-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:530113">BILDERBEG SCAM ?</A>
Date: Sat, Jun 5, 1999 7:06 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The present Bilderberg Conference that is on-going it
Sintra,Portugal,from June 3rd- 6th appears to be a SCAM or PLOY...

 NONE(?) of those mentionnend earlier on a leaked list APPEARS to be
there,if we compare it with the Official Bilderberg relase list of
invited guests !

So one can conclude(?) ot hint that :

-Bilderberger watchers have HYPED that annual Conference for monetary
gains-sell docs,books,give conferences,newsletters,etc about evil

-The RELEASED official list of invited guest is a BOGUS one-that is
there is ANOTHER LIST  but rael problems here as many of the political
invited guests will nOT be there-The Pope is now in Poland,Clinton In

-DISINFORMATION,once again-governmental/Bilderberger AGENTS  "leaked the
it was doen INTENTIONALLY..

 So what to conclude ?

Simply that the Bilderberger Conference is NOW an annual DECOY.It has
seved it usefullness.The REAL conference is at another place,under
another name and probably broken into more manageable groups(30-40 ?)
and all are connected via the NET through video-Conferencing..

 One proof is that the  upcoming G-8 Foreign Minister conference that
was supposedly to be held in Cologne this Coming Monday is going to
be(as per latest news) delayed due to TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES...

I think that the real Bild Conference is closer to the meeting of the
G-8 Meeting,under the guise of preparatory meetings for the G-8..It
would eb interestign to see who will be thre let us say 1 week before
the official opening of the G-8 Summit...

The G-8 is just a PR Global job-even mainstream media acknowledges that
the world leaders are just there for photo ops-all has been decided
BEFORE yet the media remains silent as to how it did happened..

Final though-always BEWARE of ex-Spooks(secret service
agents),informers,ex-insiders,etc...they are  ALWAYS agents of
These people have been used time and time again in the UFO field..Why
do  gullible people keep falling for this ?People are CHOSEN to be
secret.covert,etc agents   with a primordial ingredient-they will stay
LOYAL to the BITTER END..no matter what   and these agents are trained
all their  active life just to do that so that when they leave the
service they WILL remain agents(sleepers).They will NOT TELL... In fact
very FEW DO like Thompson who only told a fraction of what he knows and
look the mess he has gotten into...

So all those "tell them all "going around the UFO circuit,writing
books,putting out videos,on radio/tv talk shows are JUST
ENTERTAINERS,but governmental PAID entertainers..(or fools being
controled)Same case can be made for ex-Bilderbergers etc...

Those with Bilderberger Websites,etc better do some quick accountability
because their credibility is spiralling towards zero...in my books
anyway...Guess they were had too ! Now that is the ultimate
conspiracy-to fool the conspiracy buffs,Bilderberger watchers..


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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