Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Subj:   NATO/Baltimore Attack
Date:   Wednesday, June 02, 1999 05:25:49 AM


©1999 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved


In  what this reporter feels is some of the most bizarre, disturbing,
inexplicable and chilling news yet about the Columbine High School
shooting incident is news that a large NATO truck--possible more than
one--and obviously at least some NATO troops, were reportedly present at

I ws notified by email by a TV viewer who DISTINCTLY recalls seeing the
NATO vehicle while watching local TV station Fox-WFLD in Chicago shortly
after the massacre began. The local station was picking up a live feed
from a CNN chopper in the air above Columbine High School.

We have spoken with a station representative of WFLD and can at least
verify that indeed they WERE broadcasting the feed as stated. WFLD
however apparently has no video record of their own as they were
rebroadcasting CNN's (live) video.

This information is EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT, powerful evidence of what an
utter lie the entire American populace is living under regarding the
true, fundamental status of our nation, who's actually running it, and
it's very socio/political foundations. This is literally DEVASTATING
news for any of us who still believe we live in some sort of "free,"
sovereign democratic republic.

It has long been postulated, with some very good evidence to back it up,
that the Denver area is one of the primary command, control and support
hangouts for the NEW WORLD ORDER crew. Reams of evidence far to
extensive to go over here give substantial weight to such statements.

This is what was reported regarding what our contact saw while watching
the Columbine tragedy unfold on TV.

."I saw a NATO bomb squad from a live helicopter shot on TV,:
made me wonder what they were doing there, who were the good guys and
who were the bad?

OK, this is what I saw on FOX WFLD Chicago. They had a live feed coming
from CNN and early on in the transmission they had a aerial view from a
helicopter, at about 12:30 CST. In the parking lot right outside of the
school there was what what looked like a blue moving van and in front of
the truck there was a four foot blue curved shield (looking like a half
of a barrel) with the letters of NATO clearly marked on this armor. Well
the camera did a close up but after only a couple of seconds that feed
was cut. 

I am POSITIVE about what I saw on FOX WFLD Chicago within the first hour
of coverage."

ANYONE who recalls seeing this while watching the CNN live camera feed
from a chopper PLEASE contact NewsHawk at once!

NewsHawk has also since received further verification and corroboration
that NATO military personnel were present at Columbine from people who
saw such personnel with NATO body shields on CNN almost IMMEDIATELY
after the massacre began--meaning they may well have been there

The following supportive testimony from ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is indicative
of what we've received. 

"To MY AMAZEMENT I saw a dark colored outfitted person with a personal
protection shield walking around and on the top of this shield it said =
N A T O  in white!! I said what in  the hell are they doing there, 15
minutes probably into the scene?? !!! I'm guessing about the time John

(This correlates time-wise with information revealed by my contact in
Chicago watching live CNN footage a NATO vehicle at Columbine.-JQ)

"I was going for NBC and flipped down both CNN and FOX: they're two
channels apart so hard telling."
John Whitney

The presence of NATO personnel and equipment operating ANYWHERE on
American soil is utterly and extraordinarily outrageous; and a complete,
total violation in every possible way of what WE BELIEVE TO BE our
national sovereignty. 

Furthermore, aside from these terribly serious implications just noted,
the presence of NATO personnel and equipment at Columbine High so soon
after the shooting began appears HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS in terms of their
possible involvement in some way with the mayhem and murder itself, as
this contingent was apparently literally on the scene immediately--if
not sooner.

Additionally we have noted that FBI personnel in riot gear were also on
the scene at Columbine EXTREMELY QUICKLY--if you get the drift. I guess
FBI riot squads and NATO vehicles and personnel just happened to be in
the neighborhood of Columbine High School that morning. Okay.....

Adding additional weight to the reported presence of NATO personnel at
Columbine, and even their complicity in the carnage itself is the
following quote from Chris Wisher as quoted in the Boulder News on
04/21/99 in  the  article 'Student Massacre:' "They were just shooting
everywhere," said Wisher. According to Chris the suspect who shot at
them was wearing a black coat, sunglasses and a BERET. Unfortunately I
did not get into specifics regarding the assailants' dress while asking
him questions. The statement about the beret sounds an awful lot like he
was describing a "Special Forces" type (European/NATO) military uniform.

Regrettably that channel of information seems likely to be cut off due
to his parents' attitudes.

The following email from Robert Dobarganes 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) contains yet further verification of 
military troops with NATO-like insignias on their clothing present at 
Columbine; AND evidence that at least SOME of the bombs and other 
explosive devices were NOT "backyard," or "Anarchist Cookbook" type 
devices, but rather very hi-tech, military-related explosives!

"Another thing I found has to do with an insignia on a supposed SWAT team
member dressed in military camo age fatigues which looks like a
three-point white star with points bent. This can be seen in a photo on
BBC News website....

"My son had mentioned a report he had heard on a local radio station he 
listens, to shortly after the attack about one (or more) of the bombs 
having "mercury switches" which certainly must mean it was a military 
explosive. Sounds alot like same type used in OKC blast. This apparently 
never made it to Internet news or print sources."

In support of growing indications that NATO and/or other non-US military
personnel were at the scene of the Columbine High School massacre are
some questions put to Officer Steve Davis of the Jefferson County
Sheriff's Department on 4/22/99.

A reporter asked the identity of a 2-Star General on scene at the
Columbine massacre shortly after it began. As this individual was
reported not only in full dress but VERY CLOSE TO THE SCHOOL and
CERTAINLY within any restricted perimeter set up by law enforcement, the
possibility this person was US officer with a child at the school seems
remote.  In fact, as I saw this footage myself I can attest there was
definitely a strong intimation in the reporter's question that this guy
was at the very LEAST, shall we say, "notably out of place."
The reporter continued that the tape had been reviewed and the General's
presence positively verified. Sheriff Davis didn't deny these facts but
rather feebly and stutteringly contended he was unaware of any such
person at Columbine.

If the TV crew was able zero in enough on the fellow to identify him as
a 2-star general they would have EASILY been able to identify him by
uniform as a "U.S." general AND of which branch of the military; and
would very likely have said so.

The entire tone of the questioning here had an undertone which could
best be described as very pointed, yet guarded--almost as if the
reporter KNEW the repercussions of the presence of a non-US military
officer on the scene immediately in such a sensitive situation was quite
explosive at the least.

So it is NOW CONFIRMED that a two-star general was at Columbine High
School very soon after the massacre began!

Even if it were a US military officer, that in itself is a violation of
the U.S. Constitution which EXPLICITLY FORBIDS military personnel being
used in domestic situations for any reason whatsoever--with the
exception of a state of MARTIAL LAW! 

How much more a tremendous violation of the most fundamental structure
of our nation it is then to have NON-U.S.military personnel so involved!
And on top of it all in such an apparently suspicious way! 

This news of NATO and/or other non-U.S. military personnel active on 
U.S. soil--ESPECIALLY IN CONNECTION WITH such a situation in which there 
is INDISPUTABLE evidence of coverup and conspiracy--is truly so
outrageous as to almost defy comprehension: certainly any quick and easy
comprehension. There are many, many DEEPLY DISTURBING implications. The
immediate presence of NATO personnel at Columbine High at the time of
the massacre is highly suspicious and may, along with evidence on types
of explosives at Columbine as noted above, indicate their DIRECT 
involvement in the tragedy. Furthermore it's undeniable that their
ACTIVE  presence ANYWHERE IN THIS COUNTRY is a tremendous, almost
inconceivable  outrage! Those political, military or other officials
responsible for  NATO personnel operating on American soil should be

Considering the obvious usurpation of the once relatively benign and
purely defensive NATO and it's military machine by New World Order
proponents Blair, the Royal Family [who by the way own MASSIVE amounts
of property in the DENVER AREA!], Clinton and even more so GORE, along
with a staggeringly long list of other traitors and sellouts; AND
considering the growing indications of a devious and fundamentally
malicious NATO/NWO agenda in the mushrooming Balkans World War 3 warmup,
the NATO presence at, and involvement in, the slaughter at Columbine
High School would seem to auger EXTRAORDINARILY NEGATIVELY for the
immediate future of our country. 


This information could and SHOULD lead to SERIOUS social uproar and
unrest in this country.

Massacre Threatened July 4 in BALTIMORE! 

(The following reprinted article and related information were brought to
our attention by researcher Bob Dobarganes
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). He has also provided supporting
information to NewsHawk regarding NATO and/or other non-US "Special
Forces" troops seen at Columbine during the massacre.-JQ)
Sydney Morning Herald
Monday, April 26, 1999

Internet threat: death on the Fourth of July

Denver: The FBI fears that it has only 10 weeks to catch THE SUSPECTED
ACCOMPLICES of the two teenagers who carried out the Denver school
massacre before they embark on another violent attack to mark American
Independence Day.

As evidence grew last week that Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17,
dead, police uncovered information on the Internet that the so-called
Trenchcoat Mafia (TCM) planned to strike again.

Police have discovered that several warnings and clues were posted on
the Internet and at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, that a
massacre was imminent.

An anonymous Internet user claimed last week that another "sacrifice"
was planned in Baltimore, Maryland, for July 4. "Death awaits … The
stage is set," wrote TCMJEF - believed to be "Trenchcoat Mafia Jefferson
[County]". ...

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