-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.23/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 23
Laissez Faire City Times
June 7, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 23
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Systems Thinking & Government Failure

by James Wright

I took a training class a few years back, to learn SPC/SQC; this is
Statistical Process Control / Statistical Quality Control. All the
math-phobic reading this can relax; I’m not going to try to condense
three days of instruction into an essay. But I learned quite a few
useful things from this class, which may help you to improve your
understanding of why U.S. government actions, works and departments so
often fail to reach their objectives.

The instructor started by defining a system as a process which takes
inputs and transforms them into outputs. Simple enough, yet powerful
when widely applied. He drew three columns on the board and started
filling them in.

Inputs                               Process                      Outputs
Adult coyotes,                  Reproduction           Baby coyotes
rabbits, water,
other carrion, time

Money, materials,            General Motors        GM automobiles
work, time

Matter, energy, time                   Reality                   Universe

That last one is probably a bit too simplistic, but it gets the idea
across: any process can be analyzed in terms of what it uses, how it
transforms it, and what results. Anyone doing this can choose the level
of detail you want in inputs and outputs, few or many.

Another idea I want to bring in from this course was also from the first
day of instruction:

Every system is perfectly designed, carefully maintained and precisely
operated to give you exactly what you get.

This applies to all systems, not just the heavily-automated industrial
machinery processes we were concerned with at the time. It applies to
the coyote system, to GM, the universe and all the various systems we
call America. The rest of the world will have to analyze their own
systems; I’m not familiar enough with them to comment.

I am writing this to spread this virulent set of memes across the land
as efficiently as possible, because I see some of the same things that
Robert L. Kocher does, albeit from an engineering point of view. Many,
many people across this land cannot understand that all the governmental
"systems" that are failing us on a daily basis are doing so because they
have to. They are designed faultily, maintained faultily or operated
faultily, and failings are what they produce. The examples are numerous,
but here are a few to get you started.

Inputs                                      Process
Children, tax money,        Government schools                     Dull and
apathetic adults
 time, teachers,
              unwilling to think critically
facilities, administrators,
"theories" regulations,...

People, tax money,          Government tax system (IRS)     Coerced adults
deprived of
time, papers, laws,
       what they’ve produced in order
                   to fund government "programs"

People, tax money,                Prisons
   Alienated, hardened and
time, facilities, laws, ...
            determined criminals who

                           cannot fit into society well

People, money,                      American society
Indeterminate; largely a
time, facilities,
                 mixture of mature adults,
laws, customs,...
            "tall children", criminals,

                            deviant-behavior types,

                               saints, sinners, ....

If you do not appreciate what the system you observe is giving you, then
you need to change something. One definition of insanity is doing the
same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. By that
definition, anyone who wants to "mend them, not end them" must
demonstrate that mending them will produce better results. Government
tried to "mend" the welfare system for forty years before finally moving
towards "ending" it, by giving those on welfare a few years to find a
job before benefits were to terminate. Someone finally got the message
that the welfare "system" was fundamentally flawed in design (and
operation), and could not be "mended" under the existing design limits.
It may finally be time to "end" the government schools systems, the
government tax systems, the prison systems, or others similar systems.

Some more insights from systems theory and operation are available.

Imagine a thermostat: the box on the wall you tweak when the house is
too hot or cold. Imagine you have one of the old kind, a
single-controller unit that controls both the furnace and air
conditioner. Imagine setting the controller to try to cool the house to
74 degrees at the same time it is set to heat it to 75 degrees. What

The air conditioner will come on and try to cool the house to 74. When
it succeeds in cooling the thermostat to 74 degrees, it will shut off.
But the thermostat will tell the furnace to come on, and heat the house
to 75 degrees. When it heats the thermostat to 75, it will shut off; but
then the air conditioner will come on, and so forth.

Overconstrained systems will oscillate to destruction. You will wear
your furnace and air conditioner out, as they fight each other to carry
out your instructions.

What happens when you instruct a society that life is sacred—and then
kill the Branch Davidians? That freedom is paramount, but that the
government can wiretap your phones at will? That the Constitution is the
law of the land, but that handguns must be controlled?

Imagine that the "bulb" on your thermostat shorts out; now the system
has no way to know what the real temperature is. If it fails in a
neutral condition, neither furnace nor air conditioner comes on, and
your house temperature will lag the outside temperature, as the day
heats up and the night cools off. If it fails positive, the system will
turn on the air conditioner and leave it on; you may grow icicles on
your furniture, but the system cannot react. If it fails negative, the
furnace will come on and stay on; your house plants may dry up and blow
away, but the system cannot react. Systems isolated from feedback cannot
function properly.

What happens when the bureaucrats are protected from termination except
in dire fraud, criminal or negligent behavior cases? What happens when a
President can lie to the people, attack with armed forces without
restraint, murder citizens and sell sensitive information to foreign
lands without removal? What happens when politicians can count on the
"incumbent advantage"?

Every system is perfectly designed, carefully maintained and precisely
operated to give you exactly what you get.

If voting for Republicans gains you military-industrial nightmares and
voting for Democrats gains you socialist-totalitarian nightmares,
shouldn’t you consider changing the system? I am enough of a
systems-thinker now to recognize the signs of an improperly-functioning
system; have I convinced you? Have you convinced yourself yet?

If you need more examples, just read your local newspaper; the articles
that aren’t faked will provide even more demonstrations of what is
outlined above. If and when you finally are convinced, then make your
choices known; I suggest home schooling your kids, minimizing your tax
liabilities and voting Libertarian. And as a proponent of the
systems-thinking approach, I propose a slogan for national Libertarians
to consider:

"Improve the system: Vote Libertarian!"

Anyone for bumper stickers?


James Wright may be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 23, June 7, 1999
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