Now, the previous material got away and I do not know what here goes this part.   St. Paul, was accused of being an
Egyptian Rose, or Assassin in the Acts.....but the story of the
assassins is the story of drugs....Hasan,used drugs to induce his
followers to commit murder for him....they would do anything, do exactly
as he said without question .... rather like Gideon's soldiers who were
not the bravest by far, but often knew that the enemy was more of a
coward than they were.

So drugs.....illusions....manna....and manna in the life of Moses, was
the beginning of drugs for 40 years in the wilderness.

The secret of th manna was to be revealed to those the chosen ones, at
the end of the millenium....well, which one....who has the right
calendar....but if you use 1960 as the beginning of the march of Moses
(and King, etc, and Kenyatta) the year 2000 is the new beginning.
Beginning of what = well, the Warthogs have all the plans on that one.

Not the Jews, not the Moslems, not the Christians, or the Buddist, etc.,
but the Warthogs who hold in their hands the symbol if not the Spear of
Destiny to be used for good or for evil....and do not blame God for
this.....the bible has been mutilated, butchered, revised by Jerry
Falwell, and others, but the King James Bible is the one that I have
been following.

In the 60 period we have all witnessed the use of drugs; our troops in
Viet Nam were given drugs just like the old assassins, or it ws just
condoned - but with the Military experiments into drugs, and the CIA
experiments aided by former Nazis who began this project long before we
entered into it, you can witness that by the Assassination of JFK, on
particular dates of importance to this Secret Order, it was the
beginning of the 40 years....through the Looking Glass, the dark glass
Clinton so awkwardly mentioned...(asshole) and on to Al Gore with his
phoney Born Again Christian pose, and that is what it is - the man who
wore a black trenchcoat at Littleton, is asbout the biggest, posing,
phoney of them all.....he may not know it, but he is using some kind of
a drug I believe, that is causing him to lose his hair
prematurely.....what has this idiot imitation of a superman been doing?

Anyway, for anyone who is interested, this is what it is all
about....the pot of gold, in the manna, that in the end times its magic
drug induced powers will be revealed...the powers that brought the
"children", and I always loved that "children" 40 years,
some had to be in their 90's by then...

Read Hebrews 8 and 9...linked to JFK murder....for "where there is a
testimony there must by necessity be the death of the
testator".....well, count Clinton's body count now.....but do not
include the war, just the ones who have fallen about about
the genocide in the bible, get a concordance and remember this is not
prophecy.....this is fact....those kids at Littleton, one of whom was
Jewish, had a little bit more than just manna....were they living
sacrifices....the one child who would not state she did not believe in
Jesus, had been into this particular type of
Witchcraft, is put out by the Rosicirucian Society and other similar
groups....a rose by any other name would  smell the same.... with one
exception, this is the Song of Solomon, in full bloom - the Black Rose,
the Drugs, the Sirhans, the Manson's and the kids at Littleton....and
let us not forget Manson, who too used drugs hypnotic drugs, to gain
control over his followers.....

Now you do not have to use much imagination to "get the picture" here,
and recognize that Clinton wants to be there in the year 2000, but so
does Al if he does not quit wearing that Men in Black
Trenchcoat, Clinton better duck...because the next idiot to date for the
takeover of  our government would be this sissified Born Again
Christian, and if he is a Christian, I am a Buddist Monk.

We are nearing the end on the yellow brick road, going through the field
of poppies; will we then be told there is no God, just us.....or will
that Spear of Destiny take aim, and send that Nato Bunch along with
Albight, Cohen, Gore, and Clinton, back to the stone ages.

But count me out.....that insane group no longer counts me as a friend
to this Administration....

In their present psychotic state, they should all be
institutionalized....where no doubt, they would undergo etensive drug
therapy, as if they had already not been taking enough.

Evidently the mana would not work with Clinton; I do not need it, I can
see the future without them.


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