-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
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Chapter 12


Freemasonry in its momentary command of power, failed
in its supreme endeavour. Taught by these experiences, its
progress has become slower and surer. (1)
Count Leon de Poncins

In 1796, the survivors of the House of Bourbon escaped to the island of
Sicily where they lived protected by the British Navy until after the Battle
of Waterloo.(2) When Napoleon was banished to the island of St. Helena, and
Europe reorganized under oligarchic rule, the Bourbons offered to return, but
the French Freemasons sought a king neither Bourbon nor Catholic. They
approached the Protestant and Masonic king of Holland to be king of France.
Dillon explains what followed this unsuccessful bid:

This failing, they contrived by Masonic arts to obtain the
first places in the Provisional Government which succeeded
Napoleon. They endeavoured to make the most of the
inevitable, and to rule the incoming [Bourbon King] Louis
XVIII, in the interests of their sect, and to the detriment of
the Church and of Christianity.(3)

In the first revolution French Freemasonry had shown open hostility to the
House of Bourbon. Bizarre as it may seem, when Louis XVIII ascended the
throne, he favored the Republican Templar Grand Orient. Stranger yet,
Talleyrand became minister. Moreover, other advanced Masons of the Napoleonic
empire, such as Emmanuel Sieyes, Regis de Cambaceres, and Joseph Fouche,
obtained positions as well. Louis's court was filled with Masonic Templars
and Sionists, who were once again plotting against the throne. Dillon
outlines the disastrous events that flowed from their schemes:

These men at once applied themselves to subvert the sentiment of reaction in
favour of the monarchy and of  religion. Soon, Louis XVIII gave the world the
sad spectacle of a man prepared at their bidding to cut his own throat. He
dissolved a Parliament of ultra loyalists because they were too loyal to him.
The Freemasons took care that his next Parliament should be full of its own
creatures. They also wrung from the King, under the plea of freedom of the
press, permission to deluge the country anew with the infidel and immoral
publications of Voltaire and his confederates, and with newspapers and
periodicals, which proved disastrous to his house, and to Christianity, in
France. These led before long to the attempt upon the life of the Duke of
Berry. to the revolution against Charles X, to the elevation of the son of
the Grand Master, the traitor Duke of Orleans, Philip the Egalite, as
Constitutional King, and to all the revolutionary results that have since
distracted and disgraced unfortunate France.(4)

The French Revolution of 1830

Unable to dethrone the Bourbons, the Priory of Sion settled for a
constitutional monarchy. This adjustment to political reality in fact was not
as strange a departure from the character of Sion as might first appear. The
authors of The Messianic Legacy explain Sion's reason for accepting a
constitutional monarchy:

The essence of such a monarchy is that it rests on the basis espoused by the
Prieure de Sion and ascribed to the old Merovingian dynasty of France. For
the Merovingians, the king ruled but did not govern. In other words, he was
ultimately a symbolic figure. To the extent that he remained unsoiled by the
tawdry business of politics and government, his symbolic status remained
pristine. As one of the Prieure de Sion's writers declares in an article,
"The king is." In other words, his currency resides in what he embodies as a
symbol, rather than in anything he does, or in any real power he might or
might not exercise. The most potent symbols always exert an intangible
authority, which can only be compromised by the more tangible forms of

The "more tangible forms of power" were of course the plotters in the French
parliament, comprised of representatives from both Sion and the Temple. The
constant assignment of the Grand Masters of Sion was to steer the ship of
Sion toward a course favorable to the interests of the "Lost King." This goal
proved more difficult in France than it had been in England. In England, Sion
had no adversary. In France, however, a constitutional monarchy was just as
easily subverted by the Templars. Such was the case when in the three-day
revolution of 1830 the Templars once again took power when royalty was
deposed in favor of a republic.

In a speech full of Masonic terminology, de Poncins quotes Freemason M.
Dupin, who credits the coup to long-term planning:

Do not believe that three days have done everything. If the revolution has
been so prompt and sudden, if we have made it in a few days, it is because we
had a keystone ready to place, and because we have been able to substitute
immediately a new and complete order of things for that which had just been

Freemasonry and Italian Revolution

Meanwhile, Grand Orient Freemasonry was developing a revolution in Italy.
Once again evidence from the Masons themselves confirms the Masonic hand
behind revolution. De Poncins quotes Chiossone (no first name given), an
Italian Mason speaking at the Parisian Lodge Solidarity in 1907, who
proclaimed, "'The revolutionary attempts which have occurred since 1821 in
Italy were the work of Freemasonry."(7) De Poncins continues:

It was about that period that Giuseppe [Joseph] Mazzini (1805-1872) began his
revolutionary activity of which the principal aims were the liberation, the
unity and the republicanization of Italy, the suppression of the temporal
power of the Pope, the destruction of Austria, and the establishment of
republics everywhere.(8)

Mazzini's operation was similar to that of the Illuminati So similar, in
fact, that some conspiracy researchers have suggested that Adam Weishaupt
appointed Mazzini as Director of the Illuminati.(9) Mazzini had only been a
Mason for three years when Weishaupt died in 1830, but his ruthless
character, the researchers claim, had come to the attention of Weishaupt. The
only difference between the two was that while Weishaupt was a Luciferian,
Mazzini was initially a pure atheist -- so successful had the Illuminati
propagandists been in denying the existence of God.

The Carbonari

Mazzini was initiated into Freemasonry at age twenty-two. At that time the
early form of Italian Masonry was called Carbonari. Miller notes the
similarity between the ordinances and rituals of the Carbonari and

Modern Carbonarism was founded in 1815 by Maghella, a native of Genoa, who,
at the time when Joachim Murat became King of the two Sicilies, was a
subordinate of Saliceti, the Neapolitan Minister of Police. He [Maghella] was
a Freemason, who exempted from initiation and probation all Freemasons who
desired to become Carbonari. Any one who has read the statutes and ritual of
Carbonarism will see that it is one and the same as that of Masonry. (10)

The plans of the Carbonari were recorded in 1818 in its secret official
document under the title Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code of Rules;
Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Masonry. This document,
according to Miller, listed several goals, the last of which stated, "'Our
final aim is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution -- the complete
annihilation of Catholicism, and ultimately of all Christianity."(11)
During Mazzini's early years as a Mason, the Grand Orient had penetrated the
Carbonari. Eventually, the latter faded and the former became the dominant
Masonry in Italy.

Young Europe

Giuseppe Mazzini, after three years of intense revolutionary training
(1827-1830), concentrated on recruiting rebellious youth to further his
conspiracy of revolution. In 1831 he was exiled from Italy to France. In 1832
he founded for his young revolutionaries their own form of Freemasonry
prefixed by the word Young.(12) By 1833 Young Italy had grown to 60,000
members and was suppressed that year by the Italian government.
In 1835, with the help of Freemason Henry Palmerston, Mazzini founded Young
Europe in Switzerland.(13) In the same manner in which Weishaupt's
conspiratorial ideas continued to spread after the Illuminati was suppressed,
Mazzini's Yours societies continued to organize in new territories long after
his death. In the new world they were called Young America; in England --
Young England, in Italy -- Young Italy, in Turkey -- Young Turks. On the
Continent they were, of course, Young Europe.
The Young societies consisted of radical and riotous youth, many of whom were
later initiated into the Templar Grand Orient lodges in their respective
countries. The hierarchy in the Scottish Rite directed their activity, while
the Masonic press described them as laborers and students expressing their
grievances. This practice still continues today.(14)
All Young society members throughout Europe were taught the art of subversion
by Grand Orient Freemasonry. They were ready when called upon to agitate,
demonstrate, instigate worker strikes, hold rallies, or to spy, bomb, and
assassinate. Also known as Anarchists and Nihilists, they were reckless of
every consequence, using dynamite, the knife, or the revolver for the
benevolent cause of Grand Orient Freemasonry. Msgr. Dillon specifically
mentions that these hoodlums (whose protection had been written into the
French Constitution), would go to Paris where they were taught the use and
manufacture of dynamite.(15)
Although Young society members in Mazzini's day were described as loose-knit
with no direction, they were in fact highly organized. A few were wealthy.
Some were laborers and students, others, paid rioters. The majority had no
jobs at all, yet spent money freely -an enigma to those who had no knowledge
of their Masonic backers. After their grievances were aired by the Masonic
press, public opinion turned in the direction favorable to Grand Orient
In short, the Young society members were hoodlums trained to do the bidding
of the Templar Scottish Rite Hierarchy. Their duty was to spread the Templar
revolution throughout Europe. Mazzini was their leader.
With this rabble, Mazzini brought Italy her Masonic Revolution. Throughout
these insurrections, Young Italy, with no skills or aims other than causing
havoc, supported themselves by robbing banks, looting or burning businesses
if protection money was not paid, and kidnapping for ransom. Throughout Italy
the word spread that "Mazzini autorizza furti, incendi, e attentati,"
meaning, "Mazzini authorizes theft, arson, and kidnapping." This phrase was
shortened to the acronym, M.A.F.I.A.(16) Organized crime was born.

A Weishaupt-Mazzini Connection

Many conspiracy researchers, as we have noted, postulate a formal association
between Adam Weishaupt, father of Illuminism, and Guiseppe Mazzini. If in
fact Weishaupt appointed Mazzini, as some have alleged, no source of
documentation has been offered that can be verified. Yet, a comparison of the
revolutionary systems of Mazzini and Weishaupt, show both are identical in
many areas. For example: l) both hierarchies were Masonic; 2) both Masonries
offered the same degrees; 3) both used identical symbols, passwords, and
grips; 4) both wanted to destroy the Church; 5) both used assassination as a
means to an end; 6) both maintained the Luciferian doctrine, although Mazzini
adopted it later in life; and 7) both had the goal of establishing a world
government. Therefore it is easy to suggest that Weishaupt appointed Mazzini.
Similarities make good circumstantial evidence, and many cases have been won
on that alone -- that is, if differences are overlooked. Although there are
similarities between Weishaupt and Mazzini's purposes and their execution,
when examining the two men's differences, it is highly improbable that the
activities of the latter are a continuation of the former's program.
Weishaupt was a Sionist-Rosicrucian. Mazzini was a staunch Templar.
Secondary differences drive them even further apart. For example, the Priory
of Sion was royalist, the Templars republican -- a strong political division.
The royalists were right wing, the republicans left wing; the right wing was
capitalist, the left wing socialist-communist. The capitalists were
non-union, the socialists union -- this making a strong economic division.
The capitalists were rich, the unionized working man poor -- which makes for
deep social division. Finally, the Sionist conspiracy maintained control
through money, while the Templar conspiracy controlled by brute force.
Wars have been fought over any one, or all of these divisive issues. Yet, the
defined purpose of the conspirators was, and still is, to unite the world,
not divide it. Therefore, a single conspiracy that plans division as a means
to unite is illogical. Our forefathers understood this concept when Patrick
Henry said, "United we stand, divided we fall!"
Nevertheless, researchers have alleged that the conspirators intentionally
designed a program to divide as a means of control. True, people become
polarized when divided. As such, a divided nation is so weakened that it can
be taken captive. However, divided nations cannot be united, nor can a
divided world. The only logical answer to division in conspiracy is that
there are two conspiratorial orders vying for control of the one New World
Order. We recognize them as Scarlet and the Beast in the book of Revelation.
Scripture confirms that Satan controls both.
Satan is the father of division. We see his kingdom divided here on earth,
manifested in the struggle between the Knights Templar (French Freemasonry)
and the Priory of Sion (English Freemasonry). Masons on both sides of the
conspiracy may want to unite, but when Satan is their god, division is
certain. The Adversary may think division is a brilliant maneuver, but Jesus
says in Matthew l2:25-26 that it will bring him destruction. This is our hope.
The fact remains, when Weishaupt died, Mazzini did emerge a leader in what
appeared to be the same conspiracy. And like Weishaupt, Mazzini and his
cohorts did attempt to unite both Freemasonries. In fact, Mazzini met with
greater success.

Mazzini and International Freemasonry

Mazzini was in contact with Masonic revolutionaries throughout the world:
Giuseppe Garibaldi, leader of the revolutionary army in Italy; Louis Kossuth
of Hungary; Stanislas Vorcell of Poland; Alexander Herzen of Russia; Henry
Palmerston of England; Otto von Bismarck of Germany; and Albert Pike of the
United States. De Poncins notes that twenty-two years after Mazzini's death
the Rivista della Massoneria Italiana said of him and his assistants:
"'Mazzini, Garibaldi and Kossuth shine with unsurpassed glory which make
crowned heads turn pale."(17)
In fact, before his death, Mazzini, with American Freemason Albert Pike
(1809-1891), English Freemason Henry Palmerston (1784-1865), and German
Freemason Otto von Bismarok (1815-1898), had cooperated in uniting the
hierarchies in French, British, and American Masonry in a super rite founded
by Albert Pike. All four men, as 33rd degree Masons, were destined to rule
Universal Freemasonry through this rite. Miller states that "Albert Pike, in
honour of his Templar Baphomet,(18) which was in keeping of his first and
historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed Palladian Rite
or New and Reformed Palladium."(19)
The word "Palladian" is the key here to the Templar orientation of the
Supreme Council. The word "Palladium" comes from the Hindu "pala," for the
male sex organ. "Pala" in Latin means "phallus" and is the universal emblem
of kings. Thus, the Palladium ruled like a king.(20) Pike's symbol of
Baphomet also represents the generative forces within man, which, according
to Masonic doctrine, are the means of man's deification(21) The Palladium, as
the Baphomet, takes its origins from the Templars, not the
Sionists-Illuminati. Yet, as we shall see in another chapter, its religious
dogma is identical to the Luciferian doctrine established by Weishaupt.
Under the administration of these four High Masons, the doctrines of the
Palladium were spread rapidly within the Templar Scottish Rite Lodges. High
Masons, with whom Palladians came in contact, were candidates for initiation.
They in turn, took the doctrine back to their respective lodges.

Lord Palmerston

Pike, Mazzini, Bismarck, and Palmerston were the leaders of Freemasonry in
their respective countries. So important to English Masonry was Prime
Minister Palmerston that the authors of Dope, Inc. state that "nearly
every...inhabitant of Britain's political netherworld followed a chain of
command that led through the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry directly to Lord
Palmerston and his successors."(22)
This chain of command enabled Palmerston to assist Masonic revolutions with
British pounds. When Mazzini called for financial aid to fund his Grand
Orient insurrection in Italy (1848-1865), he turned to Palmerston, who
encouraged Parliament to back Mazzini's effort. The duped politicians
allocated funds to their Templar adversary.
Following Palmerston's death the Earl of Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli
(1804-1881), a Jewish Freemason, was elected Prime Minister, taking up
Mazzini's cause. Disraeli had more decency than did Palmerston. Instead of
using the taxpayer's pounds, he went to the two leading Jewish bankers,
Freemasons Rothschild and Monteflore, and Mazzini's funding continued. (23)
Disraeli later discovered his error and published Lothair, a novel about
secret societies in European politics. The novel stated, "The world is
governed by very different personages to what is imagined by those who are
not behind the scenes...."(24)

The British East India Company

English Freemasonry became interested in Mazzini's Grand Orient MAFIA for a
specific reason. To understand why, we must first take a look at a brief
history of the British East India Company (BEIC) as told by the authors of
Dope, Inc.
>From the late 1600s the BEIC, whose stockholders were English Freemasons, was
heavily involved in opium and slave trading. Slave trading, however, was
drastically curtailed when in 1772 Great Britain made it illegal.(25) To make
up the slack in revenues, opium sales increased in Europe, where the drug was
sold as a treatment for pain. The BEIC became extremely wealthy during the
Napoleonic Wars when governments bought the drug by the ton for their wounded
soldiers. After Waterloo, however, drug sales dropped substantially.
Consequently, the BEIC stockholders began developing a new drug market in
China. Assisting them were the vicious Triads, the Oriental secret societies
similar to Western Freemasonry. The attempt to develop a China market
entangled Great Britain in her First Opium War with China in 1840. After
winning that war, merchant Masons throughout the next two decades established
many Masonic Lodges in China for the purpose of controlling their drug
Financial catastrophe struck the BEIC once again when the American Civil War
(1860-1865) eliminated their largest slave market. To compound their
financial woes, after the Civil War, the bottom dropped out of the American
opium market when the drug was no longer needed for our wounded soldiers.
Moreover, by 1870 the world was at peace, reducing still more the necessity
for the legitimate sale of opium.
The BEIC was in serious financial trouble. For two centuries the shipping
industry had been the largest industry of England, the industry most
responsible for carrying the British flag around the world, the industry that
supplied all of Great Britain's colonies. If the BEIC did not generate a new
market for its opium, the British economy would collapse.
In the late 1850s, as we shall learn in volume three of Scarlet and the
Beast, the BEIC had already determined to open Western Europe and the
Americas to illegal drugs. This expansion required banking headquarters In
the Orient for financing the expansion. Hence, Great Britain entered her
Second Opium War with China in 1859-1860, and gained sovereignty over Hong
Kong as her prize. By 1873 the BEIC was dissolved and its stockholders well
established in banking.(27) Hong Kong became Great Britain's far-eastern
banking center, financing both poppy farmers and drug manufacturers.(28)
While Great Britain was entangled in her Second Opium War, English
Freemasonry searched for a channel to traffic her drugs in Western Europe.
The ruthless character of the Masonic Mafia, similar to that of the Triads,
would serve England's passive drug lords well. Great Britain, as protector of
Sicily during the Napoleonic Wars, was able to offer Mazzini's displaced
Mafia a home on the island of Sicily. In 1860, the year Great Britain ended
her Second Opium War, Garibaldi's army, aided by the British navy, invaded
Sicily. The Mafia immediately established its headquarters on this island
nation, using it as a hub for heroin distribution worldwide. From then until
now, attempts to suppress its control of the heroin trade have failed.(29)

The French Communist Revolution of 1848

While Mazzini was building his Masonic Mafia empire in Italy, the Templar
Grand Orients of France were still unsettled as to which political format
best suited them. In 1793 pure democracy had ended in anarchy. In 1830, when
the three-day revolution dethroned Charles X, the word socialism was coined
in both the French Grand Lodge and the Grand Orient Lodge to define the type
of government with which they would experiment. In 1835 the League of the
Just (consisting of the remnant of Masons who had belonged to the ruthless
Jacobin Clubs) was founded at Paris to lead the socialist movement.(30)
Pacifist socialism, however, was too slow a process for the impatient former
Jacobins and League of the Just. To augment a more rapid solidification of
power, the Grand Orient Jacobins once again formed communes, renaming the
League of the Just the Communist League.(31) French Freemasonry once again
divided in 1840 with the more radical communists on the one side, and
pacifist socialists on the other. By 1848 the spokesman for the communists
was Levi Mordechai (1818-1883), a German Jew who changed his name to Karl
Marx. Marx, a 32nd degree Grand Orient Mason, as well as a Frankist-Reform
Jew, had fled Germany to Paris, then moved to London where he resided until
his death.
Throughout the year of 1848, Grand Orient Freemasonry coordinated communist
uprisings all over Europe. Again, Freemasonry used Jews as fronts. Rabbi
Antelman notes that the wealthy Reform Jew, Heinrich Bernard Oppenheim, a
member of the Grand Orient's League of the Just, "was one of the masterminds
of the 1848 Communist revolution i Germany."(32)
Neal Wilgus, in The Illuminoids, expounds on these communist uprisings:

1848. Another year of disturbance. In a trance-like state occultist Sobrier
touches off demonstrations which lead to the fall of the Orleans monarchy in
France; Louis Philippe dethroned and Second Republic begins- Louis Napoleon
elected president of the assembly. Republic established in Rome. Abdication
of Ferdinand I of Austria. Freedom briefly declared in Hungary under Louis
Kossuth. Revolts in Denmark, Ireland, Lombardy, Schleswig-Holstein and
Venice. Germany briefly united in a parliament at Frankfort: unity destroyed
by the King of Prussia.(33)

Each of the revolutionary leaders operating throughout Europe were known
Masons -- Masons who had communicated in their lodge meetings the timing of
each eruption. France was in the forefront. When the Orleans monarchy was
toppled on March 6, 1848, the new provisional government was made up of
eleven members, nine of whom were Grand Orient Masons. The first order of
business was to receive an official delegation from the lodges -- a Masonic
parade with all the finery of their regalia.(34)
According to Miller, this delegation consisted of 300 Freemasons: "with their
banners flying over the brethren of every rite representing French
Freemasonry [they] marched to the Hotel de Ville, and there offered their
banners to the Provisional Government of the Republic, proclaiming aloud the
part they had just taken in the glorious Revolution."(35)

On March 7, 1848, the Paris newspaper, Le Moniteur, reported on this
so-called "worker's communist revolution." De Poncins quotes:

They saluted the triumph of their principles and congratulated themselves for
being able to say that the whole country has received masonic [sic]
consecration through the members of the government. Forty thousands masons
[sic]. distributed in more than five hundred workshops, forming between them
but a single heart and mind, were promising their support to achieve the work
already begun.(36)

Two weeks later a new delegation from the Grand Orient, arrayed in their
Masonic scarfs and jewels, marched to the Hotel de Ville. Waiting to receive
them was Adolphe Cremieux and Garnier Pages, both attended by their political
staffs, who also wore their Masonic emblems. Miller quotes a portion of the
speech given by the representative of the Grand Master:

French Freemasonry cannot contain her universal burst of sympathy with the
great social and national movement which has just been effected. The
Freemasons hail with joy the triumph of their principles, and boast of being
able to say that the whole country has received through you a Masonic
consecration. Forty thousand Freemasons in 500 lodges, forming but one heart
and one soul, assure you here of their support happily to lead to the end the
work of regeneration so gloriously begun.(37)
Adolphe Isaac Cremieux (1796-1880), a Jewish Mason, and member of the
Provisional Government, replied:

Citizens and brothers of the Grand Orient, the Provisional Government accepts
with pleasure your useful and complete adhesion. The Republic exists in
Freemasonry. If the Republic does as the Freemasons have done, it will become
the glowing pledge of union with all men, in all parts of the globe, and on
all sides of our triangle.(38)

When the National Assembly was formed, Freemasonry was back in control of
France and the Second Republic began. Elected as a deputy for Paris was
Victor Hugo, Grand Master (GM) of the Priory of Sion (GM 1844-1885).
Freemason Louis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, was elected president
of the Assembly. At first Hugo backed Napoleon, but the more the President
embraced an authoritarianism of the right, the more Hugo moved toward the
Assembly's left.(39)
Since Freemasonry held a majority in the Assembly, the lodge suggested the
Assembly follow its dictates. To guarantee Masonic control of the new
Republic, Freemasonry proposed to outlaw all competing secret societies,
which Communist dictatorships are prone to do. Consequently, a debate arose
in the Assembly concerning this question. Non-Masons wanted all secret
societies, including Freemasonry, outlawed. A few Masons agreed, stating that
Freemasonry was no longer needed, now that the Republic was a reality. Other
Masons, however, feared a return of royalty, who might use a competing lodge
to subvert the Republic. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry records a small
portion of the debate:

Bolette: I should like to have some one define what is meant by a secret

Coquerel: Those are secret societies which have made none of the declarations
prescribed by law.

Paulin Gillon: I would ask if Freemasonry is also to be suppressed?

Flocon: I begin by declaring that, under a republican government, every
secret society having for its object a change of the form of such government
ought to be severely dealt with. Secret societies may be directed against the
sovereignty of the people; and this is the reason why I ask for their
suppression; but, from the want of a precise definition, I would not desire
to strike, as secret societies, assemblies that are perfectly innocent. All
my life, until the 24th of February, have I lived in secret societies. Now I
desire them no more. Yes, we have spent our life in conspiracies, and we had
the right to do so; for we lived under a government which did not derive its
sanctions from the people. To-day [sic] I declare that under a republican
government, and with universal suffrage, it is a crime to belong to such an

Coquerel (somewhat confused): As to Freemasonry, your Committee has decided
that it is not a secret society. A society may have a secret, and yet not be
a secret society? I have not the honor of being a Freemason.

The President: The thirteenth article has been amended, and decided that a
secret society is one which seeks to conceal its existence and its

Freemason Flocon was in favor of outlawing all secret societies, including
Freemasonry. The majority of Masons, however, redefined Freemasonry as no
longer a secret society, since its subversive objectives of obtaining power
were no longer needed. In other words, Freemasonry is a secret society only
when not in power. When in power it no longer needs to be subversive;
therefore, it is no longer a secret society. Yet, it demands all competitors,
such as the Priory of Sion's Rosicrucians, whose king had just been
dethroned, be outlawed.
With its success, the now benevolent Grand Orient ceased its communist
agitation, became pacifist and was ready to make an attempt to unite Europe.
The Masonic Peace Congress was held in Paris in 1849. The Priory of Sion was
represented by Victor Hugo, who made the opening speech suggesting Europe
unite under the name "The United States of Europe," the first time that
slogan was used in those exact words. The effort fizzled for lack of support.
Miller notes that "it was not until some years later that it [the United
States of Europe] was formally adopted as the slogan of International
Concerning the French government, de Poncins informs us that despite the fact
that the government was essentially Masonic, the elected national Assembly
was patriotic, refusing to obey the guidelines set down by Freemasonry. The
Grand Orient, without hesitation, then turned to a man whom it knew to be its
own, and in December 1851 assisted Louis Napoleon in a coup d'etat.(42)
Victor Hugo made one attempt to resist and then fled to Brussels.(43)
In 1852 Napoleon defied the Grand Orient and proclaimed himself Emperor
Napoleon III. After a new constitution was decreed, he instituted a
dictatorial regime sanctioned by periodic plebiscites. Napoleon became an
enemy of the same Grand Orient that raised him to power. He ruled as Emperor
from 1852-1871, when finally he was deposed by schemes authored in the Grand
Orient Masonic Lodge, which schemes will be discussed in the next chapter.
Meanwhile, the Grand Orient revolutionary army in Italy, headed by 33rd
degree Mason General Garibaldi, was having difficulty defeating the Austrian
occupation forces. Mazzini, the political head of the Italian revolution,
turned to France for military assistance. Although Mazzini hated Napoleon
III, and several times attempted to have the Emperor assassinated, he asked
for Napoleon's help. Together with Piedmont-Sardinia, a region northwest of
Italy bordering on France and Switzerland, Napoleon III declared war on
Austria. The Emperor successfully expelled the occupation army and received
Nice and Savoy as a reward.(44)
With Napoleon victorious, the Templars saw another chance to preempt Sion's
long-desired United States of Europe. The Templar's version of the same would
be called the Federation of Republics. Miller gives a brief accounting of the
origins of the movement:

The impulse came again from the masonic [sic] lodges. In 1866, a Freemason
named Santallier composed a work on Pacifism for his brother masons [sic]
which led to the founding of the Union de la Paix, under the presidency of
another Freemason...named Bielefeld. The movement spread to Switzerland and
on September 5, 1867, a further Congress was held. The proceedings were
enlivened by a duel between the Constitutionalists and the Socialists, who
declared that kings, soldiers -- and some added priests -- must be swept away
in order to make room for the new Federation of Republics. The Socialists,
led by Emile Acollas, won the day. Dupont, Karl Marx's right hand, was
invited to represent the First Communist International, of which he was

Having no unity, the Templar's attempt at uniting Europe under a Federation
of Republics failed. The only outcome was the founding of the "League of
Peace and Liberty," which published a periodical entitled Les Etats-Unis de
Meanwhile, Napoleon III became more belligerent toward Freemasonry. The Grand
Orient tolerated him as long as it believed that it could count on his
obedience. But, when the Emperor became contentious, says de Poncins, "Then
the support was withdrawn in proportion as Napoleon tried to lean on France
itself in order to regain his independence."(47)

The French Revolution of 1871

In 1870 Napoleon[III] declared war on Germany and was miserably defeated. He
was deposed by Freemasonry in 1871 and the Third Republic began. De Poncins
outlines the events:

The disaster of 1870 hastened events and masonry [sic] was obliged to
intervene sooner than it would have desired. Renewing the attempt of 1789 it
sustained the commune. On the 26th April 1871, fifty-five lodges, more than
ten thousands masons [sic]. led by their dignitaries, wearing their
insignias, went in procession to the ramparts to place banners there to the
number of sixty-two. At the Hotel de Ville, the Mason Tiriforque in saluting
the revolutionary power said to the rioters: "Communism is the greatest
revolution which the world has been given to behold."
When the Commune was over, the secret societies which had not been able to
prevent the election of an assembly with a monarchist majority planned
together all over Europe in order to oppose the accession to the throne of
the comte de Chambord who represented stable power in legitimacy, heredity
and authority.
Freemasonry after having gained as much as it could from the different
governments which succeeded each other from 1789 finally reached the form of
government which suited it best: that is the Republic under which it is easy
for it to seize control.
>From that time on France has been rolling downwards. The third republic has
mostly applied the laws elaborated by freemasonry [sic] destroying little by
little what remained of the elements of social conservation. Taught by the
events of 1789, 1830, 1848 and 1871 it goes slowly but surely. The monarchy
having definitively been brought down, it is a question of overthrowing the
other base of the old society, namely catholicism [sic]. All the policy of
the third republic has been concentrated on this point for fifty years.(48)

In its attempt to overthrow the Church, Freemasonry promoted the doctrine of
Humanism. De Poncins confirms this by quoting from a speech given by
Freemason M. Viviani on January 15, 1901: "'Do not fear the battle offered to
you; accept it, and if you find in front of you this divine religion which
idealizes suffering by promises of future recompense, oppose it with the
religion of humanity which also idealizes suffering by offering it, as
recompense, the happiness of human generations."(49)

The French Masonic State and Its Aims

At the Masonic convention of 1902, at a time when the Catholic Church was
again fighting this godless system in France, de Poncins quotes the Mason who
made the closing speech: "'This is the last phase of the struggle of the
church and its congregation against our republican and laical society. This
effort must be the last."(50)
By this time Freemasonry was bold enough to take off its mask and everywhere
proclaim its victory. De Poncins quotes the Masonic public newspaper Matin,
as early as 1893, openly stating in one of its articles:

We may affirm, without being overbold, that the majority of the laws which
the French submit to -- we speak of important political laws -- have been
examined by freemasonry [sic] before appearing in the official gazette. The
laws on primary education, on divorce, the military laws and among others the
law obliging seminarists to do military service, went from the rue Cadet
[headquarters of Grand Orient Freemasonry to the Palais Bourbon; and they
came back inviolate and definitive. In conclusion comes this shout of
triumph: 'We are still all powerful, but on condition that we compose our
aspirations in a simple formula. For ten years we have marched forward
repeating: 'Clericalism is the enemy!' We have everywhere schools without
religious teaching, priests are reduced to silence and seminarists have to
carry the soldier's pack. That is no ordinary result in a nation which calls
itself the eldest daughter of the Church.''(51)

Following World War One, with the creation of the League of Nations, French
Freemasonry made another bid to form a united Europe, this time actually
calling it the United States of Europe. Stoddard reveals the story by quoting
from the 1922 Convention minutes of the Grand Lodge of France:

The principal tasks of the League of Nations consist in the organization of
peace, the abolition of secret diplomacy, the application of the right of
peoples to self-determination. the establishment of commercial relations
inspired by the principle of Free Trade, the repartition of basic matters,
the regulation of transport, restoration of normal relations between national
devices, and the creation of an International note; the development of
international legislation of labour, and especially the participation of an
organised working-class in international councils; the spread of a general
pacifist education based notably on the extension of an international
language; the creation of a European spirit, of a League of Nations
patriotism -- in brief, the formation of the United States of Europe, or
rather World Federation.(52)

In 1923, at its annual convention, Grand Orient Freemasonry sounded its note
of praise to the forerunner of the United States of Europe. De Poncins
quotes: "'It is the duty of universal Freemasonry to give its absolute
support to the League of Nations, so that it [Freemasonry] no longer has to
be subject to the partisan influences of Governments."(53)
A toast was then given by the- President of the Grand Orient. De Poncins
quotes: "'To the French Republic, daughter of French masonry [sic]. To the
universal Republic of to-morrow [sic], daughter of universal masonry
Templar French Freemasonry had resigned itself to the fact that its one-world
government would have to wait. At first it was to be loose-knit in the League
of Nations. Later a more binding European unity could be inaugurated under
the name "United States of Europe." A Universal Republic, however, was still
a future consideration. For now French Masons concentrated on the election at
The election of 1924 was a triumph for the Grand Orient socialists. At the
head of the government was socialist Edouard Herriot. De Poncins quotes R.
Mennevee, who wrote in 1928:

The 11th May 1924, the adversaries of freemasonry [sic]
 marked the most complete defeat which they have perhaps ever suffered. This
republican victory was characterized, from the masonic Isicl point of view,
by the fact that there was elected to the chamber of deputies a considerable
number of masons [sic] whose quality as such was notorious, while the heads
of the anti-masonic [sic] organizations were ignominiously beaten....(55)

The Herriot socialist cabinet of 1924 was dominated by Freemasons. That year
A.G. Michel published La dictature de la Franc-maconnerie sur la France, in
which he documented that the policies installed by Herriot's government were
first discussed, then drawn up in Grand Orient Conventions during the
previous four years.(56) When Herriot won the election, the Grand Orient sent
him a loyal address. De Poncins quotes that address: "'Before we begin, allow
me to send greetings from all Freemasons to our great citizen Herriot, who,
although not himself a Freemason, is so successful in putting into practice
our Masonic ideas."(57)
The influence of Freemasonry in French politics was thus summarized in 1926
by a well-known Italian author of that era, 33rd degree Freemason, Albert
Lantoine. De Poncins quotes Lantoine's praise: "'The advent of the Republic
permitted Freemasonry to act outwardly and to take such a place in the State
that its adversaries could say that France was not a republic but a
freemasonic [sic] State."(58)

Fascism and Nazism

France was only one example of a Masonic State. After dethroning the
Monarchies throughout Europe with World War I, Freemasonry placed its own in
governments across the Continent. These men had no prior political or
financial experience. In their attempt to socialize government (a system
unproven politically and economically), the world was plunged into
depression. This gave rise to Fascism. The Fascists and Nazis. however. did
not go after Freemasonry as the cause of world unrest. They went after the
Jews, so well had Gentile Grand Orient Freemasonry made them the scapegoats
in carrying out its diabolical communist conspiracy.
Fascism was nationalistic in nature, opposed to Freemasonry's universalism
Fascists and Nazis were haters of Jews first, then haters of Masons. Their
success was due largely to the powerless League of Nations, as well as to the
inexperience of Masonic politicians, many of whom were Jews. For example, the
French Communist Party leader in the 1930s was Grand Orient Freemason Leon
Blum, a Reform Jew. Blum was an intimate friend of the Russian Communist and
Grand Orient Freemason Leon Trotsky (Bronstein), also a Reform Jew. Trotsky,
residing in Paris at the time, had fled the wrath of Joseph Stalin, who was
married to a Jewess.
The Fascists and Nazis were well aware that both Blum and Trotsky were Jews
and accused Stalin of being controlled by Jews, who, they claimed, brought
Russia the Bolshevik Revolution. (See Appendix 2, Fig. 32,) As designed by
Gentile Freemasonry. when Blum rooted out the Fascists from France in the
mid-1930s, his Masonic affiliation was not remembered. Jewry and not
Freemasonry was accused of controlling the conspiracy behind French communism.
To successfully defeat the extreme right-wing Fascists, Blum formed a
collectivist party to maintain control of the tottering government and named
it the Popular Front. The coalition was among the three warring left-wing
factions in Grand Orient Freemasonry, consisting of the Communists, Pacifist
Socialists and Radical Socialists. In 1936 Blum was elected Prime Minister.
His cabinet, his ministers and his under secretaries were all communist Grand
Orient Freemasons.(59)
De Poncins confirms that "This alliance was made under the aegis of
Freemasonry. The League for the Rights of Man, under the leadership of Victor
Basch and Emile Kahn, played a preponderant part in this union of Left wing
When Mussolini and Hitler rose to power, they almost silenced the Continental
Masonic conspiracy during World War II. For example, both dictators outlawed
Freemasonry in their respective countries in 1925 and 1933, perceiving it to
be of Jewish origin. Then they set out to obliterate it from the face of
Europe. Although the Jews received the brunt of Hitler's wrath, Freemasonry
had no idea that in the process it too would be decimated. With European
economies in shambles, and the war raging all around, the Lodge could do no
better than succumb to persecution.
Throughout the Second World War, English Freemasonry secretly funded Hitler
to war against her Templar adversary. The Fuhrer's funding was distributed
through the oligarchy Bank for International Settlements (BIS), founded in
1930 and safely headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. Hitler would have
succeeded in destroying the Templar conspiracy on the Continent and in
Bolshevik Russia had he not turned against England.(61)
Meanwhile, French lodges went underground during the war, forming the
resistance movement headed by General Charles de Gaulle. When the war ended
in 1945, Grand Orient Freemason Leon Blum was back in power as the
provisional president. That year the Grand Orient-directed Gaullists and
communist thugs arrested Frenchmen who had collaborated with the Nazis and
shot them like dogs. Even their children were tied to execution posts and
shot. Their women were paraded naked in the streets, their heads shaven,
before being tortured to death. The year the war ended the French Grand
Orient murdered 1.25 million of its own people. The Masons then appropriated
to themselves the property of their victims.(62)
Today, France continues to march under the flag of the Grand Orient, led at
this writing by 33rd degree Freemason, Francois Mitterrand, president   since
1981.   On December 31, 1992,  Mitterrand plans to be on hand to help
inaugurate Masonry's long-awaited United States of Europe. Working hard for
its creation is Otto von Habsburg, holder of the Sionist  title, "King of
pps 313-332
Aloha, He'Ping
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Peace Be, Amen.
Roads End

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