New York Post-September 10, 2000



AL Gore likes to talk about how crime has gone down since he and
Constable Bill have been in office.

What he won't talk about is the role his office played in helping
at least 60,000 criminals become U.S. citizens in time to vote in

The White House and Gore's involvement in the Citizenship USA
debacle is one of the most underreported and overlooked scandals
of this debased administration.

"Nobody cared about it two years ago, when we were looking into
it, and nobody has cared since then," says Chicago lawyer David

That's a mistake, says Schippers, not only because there are
violent criminals out on the street, but because of what the
scandal reveals about the win-at-any-cost ethics of the Democrat
who wants to be our next president.

Schippers, himself a Democrat, knows whereof he speaks. He was
the chief investigative counsel for the House Judiciary Committee
during the Clinton impeachment inquiry. His infuriating new book,
"Sellout" (Regnery), details his experience wading through the
Washington cesspool of corruption and cowardice.

Before Ken Starr made his impeachment referral to the House,
Schippers and his staff were looking into the CUSA scandal. The
controversy was also under investigation by the Justice
Department's Office of Inspector General, which released the
findings of its three-year investigation last month.

CUSA was a one-year program instituted by INS Commissioner Doris
Meissner in the fall of 1995 in an effort to speed up the
enormous backlog of citizenship applications.

Tipped off by activists as to the political benefits of making a
million new citizens before the coming election, the White House
began leaning on the badly overtaxed agency to speed up the

The matter took on particular urgency for the National
Performance Review, better known as the "reinventing government"
office, which reports directly to Gore.

According to the OIG report, NPR employee Doug Farbrother claimed
that his boss, senior Gore adviser Elaine Kamarck, told him
Clinton wanted the reinventors to goose the immigration agency
"because of his belief that the large number of people in
California waiting for naturalization represented likely votes
for him in the 1996 election."

Farbrother began raising hell with Meissner, firing off hotheaded
memos demanding action, and complaining to his superiors about
her resistance. In one missive, Farbrother suggested ways the INS
could keep the program from looking like "a Clinton voter mill."

Gore's man was so obnoxious that then-Deputy Attorney General
Jamie Gorelick threw him out of a meeting - but later advocated
his ideas with Meissner.

"There's no question that Gore was running the show," says
Schippers. "They were perfectly willing to do whatever they had
to do to get those votes."

Did Gore's office get results?

The Inspector General found NPR had "little negative direct
impact" on CUSA's calamitous fate. As with any report by Reno
Justice, skepticism is in order here, not least because
two-thirds of the one million hasty naturalizations came after
Gore's office put the squeeze on.

An independent audit found that nearly seven percent of the new
Americans had criminal records - automatic disqualification for
citizenship. Another 17 percent had not even undergone standard
FBI background checks.

Back in 1998, Schippers, who was curious to see if the roughly
60,000 known criminals in this bunch had committed any crimes
since being let into the country, sent 100 random files from the
group to the FBI for updating.

"We found that 20 percent of that group had committed serious
crimes since they were naturalized," Schippers says. "I'm talking
rapes, homicides, that kind of thing."

Schippers planned to send the remaining 59,900 files to the FBI
for updating, but the Starr report came down, changing the

Where are these criminals now? We may never know - and neither
will their neighbors.

Gore spokesman Jim Kennedy is dismissive of Schippers' claims,
saying the Inspector General's report "found there was no
improper political purpose in the Citizenship USA program."

That's not entirely true. The report did find "substantial" but
"inconclusive" evidence that Clinton, Gore and their lackeys
tried to use CUSA for political purposes, and no direct evidence
that they succeeded.

Maybe so, but as one congressman said last week in commenting on
the report, "Attempted robbery is a crime, even if unsuccessful."
And when it comes to finding proof of Gore wrongdoing, Reno
Justice has a very high standard.

"Gore should be made to answer for his role in this," says
Schippers. "But I don't know if the Republicans will make him. No


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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