-Caveat Lector-

House panel steamed at CIA's lack of cooperation

By Tanya N. Ballard

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency declined to testify
before a joint committee hearing Wednesday that explored the agency's
lack of responsiveness to congressional inquiries from outside the House
and Senate intelligence committees.

Rep. Stephen Horn, R-Calif., chairman of the Subcommittee on Government
Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations, held
Wednesday's joint hearing with the International Relations Committee in
response to what he termed a "contemptuous act" by the CIA.

The CIA refused to respond to a General Accounting Office survey of
computer security policies at all of the government's classified
computer systems. Horn's subcommittee commissioned the survey.
"Every federal agency except the CIA responded to the survey," Horn

The subcommittee agreed to allow the CIA to respond in a closed
executive session, but the agency reneged on its promise to show up just
days before the meeting was to take place, Horn said.
The CIA has pointed to a recent change in House rules as the basis for
not cooperating with congressional inquiries other than those received
from the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Horn said.

The rule states that oversight of the CIA's "sources and methods" falls
exclusively to the House and Senate intelligence committees. Horn argued
that his subcommittee also has jurisdiction over the CIA because it is
charged with overseeing government-wide computer security efforts.

Full story: http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0701/071901t1.htm

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