-Caveat Lector-



Oklahoma City Bomber Took a Lesson from U.S. 'Foreign Policy'

by Howard Zinn; historian and author of A People's History of the United

Now that Timothy McVeigh has been put to death, and some people's need for
revenge or punishment may be satisfied, we can begin to think calmly of how
he learned his twisted sense of right and wrong from the government that
executed him.
No one with an ounce of moral understanding can justify the bombing of a
building which resulted in the deaths of 168 people. But McVeigh didn't
have to look far to find that the United States government had done just
that, but on a larger scale.
In the war against Iraq, of which McVeigh was a decorated veteran, on
February 15, 1991, the U.S. Air Force dropped a bomb on an air raid shelter
in Baghdad, killing over 600 people, many of them women and children. There
had been many bombings, of buses, trains, highways, hospitals,
neighborhoods, in which civilians were killed, and where the government
described them as accidents. Of course, they were not quite accidents,
because if you drop huge numbers of bombs on a city, it is inevitable that
innocent people will die.
However, in the case of the air raid shelter, the United States conceded
that the bombing was deliberate. and justified this by the claim that the
air raid shelter was a "communications" site. Reporters going into the
rubble immediately after the bombing found not the slightest evidence of
that. And even if it were, would that justify a massacre (there's no other
name for it) of hundreds of men, women and children? If McVeigh had not
been in the infantry but in the Air Force, and had dropped that bomb,
killing more than twice the number he killed in Oklahoma, he would be alive
and perhaps have another medal pinned to his chest.
In defending his bombing of the federal building, with all those dead and
wounded, McVeigh used the term "collateral damage", exactly the words used
by our government to describe the deaths of civilians in our bombing of
various countries, whether Iraq or Panama or Yugoslavia. My Webster's
Collegiate Dictionary defines "collateral" as "accompanying or related, but
secondary or subordinate". Both McVeigh and the leaders of the United
States government considered the toll of human life secondary to whatever
else was destroyed, and therefore acceptable.
McVeigh is no longer able to let his demented notion of morality lead to
any more deaths. The United States government, on the other hand, is very
much alive, and capable of more and more bombings, like the ones taking
place almost every day in Iraq, and the civilian deaths will be justified
once more as "collateral" damage.
The day after Timothy McVeigh's execution, the Boston Herald ran a banner
headline on its front page: "IT'S OVER!" But it is not over. Terrorism is
the killing of innocent people in order "to send a message" (those are
McVeigh's words and also the words of government spokesmen when our planes
have bombed some foreign city). So long as our government engages in
terrorism, claiming always that it is done for "democracy" or "freedom" or
"to send a message" to some other government, there will be more Timothy
McVeighs, following the example.
No, it is not over. Individual acts of terrorism will continue, and that
will be called rightly, fanaticism. Government terrorism, on a much larger
scale, will continue, and will be called "foreign policy". That is the
perverted sense of morality which now rules and will go on ruling, until
Americans decide that all terrorism is wrong and will not be tolerated.

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