-Caveat Lector-

As President Gore is supposed to help the American people
it seems as if many of those people are upset and he
is going to bat for them.  That is back biting?
Poor Baby Shrub is whining about someone trying to do their
job, could it be that
Shrub was taking the American people for a ride?

Also, when I watched election night - it was not the Republicans that
announced Florida's results, the stations were
watching Florida's official web site.

question: Where were the Post's reporters to say the following?

"The Washington Post, who
wrote: “It’s a poisonous thing to say in these extraordinary and
unsettling circumstances, and Mr Gore makes a huge mistake if he
fails promptly to disown it.”"

This next item is really weird, Gore is running for President, is
told by the "authorities" that he has won Florida.  Should he have
tried to give the votes to Bush or have been proud?  Disown what,
the votes were his.

"Mr Gore disowned nothing, and if he did so it would be a
disingenuous act. The Vice-President surely approved Mr Daley’s

This next statement really takes the cake.  Where was this reporter
election night?  Gore is just backing the American's in Florida that
it seems the Bush's would squat on.

"That’s what Al Gore has done at a time of crisis. He is trying to
get Americans to call into question the rule of law for his own
personal gain. After this fiasco, there’s every reason to believe
he would make an appalling President. The author is a columnist
for the New York Post."

I wonder what this guy normally reports on?  Consider, from what I say
Hillary won New York, is this guy trying to butter her up?

> -Caveat Lector-
> [Here's another sick twist on things.  --MS]
> London Times-November 11, 2000
> Even liberals are shocked by the Gore camps tactics
> IN THE aftermath of Tuesday’s voting Al Gore has followed the
> kind of scorched-earth, take-no-prisoners strategy adopted by
> President Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal in attempting to
> sway public opinion in his favour.
> “The campaign continues,” his chief aide, William Daley, said
> after Mr Gore revoked his concession to George W. Bush on
> election night.
> Daley wasn’t kidding. Election campaigns in this country are
> increasingly conducted without reference to even minimal decency,
> but the name-calling usually ends on election day because, once
> the votes have been cast, it serves no useful purpose.
> That tradition of civility would have been especially welcome at
> this unparalleled moment, with the uncertainty about the
> election’s outcome threatening the stability of the somewhat
> shaky financial markets and surely tempting anti-American forces
> around the world, who might see the present crisis as an
> opportunity to test this nation’s resolve and spirit with terror
> bombs.
> Instead, the continuing Gore campaign is fomenting discord based
> almost entirely on a ballot in one of Florida’s 67 counties that
> had a confusing design. The campaign’s claim is that 19,000
> voters were “disenfranchised” because they punched two holes in
> the presidential ballot. It dispatched the rabble-rouser Jesse
> Jackson to South Florida to conduct a street demonstration that
> he shamefully and shamelessly likened to the civil rights protest
> in the city of Selma, Alabama, in 1965.
> Disenfranchisement is a very serious charge — it suggests a
> purposeful effort to deny people the right to vote — but in the
> presidential election of 1996, in the same county and with many
> fewer voters showing up, about 15,000 ballots were invalidated
> for the same reason. Since the county in question is Democratic
> in composition and the margin separating Mr Gore and Mr Bush in
> the state is well under 1,000, the Gore campaign baldly advanced
> the argument, before the recount was completed, that their man is
> the true victor in Florida and therefore the rightful
> President-elect.
> “If the will of the people is to prevail,” Mr Daley said, “Al
> Gore should be awarded a victory in Florida and be our next
> President.”
> It was shocking to see Mr Daley arrogate to himself the role of
> Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “legislator”, determining the will of the
> people through the workings of his own superior intelligence.
> While it would be forgivable in the midst of an election
> campaign, it is inexcusable at a time of national crisis.
> This was astounding not only to conservatives, but to liberals as
> well, such as the leader-writers of The Washington Post, who
> wrote: “It’s a poisonous thing to say in these extraordinary and
> unsettling circumstances, and Mr Gore makes a huge mistake if he
> fails promptly to disown it.”
> Mr Gore disowned nothing, and if he did so it would be a
> disingenuous act. The Vice-President surely approved Mr Daley’s
> statement.
> At this moment, above all moments, Americans need to be reminded
> by their leaders that this is a nation governed not by “the will
> of the people”, but by the rule of law, which derives its
> legitimacy from the democratic electoral process.
> Laws govern elections. Some people may indeed have been so stupid
> that they cast their ballots incorrectly (I was once equally
> stupid, casting a vote absent-mindedly for Walter Mondale in 1984
> when I wanted to vote for Ronald Reagan), but their inability to
> read a ballot correctly does not give them the presumptive right
> to have a “do-over”.
> It is, after all, impossible to know in a state where six million
> voted how many Republican idiots elsewhere in Florida spoilt
> their ballots and had them invalidated.
> Ballots are not and should not be subjected to Talmudic
> interpretation unless there is evidence of deliberate and
> conscious fraud or tampering. If a precedent is set in this
> matter, the process by which Americans cast their vote will begin
> to deconstruct itself.
> That’s what Al Gore has done at a time of crisis. He is trying to
> get Americans to call into question the rule of law for his own
> personal gain. After this fiasco, there’s every reason to believe
> he would make an appalling President. The author is a columnist
> for the New York Post.
> =================================================================
>              Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
>                      *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
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> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
      ---- Thomas Jefferson <br><br>

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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