-Caveat Lector-

Expose' Reveals Abortion Practitioner Molested Women
Source:   Phoenix New Times; September 20, 2001

[Note:  The following expose' reveals the twisted behaviors of a Phoenix,
Arizona abortion practitioner who allegedly molested numerous women. It
includes some graphic sexual language that is not appropriate for children.
The names of the women who filed police reports against abortion practitioner
Brian Finkel have been changed to protect their privacy.]

Carol awoke in her Phoenix home on the morning of March 1, 2000, dreading
the ordeal ahead.

"I'm a grown adult," she says, "and I had made an informed, big-adult
decision with my boyfriend. But it wasn't going to be easy."

The single mother, who's in her mid-30s, had decided to have an abortion.
She made an appointment with the Metro Phoenix Women's Clinic, owned and
operated by Dr. Brian Finkel. One of the nation's most visible abortion
doctors, the outspoken Finkel long has been a lightning rod in the bitter
debate over a woman's right to choose.

But Carol says she wasn't concerned about the philosophical pros and cons
of abortion. She just wanted to have the procedure done safely, so she
could get back to work as an x-ray technician at a local hospital.

Carol's boyfriend came with her to the clinic, where she signed in under
her maiden name (she's divorced) to protect her privacy. Her boyfriend
stayed in the waiting area when she stepped into the clinic's inner

It was in the latter, Carol says, where Brian Finkel sexually abused her,
both before and after performing the abortion.

She says Finkel repeatedly rubbed her clitoris during a pre-operation
pelvic exam, after alerting her that he might touch it. Carol also claims
the doctor instructed her to keep her breasts bared during the abortion,
which she says she doesn't remember because of an injection Finkel gave

Carol says she awoke after the abortion to find Finkel fondling her
breasts in a manner that, to her, was sexual, not medical.

She says a female medical assistant was in the room when Finkel allegedly
touched her clitoris, but that the doctor was alone with her when he
fondled her breasts.

Carol says she immediately told her boyfriend what had happened, then
called Phoenix police from Finkel's parking lot. Phoenix sex-crimes
detective Arthur Haduch met with her later that day, then spent the next
few months investigating the case.

"[Finkel had] both hands on either breast, cupping them, fondling them and
rubbing/massaging them in a circular motion," Haduch wrote in a report
that summarized the allegations.

The investigation included a May 12, 2000, interview with Finkel.
According to Haduch's report, "I told Finkel of . . . the reported
manipulation of the clitoris. Finkel states that is not happening . . . I
tell Finkel that a woman would know when her clitoris is touched, and what
is proper and what is not."

The doctor steadfastly denied wrongdoing, as he did in a recent interview
with New Times.

"I don't like my integrity being challenged," Finkel told the newspaper
September 4. "I've gone out of my way to be hyper-vigilant, to protect
myself from specious allegations such as this one and others."

The "others" include five women who have made similar allegations of
sexual misconduct against the doctor to police, dating back to 1991. One
of the women -- a 24-year-old Phoenix resident we'll call Julie -- told
police in early 2000 that Finkel had rubbed her clitoris, then licked her
genitals briefly during a pre-abortion examination.

Though none of the previous complaints against the doctor had resulted in
prosecution, Detective Haduch concluded in a June 2000 report that, "Based
on the information, Dr. Finkel has established a history of molesting his
patients during his abortion procedures."

The detective recommended that the Maricopa County Attorney's Office
prosecute Brian Finkel on charges of sexual assault and sexual abuse. That
office assigned its own investigator, Mark Stribling, to look into the

But Stribling, a retired Phoenix homicide cop, was swamped last year
working on another case involving an abortion doctor, John Biskind.
Biskind was convicted in February of manslaughter in the 1998 death of a
Phoenix woman after her late-term abortion at the now-defunct A-Z Women's

Stribling investigated the Finkel case when he could, and conducted his
own interviews with Carol and other alleged victims. Carol says Stribling
told her months ago that he'd give his full attention to Brian Finkel
after Biskind's sentencing -- which was in May.

Still, prosecutors haven't sought a grand jury indictment against the

"We are actively following up on a submittal from Phoenix police
[Detective Haduch] concerning allegations regarding Dr. Finkel," Stribling
says. "That's all we're going to say publicly."

Finkel tells New Times he's stunned that authorities still are
investigating him. He blames disgruntled ex-employees, the anti-abortion
movement, and confused patients for what he says is a grossly unjust
situation. The doctor points out that his record is clean, despite
complaints and lawsuits that ex-patients have filed against him at the
Arizona Board of Osteopathic Examiners, and in Maricopa County Superior

Finkel says he never has done anything improper, during his treatment of
Carol or any other patient.

"How can anyone believe her when she lied on her application about what
her real name is?" the doctor says of Carol. "There is a pattern of
criminal misconduct that I've seen in some of these [police] reports, not
on my part, but on the patients' parts. . . . I find myself in a no-win
situation. I'm never even alone with my patients -- never."

Finkel says some women just don't understand what a pelvic exam is: "They
misconstrue professional conduct for professional misconduct. . . .
Physicians that abuse their patients in this state go to prison. I'm not
going to go to prison, because I'm not doing anything wrong."


I am a busy gynecologist, and would never do a breast exam on any
patient, regardless of age, without a female attendant present to protect
her dignity and my integrity.
--Dr. Finkel, in a February 1999 letter to
Ann Landers, about unchaperoned x-ray technicians who perform breast exams


One-on-one allegations of sexual misconduct that lack physical evidence
are notoriously difficult for prosecutors to prove in court. The potential
case against Brian Finkel, however, has details that transcend the
he-said, she-said circumstances that often hamper authorities.

Perhaps most important is that four of Finkel's ex-employees have told
authorities that they often saw the doctor touch his patients' clitorises
during pelvic examinations. The four said he also would regularly fondle
the breasts of patients in a non-medical manner. Each of those employees
have said that, contrary to Finkel's claims, he often found ways to be
alone -- sometimes for five or six minutes -- with many of his prettier

As for Carol, the fact that she phoned police immediately is a plus for
prosecutors. It's also important that she's not aligned with Finkel's
longtime enemies -- right-to-lifers who would love to see him crumble. "I
really agree with a woman's right to choose if she's prepared to have a
child or not," she says. "I think it's up to the woman herself."

Carol hasn't sued the doctor, nor has she hired an attorney. Instead,
after Finkel allegedly abused her, she sought therapy. She says she didn't
file a complaint with the state osteopathic board against Finkel because
she didn't think of it. Carol also claims she didn't know that five other
women had filed sexual misconduct allegations against Finkel with Phoenix
police until she recently read the report on her own case for the first

It turns out that those other reports contain allegations that are
remarkably similar to Carol's -- allegations that Finkel manipulated their
clitorises in a manner they claim was sexual.

The earliest complaint was filed in 1991. "Terry" told police and, more
recently, New Times, that Finkel had rubbed her clitoris during a
gynecological examination. Now 37, the Phoenix woman says she went to
Finkel's clinic because it was open on a Saturday, when she wasn't

"I had an infection that needed to be looked at," Terry says. "I went in,
and his assistant was at the sink washing dishes or something for a long,
long time. That was when this doctor put his hand down there, and just
started rubbing my clitoris. That's never happened to me during an exam,
before or since. I was shocked. I looked directly at him, and I was about
to say something, when he turned away. It was not a normal visit."

Terry says she later told her mother what had happened. The next morning,
she called Phoenix police: "My thinking was, what does he do to those
young girls I saw at his office, girls who are already flipped out because
they're getting an abortion, and then they have to deal with that yahoo?"

Police reports confirm that a Phoenix detective interviewed Terry at the
time. She says the investigator told her a criminal case against Finkel
would be difficult because "it was my word against his and that the woman
[medical assistant] in the room hadn't seen anything, or hadn't cared to
see anything."

Terry says she also filed a complaint with the state osteopathic board.
"About eight months goes by, and I finally get a letter. They say they've
spoken to Dr. Finkel, and that's it. End of story."

Terry says she no longer has that letter. Osteopathic board executive
director Ann Marie Berger says that, under Arizona law, she can't even
confirm the existence of a dismissed complaint that's more than three
years old, nor a "letter of concern" from the board to a doctor that's
more than five years old.

Phoenix police files also include allegations of sexual misconduct against
Finkel in 1992, two in 1995, and the one from Julie in 2000, shortly
before Carol filed her complaint.

>From a summary of the November 1992 report: "[Finkel] flicked victim's
clitoris several times [and] pinched breast nipples."

>From a summary of a January 1995 report: "[Finkel] stimulated clitoris for
approximately three seconds. Squeezed and pulled on breast nipples."

>From a summary of an October 1995 report filed by a 26-year-old Phoenix
woman: "[Finkel] rubbed clitoris up and down several times."

Then, on January 25, 2000, Phoenix police traced a 911 hang-up call to a
residence inside city limits. According to a police report, two officers
were met at the home by a distraught 24-year-old woman.

"Julie" told them that, accompanied by a girlfriend earlier that day, she
had gone to Finkel's clinic for an abortion. Finkel had performed a
previous abortion on Julie a few years earlier, without incident.

This time, however, she alleged something far different.

"[Julie] said that he began to rub KY jelly on her vagina," the police
report said, "but while doing this, he rubbed her clitoris three or four
times. . . ."

Around this time, Finkel had given Julie a pain-killing injection that put
her in a kind of "twilight sleep," but she told the police she never was
completely unconscious. She recalled that a medical assistant had been
present during the clitoral rubbing.

Julie said she closed her eyes, but did hear the operating-room door open
and close a few times in the next few minutes.

"She said that she then felt Finkel 'lick her down there,' and said it
lasted for approximately three to five seconds," according to the report.

The officers filed their report with the sex-crimes unit, but Detective
James Newhouse didn't re-interview Julie until March 22, three weeks after
Carol had contacted Phoenix police about her problems with Finkel.

In her second interview, Julie conceded that she hadn't said anything to
Finkel during the alleged assault. She described Finkel's "hot breath" on
her clitoris, and said that when she opened her eyes, he was sitting on
the end of the operating table looking at her.

"She knows what a tongue feels like on her clitoris," Newhouse wrote in
his report, adding that Julie was "100 percent sure" that a tongue had
touched her clitoris.

But Newhouse never confronted Finkel with Julie's allegations. Nor did he
submit the case to county prosecutors for review, as Detective Haduch did
after investigating Carol's allegations last year.

Instead, Newhouse's mini-investigation ended with his written notation,
"There are other reports involving Dr. Finkel that are also being

Police won't discuss their investigations into Finkel. Says Haduch, "I
don't feel comfortable talking about the Finkel case at this time. We
submitted [the allegations involving Carol] to the County Attorney, and
it's an open investigation there, so it's up to them what happens next."

Still, Haduch's report includes potentially powerful testimony from a
number of Finkel's former employees who generally corroborate the
patients' complaints. In separate interviews, four ex-medical assistants
who'd worked closely with Finkel told the detective they'd seen the doctor
routinely perform what was known at the clinic as the "clit flick" --
improper touching of the clitoris during preoperative exams.

One of the ex-assistants, Crystal Sykes, also told Phoenix police last
year that Finkel often "fondled the patient's breasts to wake them from
[a] twilight sleep . . . and every one of Finkel's medical assistants knew

"Crystal stated mostly it was the cute patients," according to a police
report. Sykes "stated she couldn't say if Finkel would manipulate the
clitoris of every patient. Crystal said in some of the more attractive
patients, Finkel would stay in the room and she would leave. Crystal
stated she has re-entered the room and seen Finkel rubbing the patient's
inner thighs while the patient was in the stirrups.

"I spoke with Crystal about the pelvic exam and the allegations about
Finkel manipulating the clitoris," the report says. "Crystal stated how
she felt uncomfortable about this part of the exam. Crystal said when the
patient was attractive, Finkel would find reasons to stay in the room
alone with the patients."

Sykes worked for Finkel for about 18 months in the late 1990s. She told
police she'd be willing to testify against Finkel.

Finkel says Sykes is lying, and has a vendetta against him because he
fired her.

In August 2000, Haduch found Valley resident Karen Corbett, who had worked
for Finkel for 10 years. Corbett corroborated Sykes' account, and also
said she and other medical assistants had told Finkel that the
breast-fondling was inappropriate. Corbett also said she'd informed the
doctor's wife, Diana -- who works part time as Finkel's office manager --
about the allegedly inappropriate fondling. However, Diana Finkel tells
New Times that, "No one ever has told me that my husband was doing
anything inappropriate during any examination. I'm sure I would have
addressed it with him immediately."

According to Haduch's police report, Corbett said, "Finkel would
particularly fondle the breasts of larger-chested women or women with
breast enhancement. I asked Karen if she had ever been out of the room and
Finkel was alone with the patient. Karen said this happened numerous

"I asked Karen about the term 'clit flick.' Karen saw Finkel perform this
flicking. Karen had seen Finkel do this during every pelvic exam. Karen
and other medical assistants told Finkel this was inappropriate. Karen
reported she would become upset about this flicking and would look away."

The doctor dismisses Corbett's allegations, telling New Times he's "never
'clit-flicked' a patient for improper motive, or improper gratification. I
don't want to, I don't need to, and I don't have to. Do I touch their
breasts as anything other than as a professional part of their exam? No. I
have no reason to, and I am not going to.

"I've gone out of my way to make sure, No. 1, that I'm never alone with a
patient. No. 2, when I take a patient to the exam room, I tell her how to
prepare for an exam. I leave the room and she undresses by herself. I come
back in the room with a medical assistant by my side, or one at my beck
and call. I never examine a patient without a female attendant being
present. No ifs, ands or buts."

Finkel suggests his accusers may have been manipulated by police as well
as political opponents. "I do understand that, sometimes, law enforcement
can be rather forceful in intimidating people into making statements that
aren't true."

And he goes a step further: "I understand there are people in this
community who don't like the fact that I'm an abortion provider. And I
understand there are people under the color of authority who would like to
make me unavailable for abortions. I've seen it in the past."

Brian Finkel has earned an excellent set of credentials since he first was
licensed in Arizona as an osteopath in 1982.

He is board-certified as an obstetrician-gynecologist, and is a fellow
with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and with the
International College of Surgeons. A member of the United States Air Force
Reserves, Finkel served as a flight surgeon during the Desert Storm
operation in 1990.

But national and local anti-abortionists long have targeted the
51-year-old Finkel as their archenemy, more than any other area abortion
doctor. His name and address is listed on Internet sites controlled by
radical anti-abortionists whose ilk have murdered other abortion

To protect himself, the doctor wears a loaded handgun on his hip when he's

"When you're a nationally prominent abortion provider such as myself,"
Finkel says, "you have to be more vigilant than others. When you're a
lightning rod for public comment, you have to be more vigilant."

Still, he continues to embrace the limelight, and takes every opportunity
to tell the world how poorly he regards most anti-abortionists. Finkel
gets a ton of business, about 1,600 abortions last year, he says, or about
20 percent of all abortions performed in the state of Arizona. The doctor
charges between $300 and $500 for an abortion.

"Thousands and thousands of abortions, and I get six women saying I'm
pawing at them, huh?" he says. "Give me a break."

In the early and mid-1990s, right-to-lifers led by Phoenix attorney John
Jakubczyk funded about a half-dozen medical malpractice lawsuits on behalf
of Finkel abortion patients. Superior Court records indicate that the
doctor prevailed in each suit.

Finkel also was cleared of wrongdoing in the sole complaint now available
for public scrutiny at the osteopathic board.

Filed by a Phoenix woman in August 1998, that complaint claimed Finkel had
performed an abortion using unsanitary surgical equipment. The board
considered the complaint at a hearing, during which Finkel alleged a
"persistent pattern of misconduct on the behalf of [board] staff in order
to do immediate and permanent damage to me to earn a living." The board
then voted to dismiss that complaint.

Finkel tells New Times that the state board has dismissed 28 of the other
29 complaints filed against him.

The remaining one was a 1997 "letter of concern" from the board to the
doctor about wearing a gun while performing abortions.

Certainly, patients do make false allegations of sexual abuse against
their doctors. But abuse does happen, and perhaps with greater frequency
than many might suspect.

Dr. Thomas Gutheil, a Harvard Medical School psychiatry professor,
recently wrote, "Although most of us would like to believe this is
relatively rare in the medical practice . . . there is a tendency to
underreport this kind of conduct. Its victims often fall into self-blaming
and anger at themselves for not reacting quickly and leaving the scene."

Ann Marie Berger notes that 55 Arizona osteopaths list OB-GYN as a
specialty. She says that no one has filed allegations of sexual misconduct
against an OB-GYN since she was hired in 1995.

In 1999, a survey conducted by the American Medical Association's Council
on Ethics and Judicial Affairs revealed that, of 1,891 doctors who
responded, a remarkable nine percent admitted to sexual contact with one
or more patients.

Though the survey didn't define "sexual contact," Phoenix sex-crimes
detectives say that, in their experience, allegations of clitoral rubbing
and breast fondling by doctors are rare.

One reason, says Dr. Joseph Buxer, medical director of the Women's Health
Service at Good Samaritan Hospital, is that doctors always try to ensure
they're not alone with patients during intimate examinations.

"A chaperone should always be present in such situations," says Buxer, who
was speaking generally. "There are too many opportunities for a he-said,
she-said situation to develop, whatever the motivation. You need someone
to say that you weren't fooling around, that you were doing your normal
job in a normal, appropriate way."

Adds Dr. Thomas Cole, dean of the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine:
"We teach that, for your own safety as well as for the safety and comfort
of your patients, have someone with you when you're performing an intimate
examination or awakening someone after a procedure. How can you defend
yourself otherwise?"

Finkel says he always tells his patients that he may inadvertently touch
their clitorises, but only briefly and not for sexual purposes. But four
OB-GYN doctors tell New Times that incidental contact with the clitoris
during pelvic examinations is rare, and that forewarning patients about
possible touching is unnecessary.

Detective Haduch broached the subject during his investigation with Kim
Yedowitz, a supervising nurse at Scottsdale Healthcare/Osborn. His report
says Yedowitz told him there is no medical reason to manipulate a clitoris
during a pelvic exam.

Yedowitz told Haduch a doctor may have incidental contact with a patient's
clitoris, but the patient wouldn't report it as rubbing, flicking or
repeated touching. The nurse also said there's no reason for a doctor to
perform a second breast examination after an abortion.

In late April 2000, Haduch informed Brian Finkel by phone about the
allegations of "inappropriate touching" of patients. His report says the
doctor denied wrongdoing. Finkel referred Haduch to attorney Rosann
Johnson (who was present during Finkel's recent interview with New Times.)

Haduch's report says he gave Johnson the names of Finkel's most recent
alleged victims, as well as some details of the allegations. On May 10,
2000, Haduch and another detective met with Finkel and attorney Johnson at
the doctor's clinic.

Haduch first told Finkel he wasn't under arrest, and that he didn't intend
to arrest Finkel even after the interview. The doctor soon explained to
Haduch that he has a nurse present in the operating room during every

Finkel said he examines his patients' breasts to see if the woman is
lactating, and to determine if she has had cosmetic surgery. (According to
Finkel, abortion may be more discomforting for women with breast

The detective told the doctor that patients were claiming he'd rubbed
their clitorises -- intentionally, in their views -- during pelvic exams.
Finkel denied it.

>From Haduch's report: "Finkel reports telling the patient that he might be
touching their clitoris, so that the patient doesn't think he is taking
advantage of them."

For unknown reasons, the detective apparently didn't mention Julie, the
woman who had made the oral sex allegations against Finkel only a few
months earlier.

Though the doctor had denied guilt, Haduch's police report concluded,
"Finkel sexually assaulted the victims by intentionally manipulating the
clitoris . . . without a medical reason, and aroused the victim from her
sleep by fondling her breasts. Witnesses stated this was a routine
practice for Finkel. No accepted medical procedure could be found for
Finkel's actions."

Carol, who filed the latest police report against the doctor, says she
hopes the County Attorney's Office seeks a grand jury indictment against

"I'm not a shrinking-violet little girl, but I was vulnerable that day,"
she says, "and he took advantage of a situation to get his cheap little

Brian Finkel hired veteran Phoenix criminal-defense attorney Clark Derrick
after his recent interview with New Times. But he says he plans to
continue to speak up for himself.

"This is my story, and I'm sticking to it," Finkel says. "I intend to
remain just as vigilant in the future as I have been in the past . . . and
to make myself available to the people of Arizona who so desperately want
me, and seek me out."

A copy of this story can be found at:

Roe v. Wade:  28 Years of Life Denied

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