-Caveat Lector-

Stench Warfare And Stink Bombs-U.S. Secret Weapon?

Thursday July 5 2:32 AM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - The Pentagon is developing a stink
bomb to drive away enemy troops or hostile crowds, the magazine New
Scientist said on Wednesday.

Stench warfare could form a key part of the U.S. non-lethal weapons program
and provide police with an extra means of dealing with the kind of rioting
that has disrupted recent summits of world leaders.

``It would give us an offensive capability against large and unruly groups
of people, if they are unwilling to move or are openly hostile,'' New
Scientist quoted a Pentagon spokesman as saying.

``And it would minimize the risk to our people and to the antagonists.''

Researchers said there was a close link between nasty smells and fear, as a
bad smell can activate tissue deep within the brain.

The ``perfect'' stink for defense purposes would be one that triggered an
emotional response in humans.

The problem is that odors can provoke varying reactions in different people
because of social and cultural conditioning.

Pam Dalton, a cognitive psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Centre in
Philadelphia who is leading the search for a better stink bomb, has tested
smells on volunteers of different ethnic origins to try to find a universal

She has found two odors that appear to transcend culture, and a mixture of
the two could form the basis of a weapon.

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