-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.23/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 23
Laissez Faire City Times
June 7, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 23
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Well-Wishers Bid Families Adieu

by Peter Topolewski

Chalk up another victory for the decency soldiers of the feel-good 90s.
This one goes to the politically appointed social engineers in Canada’s
Supreme Court. With the familiar refrain "get with it, this is the 90s",
they delivered a decision to strike down the heterosexual definition of
"spouse", demonstrating that they lack foresight as much as the other
politically correct cronies who have, this decade, deconstructed meaning
in the name of "civility".

The case came to the Supreme Court of Canada when a Toronto lesbian
discovered she could not seek alimony from her ex-lover and business
partner because Ontario laws defined spouse as someone of the opposite
sex. The woman sued to have the definition struck down and two lower
courts agreed with her. The Ontario government appealed the decision all
the way to the top and lost. In its decision the court gave Ontario six
months to amend its laws, noting that dozens of them use the
heterosexual definition. The federal government and all the provincial
governments will have to fall in line or face future lawsuits.

Outside of the immense paperwork required, the legal ramifications are
far reaching. In addition to granting a gay person’s right to alimony,
the court decision affects the tax code, spousal benefits, health care
coverage, and such things as disclosure rules for elected officials and
political appointees. This means that with the benefits due them gay
couples will also take on the accompanying legal responsibilities and
headaches that heterosexuals know all too well – headaches and
responsibilities that many gays would happily and ironically leave to

The Meaning of Spouse

The woman who originally brought the case to court, and who long ago
settled out of court, was essentially in a contractual relationship born
of the time she spent with her girlfriend and the division of the spoils
from their business venture. Not surprisingly, at its core the Supreme
Court’s ruling outlines the legal contractual obligations required by
and of homosexuals in a relationship. But to grant these obligations by
questioning the definition of the word spouse and declaring that its
exclusively heterosexual application is unconstitutional is not only
pointless, but also unjustified. And the reason is simple – the
heterosexual definition of the word "spouse" cannot be unconstitutional
because that is what spouse means. And the alimony payments and the
legal obligations applying to spouses do not apply to homosexuals
because they are not, by definition, spouses. The Ontario laws do not
apply to homosexuals and therefore cannot be unconstitutional. If there
is an absence of law to cover the obligations and benefits due
homosexual couples, fine, but no matter what the Supreme Court says,
"spouse" concerns only husbands and wives.

The winners in this wondrous display of doublespeak are, as usual, the
lawyers. For they, most of all, will be busy in the courtrooms arguing
on behalf of a sibling, friend, and or half-relative roommate who is
common law and owed alimony among other things. Everyone, the courts
will convince us soon enough, in any kind of relationship has the right
to be a spouse. Or so the relativist vigilantes would have the rest of
us believe.

The problem is that with the ends in sight we have lost all sight of the
means. In fighting to inscribe in law the equal treatment of all people,
those fighting the equal rights battles have allowed equality to become
sameness. This is a travesty, for they are not interchangeable and
making them so is not desirable or the purpose of equal rights.
Providing a gay couple the legal protections and responsibilities they
deserved – "no more, no less" says John Fisher of EGALE, a Canadian gay
rights group – is not the same as saying a gay couple is a heterosexual

In the terms in which the ruling has been couched, such a prospect is
not desirable to either gays or heterosexuals. But the true goals go
beyond the strict arguments of the Supreme Court ruling. Ian Brodie, a
political science professor at the University of Western Ontario, states
that the ruling "stops short of saying same-sex couples can get married,
but that’s almost a secondary issue now." The problem of course is that
marriage is, by definition and by tradition, a union of a woman and a
man. If such a legal union for gays were all that were sought by equal
rights warriors, it should be, with all our human ingenuity, possible to
invent one in law with no cost to the heterosexual tradition. But gay
marriage is sought for, among other reasons, to make "family" whatever
it needs to be in the eyes of the law for two or more people to
commandeer children, by adoption, surrogate mother, in vitro and et
cetera. There is no better way to begin the groundwork for this project
than by changing the definition of spouse.

Look, Mom. No Biology.

It is somewhat tangential, but immanently thought-provoking. to note
that the collectivist civilizers who are so typically in tune with
nature overlook the fact that a family is a biological as a well as a
social organization, and any organization lacking a man and a woman
cannot biologically create a family. That is not to say people cannot
engage in whatever homosexual activity they wish to, but to suggest that
by doing so they constitute a family is quite simply a joke.

Except this is not a funny joke. Through legal solipsism "family" can be
and has been twisted to mean anything that accommodates our
technological prowess for creating babies. But because we are capable of
inventing babies in any sort of circumstances, does not mean we are
right to do so – most especially when it comes at the cost of a
tradition thousands of years old. This tradition is being rather
pretentiously dismissed in what is lovingly called an "evolution of
opinion" – with the blanket assumption that all evolution is good,
forgetting of course, among other things, the evolution of some of our
cities into urban nightmares and our public schools into dumbed-down
babysitting-cum-crime centers.

The traditional family has been drawn and quartered in a few decades out
of a hundred, the infinite wisdom and civility of the 90s presiding over
that past and declaring it barbaric. Soon enough we can welcome the days
when our children are reared by complete strangers who sue their lesbian
bureaucratic counterparts for visitation rights and monthly checks. And
we can put the family - its function and the word itself - in the heap
with “spouse” and “marriage” and everything they represent.


Peter Topolewski was born in Canada in 1972. Against the odds that seem
stacked against everyone at birth, he is just now beginning to learn
that the society and system of authority one is born into is not the
society and system of authority one must accept. He lives and works in
Vancouver, where his corporate communications company is based.


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 23, June 7, 1999
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
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