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<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:529668">Nazi MI5</A>
Subject: Nazi MI5
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Corley)
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 1999 9:31 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is an article which I faxed to MPs a few weeks ago. It's probably a
childish to compare even our own un-esteemed secret police to what happened
central Europe 50-60 years ago. This is the most extreme article I've ever
written really. Don't be offended by it, it's only directed at a small group

*** Comparing the MI5 Persecution with German "Final Solution" ***

It might seem offensive to compare the mass murder of millions of civilians
wartime with the peacetime persecution of merely one person. Yet the
has been coursing through my mind for several years now, because the
of German intent to "sub-humans" is very much comparable to the brutality of
British intent to someone they vituperate and term "not up to British
standards". The methods may differ, but the persecutors mindset is the same.

---> The Germans first targeted the mentally disabled, too <---
During WW2 millions of ethnic Russians, Poles, Jews, mentally ill, gypsies
other minorities were rounded up and murdered in purpose-built camps by the
German regime, in the name of "racial superiority". Fifty years on, the
Secret Police, MI5, instituted a campaign of mass hysteria; but in their
cowardice, limited their activities to one single victim.

It is instructive to note that the early German "cleansing" effort was
primarily not at Jews, but at the mentally ill. The Nazis set up the T4
in the thirties to "cleanse" away 70,000 mentally disabled people, including
schizophrenics and epileptics. After WW2 the Jews with their media influence
used the reaction from the holocaust to roll back anti-semitism in the
countries; however, the mentally ill are today still a persecuted group in
modern Western world as they were under the Nazis (the current home secretary
in the UK intends to bring in laws for incarceration without any criminal
charge for some mentally ill people - he protects his own minority, but does
nothing for the other minorities in todays society), and this continuing bias
forms a central cause for the current acts of persecution in the UK.

---> Widespread knowledge of what is happening to the "un-British" minority
In both the German persecution of the thirties and early forties, and the
current British persecution, many, many people are well aware of whats
happening. There is widespread complicity through inaction of populace; and
a substantial proportion of the mainstread population, the persecution
widespread enthusiastic support; yet in both the German case in the 1940s and
the British today, the existence of persecution is a mass secret which must
never admitted out loud. In the recent Lawrence case this "secret bigotry"
been termed "institutionalised racism", and that is a very good word for what
the British are doing today The persecutory attitudes and omerta regarding
are so deeply ingrained in the national psyche that they define the national

During WW2 many Germans knew minorities were disappearing, and through
quietly condoned their government's mass murder of "un-German" minorities and
inferior "foreigners"; and in the 1990s, similarly, many English people know
what the MI5 British Secret Police have been doing, and not only condone it,
but actively take part, because of xenophobia against the "un-British" unit
minority that is the target of "British" actions. This attitude by the
persecutors has been made explicit through the words "he's not up to British
standards"; the British seem to have found their very own "untermenschen" to

---> Why these obsessive "holy wars" happen <---
This type of aggression occurs when the majority is threatened or humiliated
some way, economically, militarily or culturally. In pre-WW2 Germany the
was primarily economic and military, following Germany's humiliating defeat
the first world war and the reparations it was forced to pay. In modern
Britain, one might guess that the majority English who are behind the
persecution feel pressured by the swiftly diminishing status of Britain in
world, and the rapidly increasing coloured colonisation of their country,
in time will see the ethnic English a minority in their own land, and their
more antisocial elements, unable to reply to the obvious threat, instead
project their aggression onto another, weaker, unit minority

In both cases there is a whiff of "holy war" or irrational obsession with the
persecution. Certainly the German behaviour fifty years ago bordered on the
not-quite-sane, and the current British behaviour towards their chosen victim
is strongly tinged with a leave-taking of reason. And the choices open to the
victims are the same, since MI5 will never allow me to escape them, "if he
tries to run away we'll find him", just like the commandant of Auschwitz
telling the new arrivals, "the only escape is through the chimney".

---> The Victim Will Destroy Us if We Dont Destroy Him First <---
The persecutors propaganda is the same. Fifty years ago the Germans said, "if
we don't do it to the Jews then the Jews will do it to us"; and MI5's
propaganda in the early nineties concentrated on their victim as a "monster"
and a "terrible threat we must all defend against". Defence, of course, is
through remorselessly attacking the victim, which in the British case is what
happened continuously from 1990-92, and is still happening today.

And there is a similarity in the perception by rational people of the
The Jews were a harmless, "polite" minority who did almost nothing to defend
themselves when the crunch came; likewise, I have never harmed anyone, nor
back despite the countless provocations of the abusers. And the persecutors
have the same mindset; they are authoritarian, devious and brutal. I have to
admit that there is a similar lack of "fight against might" in both cases as
well; I have never defended myself physically, because that would be a signal
for the MI5 persecutors to start physical assaults against me, with the blame
attached to myself; likewise, the Jews were well-known for co-operating in
their own mass extinction, making no attempt to defend themselves.

---> Eviction becomes Extinction <---
The first element of German oppression was forced emigration to other
countries; and the MI5 persecution also had the effect of forcing me out of
Britain, attempting to settle in a distant country. namely Canada. But the
British persecution is worse in this respect than what the Nazis did, because
MI5 followed me to Canada and continued to harass me there, with the aim of
snuffing out my life; and I am quite sure that if I were to try to make a
for myself again in Canada, then the MI5 persecutors would follow and make
unbearable for me again. Eviction from homeland turns into something worse,
namely overt extinction of victim.

---> "You were used as an experiment in some form." <---
Even in surprisingly minor details, the similarities between the Nazi effort
against "un-Germanic" minorities fifty years ago, and the current MI5 effort
against an "un-British" unit minority, are to be found. For example, the
Germans excused to themselves their brutality by inflicting some "medical
experiments" on their prisoners as a rationale for their actions; and
I have heard several times over the years from MI5 is that their persecution
me is excusable because it they are "experimenting" on me; in particular, a
newsgroup contributor who is known to have MI5 connections said in February

>the only way an average person like you could have become a target is:
>       (1)     You were considered "important" [....], or
>       (2)     You were used as an experiment in some form.

If my case is an experiment then what was it a trial run for? The
make you shudder. If their experiment succeeds and they do extinguish my
which group will be next for the treatment?

---> Humiliation of "Untermenschen" <---
There are similar techniques of increasing persecution and humiliation of the
minority. The Germans first did the Jews out of work (as MI5 has repeatedly
attacked my employment and forced me out of work), then stripped them of
and differentiated them from the rest by forcing them to wear star-of-David;
I have been differentiated from the rest and tagged by having my face known
many thousands.

The techniques of humiliation and sexual humiliation are again similar. The
Nazi SS guards forced women to strip and endure taunts, while MI5 inflict
violation of privacy using their "spy-cams" and throw violent and depraved
sexual taunts at their victim.

The Nazi logic for choosing Slavs, jews and gypsies to populate their
concentration and extermination camps was that these were sub-human
"untermenschen" who had no right to live on the same level as "civilised"
Germans. By ancestry I am Slavic and while in Germany I have seen their
contempt for my people continuing today. Yet during the MI5 persecution,
British people too have expressed their contempt for my race, too, and marked
me out as a "foreigner". A different time, a different country, yet so many
the themes are the same.

The Nazi maltreatment was brought to a halt by military defeat, with criminal
trials of the worst offenders at Nuremberg forcing the Germans to face up to
their war crimes. Since the MI5 persecution is carried out by the "permanent
goverment" establishment in the UK, a change of political administration
no difference to the course of the persecution, and the Security Service
continues its campaign against a troublesome "untermenschen" minority.

---> "We are decent fellows" say the Brutal Persecutors <---
During the course of researching this article I read part of the very
interesting book, "Hitler - A Study in Tyranny", by Alan Bullock. This volume
contains a quote from Himmler on the "Final Solution";

"Most of you know what it means when a hundred corpses are lying side by
or five hundred or one thousand. To have stuck it out, and at the same time
.... to have remained decent fellows, that is what has made us hard. This is
page of glory in our history which has never been written and is never to be

In the MI5 persecution, too, there is a thread of deliberate brutality to the
sick and vulnerable, while the persecutors maintain that "we are decent
fellows". There is almost a conscious schizophrenia in the self-attitudes of
the Security Service operatives and those in the public who they employ
me, which reflects the contradiction evident in the German attitude above. On
the one hand, they stoop to the lowest and most base behaviour; yet at the
time, the MI5 operatives tell themselves that since they are civilised
people, then surely they must by definition be "decent fellows". Any
is made the fault of the victim; "hes making us persecute him, so we need
no guilt".

Yet the conduct is atypical of the way these peoples see their normal modes
behaviour. Before WW2 Germany was not a country particularly noted for its
anti-semitism, and the organised slaughter was not typical of normal German
behaviour up to that point. Similarly, the current MI5 abuse goes against the
grain of British self-image as being "reserved" and "decent", since they are
using terms of abuse which are common among blacks and other supposedly
less-developed races, but not among the English.

---> Conclusion <---
The ultimate aim of both persecutions is the humiliation and physical
extinction of the persecuted group. The Germans did this in a very direct
the British Secret Police MI5 are acting indirectly and relying on
self-extinction of their target, because in peacetime and in the current
somewhat false climate of "political correctness" more direct methods are
impossible. If MI5 undertook more direct action the mass "omerta" would be

I have written this article with sincerity to show how a historically recent
persecution in another country parallels what is being done in this country
today. In both cases, the evil-doers are of their countries establishments,
rely on widespread tacit support to maintain the persecution and omerta
it. While the holocaust was undoubtedly the greater evil, it is important to
aware of the fact that had the Germans not been defeated fifty years ago,
plans would have gone through to total completion. In Britain today no force
threatens the "permanent government" of which the Security Service forms a
part; and it looks very unlikely that the wrongs perpetrated by the MI5
police will ever be revealed to public view, and the British secret state
brought to justice for its evil actions.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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