involved in

And then of course, JFK, RFK, MLK, Apollo Sabotage (that was murder, and
that is when my Joint
chief of Staff, Super, Duper Top Intelligence brotherinlaw got madeat
me)  where three brave men killed.....and in m possession, a bible code
- linking a lot of murder and sabotage - including the death of Princess

Now what I find interesting is this....bibles were made for Kings and
Queens, and leaders of course....and this is the master plan for
everything from genocide to murder to war.....the avengers of blood to
the Mafia and nearly every secret society, youwill find home based in
the King Jame  Bible.....and now, can you say you are paranoid for
thinking that just possibly, there might be a conspiracy.

Well, I know I am back to work on this stuff; and hopefully, the most
important thing right now is to end the career of
William Jefferson Clinton by impeachment....and a forced resignation.

That he could ever possibly think of himself as a JFK, is
revolting...smart - no not so smart to fall trap to a Mossad Agent - oh
can you imagine if an Arab ever got a break in the
White House.....why is Sadaam Hussein an enemy when he tried to take
back that which belonged to his country stolen from them by the

Conspiracy?  Well, look at Waco; why did David Koresch have to die, and
Halle Bopp and Ruby Ridge.....these are religious orders who were
exposing in thier own way, a great truth....that the USA under the
Butcher Albright, Clinton, and Reno, wree starting massive genocide -
only did it not really start at WACO.....as the poor victims called the
Davidians were burnt to death in a holocaust  but none dare call it

No, we are not paranoid; Clinton is insane.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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