-Caveat Lector-

 > Students criticize Nyack High safety rules
 > (Original publication: June 21, 2001)
 > Students at Nyack High School could be barred from walking
 > to their cars to retrieve forgotten books during school
 > hours and would have to wear identification tags around
 > their necks under security measures being debated by the
 > Board of Education.
 > Neither of the measures, which were mentioned in two
 > proposed documents presented to the school board during its
 > meeting this week, was more than a suggestion, school
 > officials said. They were proposed simply to begin a
 > discussion, but could become school policy July 10 if they
 > face no serious objections.
 > Students who had heard of the proposed rules have made a
 > formal protest to the school board, saying the proposals
 > would cause student unrest and rebellion. Adults who
 > supported both measures said they were concerned about
 > student safety.
 > "My issue is always going to be safety," board member Pierre
 > Davis said. "Things have changed more than anyone wants to
 > own up or confess to. It's not business as usual anymore."
 > The Nyack school board, along with all school boards across
 > the state, must create or review districtwide safety plans
 > and codes of conduct under a mandate from the state
 > Legislature. Last year, the Legislature passed Project SAVE,
 > which was designed to improve school safety, and insisted
 > all school districts have plans to address situations
 > ranging from weather-related emergencies to gang-inspired
 > uprisings.
 > Boards of education have until early July to adopt their
 > codes and plans.
 > On Tuesday, the Nyack board was presented with a 46-page
 > draft of a district safety plan and a 43-page draft code of
 > conduct. Among the biggest changes was to have students wear
 > badges around their neck identifying them as belonging in
 > the school, and to forbid younger high school students from
 > leaving the building once school starts, even for lunch.
 > "This is a plan under consideration," said Bryan Burrell,
 > school board president. "If students are going to be
 > concerned about the proposed changes, the best time to make
 > objections is before they are implemented."
 > Right now, Nyack High School has an open campus. Freshmen
 > and sophomores are permitted to leave school grounds at
 > lunchtime, juniors may walk off campus for lunch and periods
 > when they have no class, and seniors are permitted to leave
 > when they have no classes and to drive off campus during
 > lunchtime.
 > Under the proposed rules, freshmen, sophomores and juniors
 > would be permitted to leave the building only to go to a
 > patio in back of the school, and only seniors who meet
 > academic eligibility would be permitted to leave campus at
 > lunchtime.
 > If viewed strictly, the rules would prohibit younger
 > students from walking to the parking lot to get something
 > from their cars after the first school bell rang, said
 > Assistant Superintendent Mary Anne Evangelist. They would
 > not be allowed onto the nearby track or lower field where
 > many eat lunch now or play with Frisbees.
 > "I think you may encounter a lot of resistance to that,"
 > said Elijah Reichlin-Melnick, junior class president.
 > "The back patio is a very small area," with barely any
 > sitting room, said Zoe Elfenbein, president of the Student
 > Council. "Some students use lunchtime to work off excess
 > energy. At least the upper field, that security could see
 > from the patio, should be open to students."
 > Having everyone in school wear identification around their
 > necks also came in for student criticism.
 > "Demeaning," Elfenbein said.
 > "I think you will lose the students if you do it,"
 > Reichlin-Melnick said. "We've come out to argue this. Most
 > of the students won't bother, they'll take a cynical
 > attitude. They don't see the administration as being caring
 > about them but as stomping on them. A prison is very safe,
 > but I don't think the inmates are very happy there."
 > Ian Mandel, junior class vice president, said the district
 > "will find it very difficult to enforce."
 > "If we are forced to wear name tags, there would be outrage
 > _ and what will you do when 700 students refuse to wear them
 > out of protest?" Mandel said.
 > School board members said they hoped the students would
 > respect whatever school rules became district policy.
 > The proposed rules also would prohibit students from wearing
 > hats in the school, which is now permitted. The concern was
 > that someone could hide a weapon within a hat,
 > administrators said.
 > Jonathan Brown, a senior and the student representative on
 > the school board, said he particularly thought the hat rule
 > should not be part of the student dress code. He wears a hat
 > in many of his classes and in the school halls.
 > "We do have to make a change. Ignoring (safety issues) would
 > be foolish," Brown said. "But certain things are a bit too
 > stringent."
 > Why pick on hats? he asked. "You could conceal things in
 > your shoes, your pants."
 > The district is accepting written, oral and e-mailed
 > comments on the proposed safety plan and code of conduct
 > until the July 10 board meeting. People interested in
 > commenting can get information from district spokeswoman
 > Gail Fleur at 353-7013.

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