-Caveat Lector-


By: Paul Fallavollita
President Bush "condemned" anti-globalization protesters targeting the G-8
summit in Genoa, Italy. According to Reuters, Bush stated that "those who
protest free trade seek to deny [the] best hope for escaping poverty." Bush’s
plug for free trade, reminiscent of the prattle of the child’s toy, "speak-n’say," is
wholly unremarkable. The event  prompting his comments, however, indicates
that the elites are taking more notice of the discontent their policies generate. A
key rule for patriots should always be that when the elites are disturbed by
something and don’t want it done, then we should investigate that thing and do
it more.
The nationalist approach to trade policy suffers from two key
        handicaps. The first is that the bulk of active protest against free trade
comes from the
        Left, especially from anarcho-communists of various stripes. By "active"
protest, this often means direct confrontation with the authorities, due to the
desire of
        the anarchists to shut down the meetings by blocking the streets and
otherwise creating an
        unsafe environment for the elites. Of course, we on the Right have an
excellent excuse for
        our reticence: we tend to be clean-cut types, respectful of legitimate
authority, and we
        endeavor to conduct ourselves in a dignified manner. Our general lack of
nose rings and
        other such piercings attests to this, as does our regular use of items
including shoes and
        soap. The second handicap is implicit in the first: those of us on the Right
are prone to
        rely exclusively on words, even when we turn our attention to the problems
caused by free
It is important that this second handicap of the Right not be misunderstood.
Words mean
        things, as we learned from Richard Weaver’s classic Ideas Have
        They represent ideas, and appeal to man’s exclusive domain of reason.
Ideas are
        capable of serving as a powerful motivator, one that interacts with man’s
        element and keeps him fighting strong even when the odds seem
overwhelmingly against him.
        The complications arising from over-reliance on words become evident in
        pre-revolutionary climate in a nation, such as present day America. In
such a climate, a
        sizeable proportion of the population expresses important ideas, yet are
ignored by the
        elites in power. A prime example of this situation is the passage of NAFTA
and its threatened expansion into the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA),
despite the protests
        of many unionized workers who are threatened by the Janus-faced demon
of liberal
        cosmopolitanism and exploitative global pan-capitalism.
Given the fact the current power structure ignores the concerns and welfare of
        Americans, is it any wonder that a trend of people physically lashing out is
on the rise?
        The pen and the sword might yet combine and enhance their power. This
is the reason why
        the Bush Administration’s Zionist silver-tongue, Ari Fleischer recently
        "it’s becoming an unfortunate part of summitry that violence is becoming a
        standard…that distorts the goals of the summit." It is difficult to fathom
        Fleischer, who is presumably politically savvy, can fail to appreciate how
the "goals
        of the summit" create the very conditions that spur discontented people to
try to "distort" those goals.
Fleischer seems offended that the peons on the Global Plantation have the
audacity to
        complain. His attitude is symptomatic of the appalling arrogance of power
our ruling class
        indulges in, and it is indicative of a sycophant who at last can enjoy his
position and
        the ability to talk down to the average citizen.
Those of Fleischer’s ilk do not have the right to feel welcome or comfortable as
        they go about their nefarious business. They can count on resistance, and
they can expect
        it to increase. Fleischer is a modern-day Marie Antoinette, and we know
from history that
        such figures earn themselves places on the list of elites deserving "special
        consideration" by patriots when revolution or civil war breaks out.
Speaking of which, how long can the liberals and mega-corporations continue
to lull
        their victims to sleep with beer and football? Has Fleischer’s motley crew
        these variables yet? Eventually, our second-rate rulers are going to slip up
and push too
        far, too soon. With each outrage perpetrated against White Americans, the
ranks of
        citizens awaiting the opportunity to strike a retaliatory blow increase.
Fleischer’s friends should view his concerns as a clear warning. As the elites
        usher in their brave new world, the rightfully indignant discontents it
creates will rise
        to smash it. Thomas Jefferson’s "long train of abuses" is approaching the
        station. Ari Fleischer, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

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Paul Fallavollita is a political science graduate student studying
    international relation and political theory at Purdue University in West
    Indiana. Paul is a regular columnist for Ether Zone.
Paul Fallavollita can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Published in the August 1, 2001 issue of Ether Zone.

Copyright © 2001 Ether Zone. (http://etherzone.com).
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    ~~ Bible, Ecclesiastes 1:18

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