-Caveat Lector-

Morgue set up for G8 summit


Unprecedented violence anticipated

by Julian Coman and Robert Fox from
The Sunday Telegraph
Sunday 15 July 2001

ROME -- Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, has ordered security
forces to prepare for unprecedented levels of violence at this week's G8
summit in Genoa, authorizing the purchase of 200 body bags and the setting
up of a temporary morgue in a hospital.
In the most tense build-up to an international summit for decades, the
Italian government fears a violent backlash to events at last month's
European Union summit in Goteborg, where one protester was shot by police
during riots.
The United States has already laid plans to remove President George W. Bush
from his hotel to the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise in the Gulf of Genoa
should serious rioting begin.
For the past month, anti-capitalist protest groups have said that
disturbances at Genoa will dwarf those seen previously at Seattle, Prague
and Goteborg.
More than 100,000 protesters are expected to converge on the city, many
intent on breaking through to the summit area.
Mr. Berlusconi has placed his authority on the line to ensure a peaceful
summit, supervising the most elaborate security measures ever seen for a G8
A missile defence system has been installed at Genoa airport to deter
airborne terrorist attack. The land-based rockets have a range of 14
kilometres and were previously deployed along the Adriatic coast during the
NATO conflict with Yugoslavia.
Other than Mr. Bush, most G8 leaders will be accommodated on the liner
European Vision, moored in Genoa harbour, which will be guarded by the
military and Italian police.
The Brigata Folgore, the Italian equivalent of the SAS, has been placed on
"We will do anything necessary to allow this summit to take place without
disturbance," said a spokesman for the Italian Interior Ministry.
There are fears however, that some protesters may already have penetrated
the Red Zone where the summit will take place. "If that is the case, we'll
just have to get them out when the time comes," said a Genoa police official.
The summit begins on Friday, but from Wednesday the city will effectively
be under siege. Italian State Railways announced last Friday that both of
Genoa's main stations would close two days in advance, in an attempt to
keep protesters away from the harbour area where the summit is being held.
The heavy precautions have angered protest groups. Vittorio Agnoletto, the
spokesman for the Genoa Social Forum, which is co-ordinating more than
1,000 anti-summit groups and associations, said: "If closing the stations
is supposed to be a challenge to us, then we can tell them right now that
we are going to get there whatever happens." Across the Internet,
organizations have threatened violence.
The German anarchist group, Autonomen, has promised disruption using
"whatever means possible."
Luca Casarini, the leader of the Italian anarchist group, the White
Overalls, said the group had studied police tactics for the past month. "We
know their strategy and how to defeat it," he said. "We will be using some
highly unconventional methods and when we storm the city's off-limit zone,
we will be ready to defend ourselves. This is not going to be a small
conflict. This is a revolution."
As pre-summit tension rises, Italian ministers have fiercely criticized the
decision, taken by the previous premier, Giuliano Amato, to hold the summit
in Genoa. "The choice of Genoa for an occasion such as this was an act of
complete irresponsibility," said Giuliano Urbani, the minister for
culture.  "People will be at risk, and so will the cultural monuments."

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