-Caveat Lector-

Many links and embeds.

November 9, 1910 - January 3, 1977
The January 6, 1977, obituary of Carroll Quigley
published in The Washington Star,
where for many years he wrote book reviews.

Carroll Quigley died in early January 1977. A few weeks later his
long-time research assistant and personal friend, Miss Helen E. Veit,
telephoned me to ask if I would be her lawyer for the probate of
Quigley's last will and testament, which left to her all rights to his
books, papers and research materials, but which Quigley's widow was
intending to contest.

Happily, a compromise between Lillian Quigley and Helen Veit was reached
and a will contest avoided. Carroll Quigley's wishes were all honored.

Someday I hope Carroll Quigley has an appropriate web site on the
internet. I have a huge collection of his writings, as well as many tape
recordings of his lectures. A very impressive "Carroll Quigley" site
could be constructed. It amazes me how relevant many of Quigley's
writings and lectures still are, more than twenty years after his death.

Among Quigley's most valuable insights were those concerning education.
Carroll Quigley was not only a natural-born "great" teacher; he was also
a serious student of what it takes to be a "great" teacher. One of his
essays having the most lasting value surely is his famous article "Is
Georgetown University Committing 'Suicide'?"

Listed below are the "Quigley Links" I have found on the internet. As
one can see, many of the people still interested in Carroll Quigley seem
to have taken entirely out of context the extensive references that he
made in his book Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time to
a high-level Anglophile conspiracy that he contended flourished before
World War II and believe that Quigley thought this conspitacy has
somehow continued to operate right up to our day.

As, however, Dr.Quigley once told me, the reality is much scarier.
Instead of a secret cabal now being in charge, no one is now in charge.
We have instead a kind of chaos or anarchy.

•Fine Leather Binding of "Tragedy and Hope." (Richard Minsky)
•President Clinton's Mentor. (David Billington)
•Carroll Quigley: Insider Who Talked or Vatican Propagandist.
(A-albionic Research)
•A Review of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. (James Martin)
•A Review of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. (Reggie Keith)
•An Introduction to Carroll Quigley. (John Dulaney)
•An Introduction to President Clinton's Political Mentor Carroll
Quigley. ( )
•Clinton, Quigley, and Conspiracy: What's going on here? (Olivier
•Philanthropists at War: President Clinton, CIA, Drugs and Power.
(Daniel L. Brandt)
•Tragedy and Hope: The Global Elite. (Ruffin Prevost)
•Advertisement for 2 Audio Tapes (each 60 min. long) of an interview
with Carroll Quigley. (Radio Liberty)
•Phyllis Schafly's Review of Carroll Quigley's Book Tragedy and Hope.
(Phyllis Schafly)
•Carroll Quigley Listings in Public Information Research. ( )
•Abstract of a Study of Carroll Quigley's Thought. (David Wilkinson)

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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