-Caveat Lector-

Somebody finally realized that disarming innocent persons doesn't make them safer.  


September 25, 2001

Pilots Will Ask for Permission to Carry Guns


       WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 — The largest pilots' union will propose on Tuesday that 
cockpit crews
       be permitted to carry handguns to foil hijackers. The chief of the Federal 
Administration says that she is open to the idea but that it poses practical problems.

Officials of the 67,000-member union, the Air Line Pilots Association, said its 
president, Duane Woerth,
would recommend to a House subcommittee that pilots be allowed but not required to 
carry firearms.

Current F.A.A. policy forbids airline crews to carry guns on board. But John Mazor, a 
spokesman for the
union, said that although the arming of pilots would be a "radical step," it had 
overwhelming support from
the membership.

"This is a reflection on how much the attack on Sept. 11 has changed everything we 
thought about
hijackings and terrorism," Mr. Mazor said.

Mr. Mazor said that under the legislative proposal by the union, pilots who wanted to 
participate would be
required to undertake extensive training and psychological testing, ad be subjected to 
detailed background

Asked about guns in the cockpit, Jane F. Garvey, the F.A.A. administrator, said: 
"That's an idea that
probably, two weeks ago, I would not even have considered. Now we are challenging 
every assumption."

But Ms. Garvey said there were several practical problems. One is that pilots held in 
place by their over-
the-shoulder harnesses, as required during takeoff and landing, might not be able to 
turn far enough
around to use a gun. A second problem, she said, would be what to do if one pilot 
wanted a gun in the
cockpit and the other did not.

The idea is a stark departure from the traditional approach to airline safety, which 
seeks to keep weapons
off planes. That concept has been emphasized all the more since the Sept. 11 attacks. 
Even cockpit
crews, who customarily keep their luggage with them on trips, have been subjected to 
close searches of
carry-on baggage. Pilots have complained that nail files and manicure scissors have 
been confiscated.

The proposal is also a quick reversal for Mr. Woerth, who told a Senate committee last 
Thursday that
pilots could not be "Sky King and Wyatt Earp at the same time."

Some government aviation officials said that introducing a firearm into the cockpit, 
even in the hands of a
seasoned pilot, could create as many risks as it eliminated.

"You'd have to have a tremendous amount of screening and training before I'd ever want 
to ride as a
passenger on an airplane where the pilot was armed," said a senior crash investigator 
for the National
Transportation Safety Board. The investigator, a former commercial airline pilot, 
added, `Some of these
guys are the type that'd be quick to anger without a good basis for it.`

But many pilots adamantly maintained that they could be entrusted with a weapon, 
particularly when they
have already been entrusted with the controls of the aircraft itself.

The push extends beyond pilots of passenger jets to the thousands of pilots flying 
jets carrying cargo.

Despite the popular conception that firing a gun in an airplane poses a strong risk of 
making the plane
crash, aviation experts say that with special bullets, serious damage to the airplane 
is unlikely.

The government already covertly places armed guards on select commercial flights. 
These sky marshals,
experts say, carry ammunition that has a smaller charge, so the bullet moves more 
slowly, and that is
"frangible," so it breaks up on impact. Such bullets will break the skin and could 
kill a person hit in the eye,
say, but would not penetrate the skull, according to the experts.

Further, even if a bullet penetrated an aircraft's aluminum skin, most planes are 
designed to prevent any
such hole from developing into a tear. And the hole made by even a large-caliber 
ordinary lead bullet
would not be big enough to cause decompression; the engines repressurize the cabin 
faster than a hole
could let air out. Even windows will withstand bullets, experts say.

"Those windows can take the pointy end of a fire ax swung by a beefy fireman with all 
his might," one
aviation structures expert said.

Part of the training for sky marshals, however, shows them what parts of a plane are 
sensitive and should
not be hit.

Seeking to rebuild a jittery public's confidence in the security of air 
transportation, Ms. Garvey, the
F.A.A. administrator, took a commercial flight today from Washington to Kennedy 
International Airport
in New York and shook every hand in sight, thanking pilots, passengers, flight 
attendants, ticket agents
and sky marshals. She even patted the head of a sniffer dog.

But while planes are flying again, many passengers are not. A United Express executive 
who manages
the airline's operation at Dulles International Airport told Ms. Garvey that once 
flights resumed last week,
some 80 percent of aircraft were flying but that they carried only about 31 percent of 
capacity, down by
more than half. Arriving in New York, Ms. Garvey heard from Al Graser, the Port 
Authority's manager
of operations at Kennedy, "Movements are good, but load factors are horrendous."

Ms. Garvey arrived for a 1:05 p.m. flight from Dulles at about 11:25 a.m. — not quite 
with the two hours
in advance that her agency now recommends, but in plenty of time to clear security and 
then try to build
morale at the airport, which was noticeably quieter than normal.

"Thanks for traveling," she said to five members of a church group from Virginia 
Beach, Va., on their
way to New York for a flight to Helsinki and then St. Petersburg, Russia. When she 
explained who she
was, Penny Crowell, one of the group, said: "I really feel safe. I feel better."

Almost wistfully, Ms. Garvey reminded the group that her problem used to be air 
traffic congestion.

"Now it seems like a nice problem to have had," she said.

In New York, Ms. Garvey toured a year-old F.A.A. regional headquarters in Jamaica, 
Queens. The
building was the first major federal building completed after the Oklahoma City 
bombing, and meets the
latest bomb blast standards, agency officials said.

                   Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company

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