From: cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

One additional post on the L.D. Brown book before I pass it along ...

Most of what Brown says re. cia-drugs is contained in Chapters 8 and
9--the two chapters I excerpted.
In Chapter 10 he goes on to describe some further work he did for Felix
Rodriguez: three trips to the Bahamas, $1000 per trip to stand guard
with an AK-47 while containers were unloaded off a boat.  He was told
the containers carried weapons.  In the same chapter he retells the
story about being sent to assassinate Terry Reed--nothing new there, as
far as I can see.

In Chapter 11 he discusses, among other things, his role in
investigating the Train Deaths.  He discovered that Malak hadn't
conducted the appropriate tests to determine how much THC was in the
boys' systems.  He informed Doug Stephens, the commander of the criminal
division of the Arksansas State Police who then  told him:

"L.D., I'm taking you off this case.  This has something to do with

There are some interesting accounts of his experiences with the media.
Mike Wallace called him and said they wanted to do a story on Clinton
and the CIA.

"He then went on  to tell me of his friendship with Donald Gregg, also
known to me ... as CIA operations officer Dan Magruder.  'I just find it
hard to believe a man like Donald Gregg would be talking with an
Arkansas State Trooper,' he said with a sort of prissy tone.  Well I
know some Arkansas state troopers may seem to be a lower life form, but
still the remark upset me a little.  He sensed this and decided to go
for broke. "L.D., I hear you like to take a drink," he offered,
obviously buying into the Clinton lie that I was Little Rock's answer to
Mayberry's Otis Campbell ..."

(BTW Donald Gregg aka Dan Magruder (see excerpts from chapter 8) was
national security advisor to Bush 1982-89 and Rodriguez's boss in

He also describes how Jerry Seper from the Washington Times wrote a
story misquoting him without actually having interviewed him.  The
Weekly Standard reported an allegation, originating from Clinton
attorney Kendall, that Brown had killed his mother, without checking it
out. And so on ...

Overall, the book strikes me as being a straight-forward account of his
experiences.  But there are two passages that I can't help but see as
red flags. Perhaps I'm overly suspicious.

The first on page 131: "From my dealings with Rodriguez, I believe he
was as opposed to drug dealing as he was to Communism.  He often talked
about both.  I still do not think he knew in advance of the drugs being
flown into the United States by Seal or anyone else who had connections
to the Agency."

I find it suspicious that Brown would even speculate about what
Rodriguez knew or didn't know.  As if Rodriguez would reveal to him what
he knew or didn't  ...

The second on page 160: "Knowing Vince as we did, and having the
knowledge of how the case has been mishandled, I think there may be some
truth in the theories that the official report is not altogether the
whole story.  The alternative version that I would accept would involve
the movement of Vince's body.  The suicide may have occurred at a place
(and time) that was embarrassing to the Clintons."

Here I don't see how he can be so sure it was a suicide when there is no
evidence at all that it was--the evidence points more to homicide.  He
also pushes the idea that Foster had a "torrid" affair with Hillary and
that they were "soul mates" but without actually explaining how he came
to know about the depth of their emotional attachment.  He goes on:

"I believe this is so, since it is absolutely inconceivable to me that
Vince would have killed himself without having said goodbye to Hillary."

Unless he was one of Foster's close friends--which he wasn't--it makes
no sense to make that statement.

The book could be construed as an exercise in containment.  He doesn't
push our understanding of the issues further, there's not much that
hasn't already been revealed--except maybe for the D'Amato headlock
which is just weird ...
have a happy memorial day!
cameron z.

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