-Caveat Lector-


Boycott everything

By William Rivers Pitt

"The so-called consumer society and the politics of corporate capitalism
have created a second nature of man which ties him libidinally and
aggressively to the commodity form. The need for possessing, consuming,
handling and constantly renewing the gadgets, devices, instruments,
engines, offered to and imposed upon the people, for using these wares even
at the danger of one's own destruction, has become a 'biological' need." -
Herbert Marcuse

July 11, 2001-I am not Robert Kennedy. I was not born to a family of
American political royalty, guaranteeing that my voice be heard when I
choose to speak. I have to spend a good deal of my time working, or
sleeping in preparation for work, in order to keep the lights on and have
food. I have very little in the way of disposable income.

Robert Kennedy said that one person could make a difference. From his
Olympian height, he looked down upon all of us and saw individuals who
could cut a swath through the injustice in the world, if only we would
rouse ourselves. Down here on the ground, I stare up at Robert's marble
bust on that mountain and think, "Easy for you to say, kid."

There is so very much I want to do, and I am mortally sure that this nation
is literally teeming with those who share my desire for action. But we
work. We raise kids. We take care of aging parents. Speaking bluntly, we
bust our asses all week long for that paycheck and for the few precious
weekend hours that more often than not are spent sleeping, drinking,
shopping or watching sports on the television.

It takes a massive amount of one's mental capacities to do the mundane
day-to-day activities that are required of the average American, if that
American wishes to eat, be clothed, and live inside of doors. It is
exhausting. There is that great line from the head of the Trade Services
Union about the 'boom' years of Clinton's administration: "There have been
8 million new jobs created, and I've got three of them."

Where, then, do we find that space and time and energy needed to heal the
wounds we see gaping in the body and soul of our nation? They are right
there in front of us, red and bleeding, crying out for someone to do
something. Too many of us, sadly, shoulder our various burdens and turn
away with a prayer on our lips that somebody with the time will come along
and address things.

I know a way for all of us to climb up on that Olympian perch with fallen
Robert. I know a way we can make that difference. It requires sacrifice
from each of us, and thus is worthy of being called a Movement. It can be
something you do every moment of the day if you do it right. If enough of
us do this thing, and do it well, and do it faithfully, and turn others
towards it, we will bring about such a massive change as has not been seen
in this nation since the shot heard 'round the world.

Like so many great ideas and Movements, this one is simplicity itself.

Just boycott everything.

Take public transportation to work, or walk to the corner store, or figure
out a way to leave your car in the garage for the weekend. If you own an
SUV, sell it. If you are in the market for a car, look into the
gas/electric hybrids that are available. Thus, you boycott the petroleum
companies that rape our planet and soil our air.

Make your own coffee, or buy your morning cup of brew from the mom 'n pop
joint you always walk by on your way to Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts. Sure,
it's crummy brew. But you are boycotting corporate hegemony.

Turn off the God damned television. While it is on you are a vapid
receptacle for all of the invasive nonsense that is our sad and deranged
estate. By simply boycotting television, you are saying 'NO' to all the
advertisers and corporate hucksters who have sold us all down the river. If
you are a news junkie, satisfy yourself with a couple of newspapers or the
Internet. CNN hasn't told you anything that you need to know for a long,
long time.

Go out this weekend without makeup, and do not purchase any. The cosmetics
industry has perpetuated a massive crime against women, by selling to them
a destructive myth of beauty that is utterly unattainable for 99% of human
females. The vicious cycle of self-hatred begins at a very young age for
women, brought on by images proffered by the cosmetics industry in the
pages of glossy magazines. Do not allow one of your hard-earned dollars to
line the pockets of those who profit by telling you that you are not
beautiful enough.

Be aware of your purchases in the grocery store. Buy locally grown foods
whenever possible. Using the remarkable research tools of the internet,
find out which agribusinesses are selling what, and where. If you do not
like what those massive corporations are doing, do not buy their products.

Turn off the lights. Live without air conditioning whenever you can. Make a
project out of trimming your electricity bill as much as you can.

You are expected to be a consumer. Thus, you wear the yoke. Boycott the
very idea. Take your yoke and plow a new field. Be mindful of that money
you have so vigorously earned, and understand that when you buy Exxon
gasoline or leave the lights on when you're not in the room, you enrich
those whom you lust to defy and bring low. You work against yourself. I
quote Raoul Vaneigem: "Work to survive, survive by consuming, survive to
consume: the hellish cycle is complete."

Boycott the idea that matters are beyond your control. They are not. This
is Capitalism, Jack. You have to play by the rules if you're going to carry
the day. We are a nation of consumers, and this corporate control of our
politics and our future is within our grasp to overthrow. We cannot vote
them out, so we must nickel and dime them out. As long as we continue to
enrich those who enslave us, all our hollering and marching will come to
nothing in the end. We are feeding ourselves to the beast.

Boycott everything. If you are a consumer, then so be it. Be a damned savvy
consumer. Give not one shiny penny to those whom you would otherwise
oppose. Figure out what you are spending your money on. You may fancy
yourself as someone who is tuned into politics. Become tuned into your
alter ego, the consumer you. Pay attention to where you spend your money.

The stakes in our democracy have been raised. No longer does "one person,
one vote" carry the day. We are surrounded by interests who sup upon our
paychecks through our consumption of their goods. They take that money and
fund politicians whom we abhor, they push policies that poison us, they
bankroll actions with our money that we would spend our lives opposing.
This is another vicious cycle, one I am sure was never envisioned by the

We have in our wallets the power to break that cycle, and bring these dogs
to heel.

This Movement will take sacrifice. A little bit here and there. Trim the
lusher corners of your life. Discover some simplicity, a rare commodity
indeed, one that is not sold in the aisles of Wal-Mart. If, in this
simplicity, you discover that you have the time and energy and money to
become more politically active, then so much the better.

Boycott everything. Tell your friends. Begin to make that difference. I am
sure Robert would approve.

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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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