July 5, 2001

So Said DRUNKEN BUM TED TURNER;   "right now there are just too many
people on this planet"....


Vol. 17, No. 14

by William F. Jasper
By virtually banning DDT use worldwide, the UN's POP treaty will condemn
millions to death by malaria — a desirable result in the eyes of those
seeking radical depopulation.

A brutal mass murderer is stalking the planet. Each year he kills
millions and leaves millions more injured. Incredibly, while expressing
concern over his carnage, the United Nations — with the help of the
U.S. government — has given him a free pass to keep up his deadly

The killer's name is malaria, and the United Nations Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants (known as the POP Convention) will give
this murderous plague permanent protected status. The UN POP Convention,
signed by representatives of more than 100 nations in Stockholm on May
23rd, is heralded by the radical eco-lobby and the media as a tremendous
boon for humankind and the planet. Yet, the POP treaty is, in truth, a
global death warrant for millions — and, potentially, hundreds of
millions — of human beings.

"Malaria, which had been eliminated or effectively suppressed in many
parts of the world, is undergoing a resurgence," warned the Institute of
Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 1996. "It is a public
health problem today in more than 90 countries inhabited by some 2,400
million people — 40 percent of the world's population. Malaria is
estimated to cause up to 500 million clinical cases and 2.7 million
deaths each year. Every 30 seconds, a child somewhere dies of malaria.
The global effects of the disease threaten public health and
productivity on a broad scale and impede the progress of many countries
toward democracy and prosperity."

"The human dimensions of malaria are staggering. It is, by far, the most
devastating and deadly parasitic disease in the world," notes the
Malaria Foundation International (MFI), one of the world's leading
anti-malaria organizations. Or as Dr. Wenceslaus Kilama, chairman of
MFI, has stated, the current malaria epidemic "is like loading up seven
Boeing 747 airliners each day, then deliberately crashing them into Mt.
Unnecessary Deaths

The most staggering aspect of malaria's horrendous death toll, however,
is the fact that most of these deaths are unnecessary. Millions of lives
could be saved and the suffering of hundreds of millions prevented for
relatively small cost — and with "old" technology. That technology is
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane), a pesticide that has proven to be
a veritable godsend to mankind, even as it has been subjected to a
campaign of vilification over the past four decades.

Dr. Roger Bate, a director of Africa Fighting Malaria, a South African
non-governmental organization, reminds us that the heroic
malaria-eradication program following World War II used DDT as its
primary weapon. "This program succeeded in North America and southern
Europe, and greatly reduced incidence in many other countries," says Dr.
Bate. "Spraying DDT in houses and on mosquito breeding grounds was the
primary reason that rates of malaria around the world declined
dramatically after the Second World War," Dr. Bate notes in his study,
When Politics Kills: Malaria and the DDT Story, published by the
Competitive Enterprise Institute. "Nearly one million Indians died from
malaria in 1945, but DDT spraying reduced this to a few thousand by
1960. However, concerns about the environmental harm of DDT led to a
decline in spraying, and likewise, a resurgence of malaria.

Today there are once again millions of cases of malaria in India, and
over 300 million cases worldwide — most in sub-Saharan Africa. Cases
of malaria in South Africa have risen by over 1000 percent in the past
five years. Only those countries that have continued to use DDT, such as
Ecuador, have contained or reduced malaria."

The MFI reports that due to Sri Lanka's use of DDT in a mosquito
abatement program, "in only 8 years, Sri Lanka went from a million cases
of malaria a year to only seventeen." When the DDT spraying was stopped,
however, "malaria rebounded to nearly a million cases a year" within a

Dr. Bate records similar results in Africa:
Not long after DDT was removed from malaria control in South Africa in
1996, disease rates rocketed, particularly in northern KwaZulu Natal. A
serious problem was that Anopheles funestus mosquitoes developed
resistance to synthetic pyrethroids — the main alternative to DDT —
making the switch an expensive and futile exercise. According to
Rajendra Maharaj, head of vector control at the South African department
of health, it is unlikely that [Anopheles] funestus would ever have
returned had DDT remained in use.

One need only compare malaria rates in South Africa, Swaziland and
Mozambique to see the effect of banning DDT. Swaziland never halted DDT
spraying and infection rates range between 2 and 4 per cent. A short
distance over the border in South Africa, infection rates average about
40 per cent. In Mozambique, infection rates are over 80 per cent, owing
in part to the collapse of the malaria control program during that
country's war.... DDT is now back in use in KwaZulu Natal and according
to Jotham Mthembu, head of the malaria control program at Jozini in KZN,
conditions have improved.

DDT was developed by Dr. Paul Mόller, a Swiss chemist who received the
Nobel Price in Medicine in 1948, in recognition of the enormous medical
importance of this remarkable chemical substance. Though widely used for
only three decades, DDT has been justifiably credited with preventing
more human deaths by disease than any chemical ever concocted.

Yet, the government of the United States has joined forces with
environmental organizations and the United Nations to deny this
important life-saving tool to those who most desperately need it. The UN
POP Convention has targeted 12 chemicals that it has dubbed "The Dirty
Dozen" for elimination or severe restriction. While not scheduled for
outright elimination (at least not yet), the POP restrictions on DDT
will render it too costly and inaccessible to those countries in most
serious need.

Backing From Bush

If a Clinton or Gore administration had announced its intent to sign the
POP Convention, one could be sure of an avalanche of furious
denunciations from the loyal opposition. GOP congressmen and
conservative commentators would have scorched the Oval Office for "green
extremism" and environmental genocide. Al Gore's embarrassingly
ridiculous 1992 ecological manifesto, Earth in the Balance, would have
been dredged up once more for rhetorical target practice.

Nevertheless, while the presidential remarks emanating from the White
House Rose Garden on April 19th sounded like a rip-and-read from
Gore's infamous book, the words were coming out of the mouth of George
W. Bush. Flanked by Secretary of State Colin Powell and EPA
Administrator Christine Todd Whitman, to underscore the importance of
his announcement, President Bush proclaimed:

"Negotiations were begun by the previous administration, and this treaty
achieves a goal shared by this administration. I am pleased to announce
my support for the [POP] treaty and the intention of our government to
sign and submit it for approval by the United States Senate."

Adopting the vernacular of the radical environmentalists at Greenpeace
and the Environmental Defense Fund, President Bush declared that "this
international agreement would restrict the use of 12 dangerous chemicals
— POPs, as they are known, or the Dirty Dozen."

The Republican president went on to proclaim that "concerns over the
hazards of PCBs, DDT, and the other toxic chemicals covered by the
agreement are based on solid scientific information. These pollutants
are linked to developmental defects, cancer, and other grave problems in
humans and animals. The risks are great, and the need for action is
clear. We must work to eliminate, or at least to severely restrict the
release of these toxins without delay."

Citing the POP treaty as a wondrous "bipartisan" victory, Bush announced
that "now a Republican administration will continue and complete the
work of a Democratic administration. This is the way environmental
policy should work."

Unfortunately, this is the way environmental policy does work amongst
our bipartisan globalists in Washington. This seeming Republican
reversal on the POP treaty should not have surprised anyone. As James M.
Lindsay of the Brookings Institution pointed out last fall during the
closing weeks of the Bush-Gore election race, "both Al Gore and George
W. Bush are internationalists by inclination...." Mr. Lindsay made that
significant observation in the September/October 2000 issue of Foreign
Affairs, which Time magazine has called "the most influential periodical
in print."

This influence derives from the fact that Foreign Affairs is the
flagship journal of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the central
brain trust of the organized one-world internationalists.
In the globalspeak well understood by Foreign Affairs readers, Lindsay
was assuring Council members that, rhetoric notwithstanding, George W.
could be counted on reliably to continue the same one-world agenda of
empowering the United Nations that they would expect of Al Gore.

For those internationalists who had any doubts, all concerns surely
melted away when they saw the Bush administration take form; dozens of
Cabinet members and top-level appointees were drawn from the usual CFR

The POP Convention also bears the CFR's fingerprints. Contrary to
popular lore, this UN treaty was not conceived, developed, and nurtured
to fruition by the UN; that world body's pampered diplomats and
bureaucrats merely served as midwives in the final delivery. The real
progenitors of the deadly POP scheme include a sizable contingent of the
CFR intelligentsia operating, over the last four decades, in a
coordinated fashion, in such power centers as the State Department, the
Environmental Protection Agency, Brookings, the Carnegie Endowment, the
Trilateral Commission, the World Resources Institute, the Worldwatch
Institute, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Sierra Club, Planned
Parenthood, the Gorbachev Foundation, the Club of Rome, etc.

The main attack on DDT was launched by the Environmental Defense Fund
(EDF) with massive promotion courtesy of the CFR media cartel and
funding from the CFR-dominated tax-exempt foundations. The Sierra Club
boasts on its website that the POP treaty triumphed "thanks to the
Sierra Club and over 300 other environmental and social justice
organizations from around the world working in coordination under the
umbrella International POPS Elimination Network (IPEN)." Like the EDF
and Sierra Club, virtually all of these groups are beholden to the same
media and foundation Insiders for funding and promotion.

The same Sierra Club web page notes that the POP treaty grew out of
several earlier agreements spawned at the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio de
Janeiro, particularly the UN's eco-manifesto for total regimentation of
the entire planet, known as Agenda 21. The secretary-general of the
Earth Summit was Maurice Strong, who said, prior to that event, that the
global agenda in Rio would be guided by a report of the Trilateral
Commission entitled Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's
Economy and the Earth's Ecology. "I have been privileged to work closely
with the principal author, Jim MacNeill, for over two decades," Strong
wrote in the introduction to that report, noting that MacNeill "is now
advising me on the road to Rio" concerning "decisions that will
literally determine the fate of the earth.

" Writing the foreword to that same study was none other than David
Rockefeller, longtime chairman and guiding light of both the CFR and
Trilateral Commission.

Thus, the sudden embrace of the POP treaty by the CFR-laden Bush
administration should not have surprised any readers of The New
American. As William Norman Grigg noted in a joint profile of George W.
Bush and Al Gore prior to last November's election outcome (see
"Tweedledee or Tweedledum?" in our December 4, 2000 issue), in the
controlled Republican-Democrat dialectical scheme, "the general division
of labor is this: Democrats initiate, Republicans consolidate." The POP
flip-flop is but one of many actions that have vindicated Mr. Grigg's
analysis. In the environmental field alone, Bush has ratified radical
and destructive Clinton programs on wetlands, timber, roadless areas,
and water use. All of which point darkly to an eventual Bush reversal on
"global warming" and an embrace of the UN's dangerous Kyoto Protocol.

The Drive for Depopulation

Given the life-and-death stakes involved in the DDT-malaria conflict,
questions naturally arise:

Don't the POP champions realize the deadly consequences of their
actions? Don't they know that millions of people will die as a result of
enforcement of the POP restrictions?

Obviously, many of the pedestrian-level "environmentalists" do not; many
of these well-meaning do-gooders would be shocked if the real nature and
effects of this treaty were explained to them. However, the CFR Insiders
who spawn and promote these global enviro-schemes know full well the
lethal measure of their proposals. These organized globalists have been
fully apprised by eminent scientists and learned societies of the
terrible cost in lives, suffering, and dollars that will result from
their policies, and they have proceeded apace nonetheless.

They know that President Bush's claim that the POP agreement is "based
on solid scientific information" is ludicrous; they know it is based on
junk science and deadly deception. (See the accompanying sidebar,
"Deadly Junk Science," on page 15.)

What's more, we can logically surmise that many of these one-world
elitists are culpable of actually intending the terrible outcome that
enforcement of the POP treaty will surely bring: the condemnation of
fellow human beings to death by depriving them of the readily available
means of protecting themselves. We can make this surmise because they
have told us so in their own self-indicting speeches and writings.
During the debates over DDT in the late 1960s, Dr. Charles Wurster,
chief scientist for the radical Environmental Defense Fund (EDF),
responded to a reporter's question about DDT's life-saving potential by
saying there are too many people on the planet already. Banning DDT, he
said, "is as good a way to get rid of them as any."

"Them" refers to all of the millions of hapless victims — primarily in
developing countries — whom people like Wurster view as excess
baggage. "Them" includes "all those little brown people in poor
countries," as fellow depopulationist Dr. Van den Bosch of the
University of California so indelicately phrased it.

But it's not only Third World "brown people" who are targeted for
elimination. During a 1971 House Committee on Agriculture hearing on
DDT, Representative John Rarick revealed this quote by Dr. Wurster,
whose EDF has been lavishly funded for decades by the CFR-dominated tax
exempt foundations: "It really doesn't make a lot of difference because
the organophosphate [pesticide] acts locally and only kills farm
workers, and most of them are Mexicans and Negroes."

If you do not fit that racial profile, don't imagine that you have been
neglected by the one-world eugenicists. Friends of the Earth founder
David Brower, another radical environmentalist long favored by the CFR
Establishment, has targeted you too. In his Earth Day — The Beginning,
a "survival guide" published in 1970, Brower declared: "That's the first
thing to do — start controlling the population in affluent white
America, where a child born to a white American will use about fifty
times the resources of a child born in the black ghetto." Brower also
proclaimed: "Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against
society, unless the parents hold a government license.... All potential
parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the
government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing."

One of the most chilling admissions of deadly intent came from the lips
of the late Jacques Cousteau, the sainted environmental icon. In an
interview with the UNESCO Courier for November 1991 the famed
oceanographer said:

The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics —
it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth
much more than twenty Bangaladeshes. The damage is directly linked to
consumption. Our society is turning toward more and needless
consumption. It is a vicious circle that I compare to cancer....

This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population,
we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say,
but it's just as bad not to say it.
Later, just before the Earth Summit, Cousteau told Jean Daniel, senior
editor of the French weekly Nouvelle Observateur: "More and more people
are willing to use the atomic bomb if the situation arises that one
billion people are migrating toward the West." Cousteau didn't
explicitly say that he would be willing to use the bomb, but the
inference was that such drastic measures may be not only justified, but
possibly essential, to attain "sustainable" world population levels.

Unfortunately, the extremist views of Brower,
Wurster, Cousteau, and company are completely at one with the
internationalist elite who fund them and populate the upper echelons of
the CFR network of power. Consider Maurice Strong, for instance,
billionaire honcho at the World Economic Forum and the Club of Rome and
secretary-general of the UN Earth Summit. It was Strong who welcomed
Cousteau, Gorbachev, and Castro to Rio and elevated them to demigod
status in the UN's green pantheon. At the Earth Summit, Strong deplored
the world's "explosive increase in population," and warned, "We have
been the most successful species ever; we are now a species out of
control." He thundered:

"Population must be stabilized, and rapidly."

Just prior to the UN Earth Summit, the Club of Rome, in which Strong has
been a prime mover, had issued its startling report, The First Global
Revolution. That report declared: "In searching for a new enemy to unite
us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global
warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All
these dangers are caused by human intervention.... The real enemy, then,
is humanity itself."

This was the same theme espoused by Cornell University Professor David
Pimentel in his 1994 address to the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, in which he posited that the number of human
beings on our planet is nearly triple what it should be. According to
Pimentel's calculations, world population should be reduced to somewhere
between one billion to two billion people.

Philosopher/author Sam Keen has gone even further. Addressing Mikhail
Gorbachev's 1995 State of the World Forum (a top nongovernmental
organization at the UN), Keen decried the "population explosion" and
said: "We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, about
contraception, about abortion, about the values that control the
population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population
crisis. Cut the [world's] population by 90 percent and there aren't
enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage."

Not to be outdone, Ted Turner, the CNN-Time-Warner mogul, would like to
get rid of an even larger chunk of humanity "Right now, there are just
way too many people on the planet," Turner said, in an Audubon magazine
interview. What did this great humanitarian think might be the optimal
population level for the entire planet? Not more than "250 million to
350 million people," said Ted.

The POP Convention is merely an opening round in the UN's war against
that great "enemy," humanity. Even malaria will not be sufficiently
lethal to satisfy the depopulation goals of the globalists. More
murderous measures will surely follow, unless we act first to "Get US
out! — of the United Nations."
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