For Colleen - Sybil Leek is mentioned

Page 274-275 (Author, Gordon Thomas)  KK's Comments: Was this part of
MKULTRA, Sub 94a?
 - - - Start Quote from Journey Into Madness, Chapter 16 - - - - - - - - - -
- -

By early 1972, Operation Often had taken on two more palmists, both
Chinese-Americans, to probe still further how hand-reading could be adapted
to intelligence work.

The Agency behaviorists already knew that different cultures produced
varying personalities.  Each society had a particular vision of masculinity
and femininity, of rights and obligations.  The question the palmists were
asked to answer was how much of this could be discerned from palm lines.

The hand-readers set to work.  Posing as educational psychologists, they
visited a number of ethnically variable communities, traveling north to
Alaska to study Eskimos and south to New Mexico to look at the hands of

While they were about their business, Operation Often went deeper, into
demonology.  In April 1972, an oblique approach was made to the monsignor in
charge of exorcisms for the Catholic archdiocese of New York.  He flatly
refused to cooperate.  Undaunted, the Agency behaviorists approached Sybil
Leek, a Houston sorceress, who cast spells with the help of a pet jackdaw
called Hotfoot Jackson.  With the bird perched on her shoulders, Mrs. Leek
gave the "two very nice gen'l'men" from Washington a fast course on the
current state of black magic in the United States; four hundred regular
covens operated by five thousand initiated witches and warlocks, who formed
the low-profile apex of a prediction industry that supported 10,000
full-time fortune-tellers and 200,000 part-timers, as well as a growing
publishing business in tarot cards and factories that produced a widening
range of anti-Christian tokens.  Satan was not only alive, but thriving in
the United States.

To corner him for the Agency, it was recognized at Langley that the Devil
must be made respectable.  Working through conduits, the Scientific
Engineering Institute helped fund a course in sorcery at the University of
South Carolina.  Two hundred and fifty students enrolled.  The scientists of
Operation Often studied carefully the results of classes devoted to
fertility and initiation rites and raising the dead.

Concurrent with those investigations, ORD had taken up the challenge of
brain implants.  The failure at the Bien Hoa Hospital in Saigon (KK's
comments: I will post more on this from the book as I have time) was
rationalized: the team had been in too much of a hurry, and had worked under
far from ideal conditions; the proximity of a full-scale war was not the
place for such delicate experiments.

Before setting up their own program, the ORD scientists evaluated the
results achieved by Dr. Jose Delgado, a Yale psychologist.  He had faced a
charging bull, fitted with electrodes in its brain, and with no other
protection save the small black box in his hands, Dr. Delgado had
deliberately goaded the bull by activating the implant that provoked the
animal to become further enraged.  Then, with the bull almost upon him, the
psychologist had pressed another button.  The animal promptly stopped in its
tracks, the result of a signal transmitted to the electrode implanted in the
part of the bull's brain that calmed it.

Dr. Delgado freely admitted that his method of remote mind control was still
crude and not always predictable.  But Dr. Gottlieb and the behaviorists of
ORD shared the psychologist's vision that the day must come when the
technique would be perfected for making not only animals, but humans respond
to electrically transmitted commands.

Dr. Robert G. Heath, a neurosurgeon at Tulane University, had brought that
prospect closer through his experiments with electrical stimulation of the
brain (ESB) to arouse his patients sexually.  Dr. Heath had actually
implanted 125 electrodes in the brain and body of a single patient - for
which he claimed a world record - and had spent hours stimulating the man's
pleasure centers.

Like Dr. Delgado, the neurosurgeon concluded that ESB could control memory,
impulses, feelings, and could evoke hallucinations as well as fear and
pleasure.  It could literally manipulate the human will - at will.

Late in June 1972, Dr. Gottlieb had jigged back and forth on the carpet of
the director's office, and his carefully controlled stammer had surfaced as
he enthused that at long, long last, here was the answer to mind control,
that ESB was the key to creating not only a psychocivilized person but an
entire psychocivilized society - a world where every human thought, emotion,
sensation, and desire could be actually controlled by electrical stimulation
of the brain.
 - - - - - - - - End of Quote from Journey Into Madness - - - - - - - - -
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