Tuesday 1st June 1999

Tonight on UK TV 

BBC2 21:30 - 22:20

"Under the Sun"

Under The Sun
BBC2 9.30pm **** (a Four Star Rating ... Wow)

In America, the power elite is drawn from secretive university societies 
known as the Greek System. 
Eighty per cent of elected politicians, 
85 per cent of corporate leaders and Supreme Court judges 
come from the Greek System, as have all but two American presidents. 

The first of a new series, 
this film gives a startling insight into the 
hidden class system that decides America's leaders. 

This year's week-long selection process for new 
members of the sorority and fraternity houses coincided with 
the week that one of the most famous members of the Greek System, 
Bill Clinton, admitted his affair with Monica Lewinsky. 

The students we see here are destined to run the U.S. in the 
not too distant future. 


Coming soon ...

13 June 1999
Part one of a two part series looking at past 
and present members of the Russian 'SAS'(their words not mine).

Whats becoming of members of their elite units.
What the specialised training they received is being used for.
Crime gangs, Mercenaries, private security ....
Its not all for the govt.

         Today's mighty oak 
       is just yesterday's nut 
        that held its ground. 

    Check out his website & books at:
     .... "The Biggest Secret" ....       
  "...And the Truth Shall Set you Free" 

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