-Caveat Lector-

Russia Seeks Close China Ties

.c The Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) -- Building close ties with China was one of Russia's top foreign
policy goals and the two nations want a strong strategic partnership, Prime
Minister Sergei Stepashin said Wednesday.

Stepashin made the remarks at the start of talks with a visiting Chinese
official, Zhang Wannian, deputy head of the Central Military Commission.
Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev also attended the meeting, which
focused on military cooperation.

``The Russian government will spare no effort for strengthening relations
between Russia and China. We should jointly implement the policy of strategic
partnership, outlined by Russian President Boris Yeltsin and (President) of
the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin,'' Stepashin said.

Russia and China have been working to improve ties in recent years. Both
nations resent what they see as the global domination of the United States
and favor some form of alliance to counter Washington.

Russia and China were united in their strong condemnation of NATO attacks
against Yugoslavia, saying they would step up their efforts on political and
military cooperation.

Stepashin said he had been born in China when his father was an adviser to
the Chinese military. ``Meeting you, I am in a way continuing my father's
work,'' he told the Chinese visitor.

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