-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.23/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 23
Laissez Faire City Times
June 7, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 23
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Freedom, Choice, and Consequences

by Robert L. Kocher

Among the long-term consequences of the borderline-psychotic social
revolution of the sixties and seventies are many common misconceptions
of the nature of freedom, of what constitutes choice, and what freedom
does not confer.

Few people today understand what freedom or is, or could define freedom.
They believe freedom allows them unlimited right to do what they want to
do. However, that is not a definition of freedom, but of unlimited
egocentricism, of license, or of unlimited freedom of action. Far from
being the basis of a free society, it's a recipe for tyranny.

The ideal condition of freedom of action would be to have the freedom
from responsibility of a child, while having the autonomy and power of
an adult—along with infinite financial resources. Until recently, kings,
queens and princes lived under that condition. The king could do as he
wanted, supported by enforced confiscation of the complete economic
resources of the kingdom when it suited him. It was neither good for the
royalty or the people. The royalty inevitably degenerated while the
people were drained and suffered. The economies of nations were enslaved
and destroyed for the building of pyramids, palaces and other royal
self-indulgences. Entire continents were at war in the service of
various royal temper tantrums. Overthrow of the existing order of mona
rchy was periodically necessary. This made up much of the content of
human history for the last four thousand years.

Members of royalty did not mature because it wasn't necessary for them
to do so. They didn't need to negotiate with their subjects because
their subjects interests were subordinate to those of the king or the
prince. They didn't need to consider reality because they were insulated
from reality. The process of giving up childhood egocentricism and of
balancing personal impulses against the rights of others is
intrinsically unpleasant. Kings and queens are not required to undergo
unpleasantness. This discomfort, as it is with all discomfort, will be
avoided if possible. In this case the discomfort is necessary to achieve
adult maturity. If you are the king or queen, you can make it a rule
that other people adapt to your wantonness and undergo the discomfort
instead of you.

It may not be a very happy relationship for your subjects, but, as king
or queen, you can decree the additional rule that your subjects are
required to like it. Besides, there is no place for your subjects to go.
If they go down the road to the next kingdom, there's no assurance that
the next king will be an improvement.

While it works for kings and queens, in ordinary day-to-day life this
doesn't work. As a practical matter only one member of any community can
have unconditional freedom of action while the other members inherently
become relegated to the oppressive role of forced adaptation to those
actions while having no rights. Thus, it can be seen that unlimited
personal action is not freedom or a free society. Absolute personal
freedom of action for any one person inherently means personal
subjugation of everyone else.

Mutual Agreement

Freedom means social and economic interactions occur on the basis of
mutual agreement between participating parties. This implies strong
restrictions upon behavior. In a free society you cannot willingly
subject other people to actions to which they reasonably disagree.
Actions which subject eventual intrusional consequences upon other
members of society or otherwise intrude upon their lives or damage them
are not acts of freedom, but acts of imposition or acts of enslavement.

To particularize with an example. there is no such thing as freedom to
rape someone. Rape is a crime against freedom. It violates the critical
principle of mutual agreement. It is the purposeful subjecting of
someone to an act to which he or she seriously and reasonably disagrees.
That constitutes a violation of freedom.

One of the first principles of a free society is that members of that
society have a responsibility to conduct their lives in such a way as
not to impose upon other community members. In addition to being a basic
political principle, this was once taught as part of having basic
respect for other members of the community. Many of what have become
mislabeled as contemporary social problems are in truth social
impositions people have imposed upon other members of society by
demanding license for themselves.

The indiscriminate having of children while charging the other members
of the community with the responsibility of maintaining those children
is not an act of freedom. It is a act of unagreed-upon imposition on the
lives of other community members. It is a crime against freedom.

Freedom to engage in a variety of actions does not constitute
endorsement of those actions. Nor does it obligate society to support
those actions. Freedom does not negate the consequences of those actions
and does not obligate society to negate the consequences of those
actions. Freedom only confers right to a variety of actions within rigid
limits. The consequences of an action are characteristic of reality, of
cause and effect. Political or social freedom does not change reality,
is not expected to change reality, and does not change cause and effect.

What Good Is Freedom?

The question then becomes, "What good is freedom?" The answer is,
freedom is often neither good or bad. Freedom is basically neutral. The
value of freedom in general or of any particular freedom depends
entirely upon how wisely it is used. The value of freedom to any
individual is only as good as the judgment that individual exercises.
Freedom permits people to make mistakes. Freedom demands the use of
judgment in making choices. Freedom used wisely is beneficial. Freedom
used unwisely is either useless or destructive. Freedom employed to
engage in actions which by their inherent nature produce chaotic or
destructive consequences is useless. Freedom to jump out of an airplane
and skydive without a parachute isn't very valuable, unless you find an
overwhelming thrill in making a dent in the ground at the cost of your
life--in which case be certain to make the first dent come out the exact
way you want it because there is an inherent limitation on opportunity
to improve your technique through repeated practice.

To particularize the principle, it has become common to become angry and
argue, "What good is sexual freedom if we still get herpes or we get
AIDS or we get pregnant? By telling me I'm going to get AIDS or cervical
cancer or herpes or by not providing abortions, you are restricting our
sexual freedom. You have no right to do that."

That is not a restriction of sexual freedom. These consequences
determine how that freedom should be used. Those consequences determine
which choices should be wisely made under freedom of choice. The
existence of an option does not negate the consequences of that option.
Nor does it make that option necessarily wise. Reality is imposing
consequences. Those consequences determine whether an option should or
should not be exercised. Reality is refuting the fantasy that
indiscriminate sex can be had without inconvenient physical or
psychological consequences. In fact, there are unpleasant consequences.
Sexual freedom ain't much. That's why this country is in the terrible
condition it is.

Sexual freedom requires realistic honest evaluation of the consequences
of sexual behavior. Sexual license doesn't.


Not everything people are free to do is wise or is to be engaged in.
Freedom grants permission to make mistakes with unpleasant consequences.
It also means the person making those choices has the responsibility to
accept and live those consequences. One of my junior high school
teachers used to say, as if making the wrong choice were an egg, "You
laid it, you hatch it." Ross Perot made a similar statement in one of
his speeches. A basic rule when he was in kindergarten was, "Everybody
clean up their own mess." In Perot's view, which has become novel in the
last 35 years, adults were also responsible for cleaning up their own
messes or responsible for living with the consequences of their
behavior. Freedom means freedom for everybody. Freedom does not mean one
person has the right to do what he or she wants, then force the
responsibility for the consequences and mess upon other people. That is
not freedom, but is license and criminality.

One of the conditions of the existence of a free society is that people
realize this. A free society requires individual judgment be employed to
evaluate risks and avoid unpleasant consequences. This responsibility is
implicit in freedom. There has been entirely too much talk about
unlimited exercise of unrestricted social or individual activity in the
last 30 years and too little emphasis on examination of consequences and
subsequent personal responsibility. We have wandered away from a free
society and gone into a society tyrannized by license and

Secondly, in the real world, choice is a decision between several
available options. Those options may be immediately mutually
exclusive—and usually are mutually exclusive. As a concrete example, you
can't spend $20,000 for a new automobile and continue to have that
$20,000 in your bank account. You can do one or the other, but one
course of action excludes the other. On the other hand, various options
may have temporal complexity in the form of delayed consequences which
may be pleasant or unpleasant. As a concrete example, you may buy the
new automobile, but then not have enough money in your bank account to
pay the rent three months later. In the mature adult world, we focus
upon the foreseeability of ultimate delayed consequences, viewing
present actions as a choice among those ultimate consequences.

Choices and Trade-offs

In the real world, choice is choice. Choice is a selection among several
options and implies that one cannot have them all. If one could have
them all and nothing need be given up, then there would be no need to
choose. Choice always means giving up something and means undergoing
some sort of discomfort.

At the present time, alarming proportions of several generations, acting
within the psychology of Feeling, Being, and Now in which people live
only for day-to-day existence and amusement, have distorted the concept
of choice down to either feeling good or not feeling good at the present
moment while denying existence of long term choices and consequences.
Under this pathological distortion the admission of whether or not there
is choice is no longer determined by the availability of various options
and consequences, but by the occurrence of immediate discomfort. If an
option means there must be a giving up of something or the experiencing
of discomfort, then that option is no longer looked upon as an option or
choice and is expunged by process of omission or de-emphasis. Since
decision or choice inherently means the discomfort of giving up
something, choice is rejected. Many people don't accept choice. They
don't want choice or decision to be the choice or decision, they want
something else to be the choice or decision. The something else which
they want to be the choice is remedial action which takes various forms.
They then seek to impose the responsibility and cost for that remedial
action upon other members of society.

To decrease unpleasant psychological elements and psychological
consequences, the remedial action in subjectively reducing psychological
realization or discomfort often takes the form of the remedy of escape
through denial—denial of there having been any original options and,
hence, denial of responsibility for making the original decisions.

Secondarily, there is denial of consequences. Since nothing has
supposedly happened, there need be no accountability and no need to take
responsibility. A concrete example might be when someone says he is not
hooked on drugs, or is doing as well in school as ever in spite of drug
use, and therefore it is incorrect to say use of drugs is dangerous--the
statement hiding the contradictory pattern of his increasing drug use
and the fact that he has manipulated himself into a less demanding
curriculum to compensate for decreased capability. The remedy, in the
case of denial, is not real in the sense of corrective, but is a
cosmetic remedy meant only to reduce subjective realization of a
deteriorated life situation and to therefore preclude anxiety over such
a realization as well as to escape a sense of guilt or responsibility.

Denial of Consequences

On the specific level, rather than give up indiscriminate sex, or give
up hit-and-run relationships, it is denied that there are any unpleasant
consequences. Rather than give up the use of "recreational drugs," it is
denied that the use of such drugs is serious or it is denied that there
are consequences to such drugs.

The individual and social trend have become one in which someone else is
to bear the responsibility and consequences. This is an imposition upon,
and a crime against, the freedom of other community members. In all the
talk, in all the psychologizing, in all the theorizing of sociological
predetermination, this basic fact has been forgotten or successfully

The realization that an accumulated irresponsibility will overwhelm and
destroy society has also been successfully avoided. And that destruction
is what is happening.

Two trends worry me concerning the loss of personal freedom in this
country. One of these is covered under the legal phrase or concept,
assumption of risk. In the legal concept there is the basic idea that
when one enters into behavior or actions that have inherent possible or
probable risks, you implicitly agree to take responsibility for that
decision by not holding other people responsible for mitigating,
 remedying, or compensating you for undesirable consequences resulting
from that choice. Collaterally, there is also the concept of
contributory negligence. That is, when a person contributes his own
critical component of negligence to a damaging situation, attribution of
responsibility, or liability, should not be placed upon other people.
These views have been lost from actions in day to day life, and are
becoming progressively eroded from law.

Second is the concept of personal space. People in this country have
traditionally possessed an area of personal space, or personal lives and
personal associations that have been free from outside intrusion, and
free from any requirement of having to be explained or justified to
other people. In recent years personal space has contracted under the
pressures of outsiders demanding that personal activities or
associations be useful to, or be reviewed by, them. Our lives, personal
associations, and group associations have increasingly become the assu
med property of other people and must be justified to other people.
Twice in recent years the Boy Scouts have been sued by atheists for
having reference to God in the Boy Scout oath. Whether or not the
atheists prevailed is not the issue. The danger to a free society is
that any court would presume outsiders had any right to exercise review
of, or compel, a private voluntary organizations, or that such an
organization need meet the interests of others who might hold views
antithetical to the purpose of that organization. This thinking is


Robert L. Kocher is the author of "The American Mind in Denial," as well
as many other articles. He is an engineer working in the area of
solid-state physics, and has done graduate study in clinical psychology.
His email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 23, June 7, 1999
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