-Caveat Lector-


Taliban Supporters Torch U.S. Kabul Embassy

By Sayed Salahuddin


KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Taliban gave the United
States a taste of the ferocious hostility it faces if it tries to unseat
them when thousands of their supporters stormed and torched the deserted
U.S. embassy in Kabul on Wednesday.

Within hours of the assault, the Taliban's reclusive leader, Mullah
Mohammad Omar, told his people he saw less likelihood of an attack since
Washington had no proof that Osama bin Laden was involved in this month's
U.S. suicide plane attacks.

Although all U.S. diplomats and staff left the embassy in 1989, the
sprawling complex -- once a key listening post in central Asia -- remained
mothballed, its diplomatic status respected by all who have controlled
Kabul since.

What started as a peaceful protest by government officers and students
spiraled into a frenzied attack.

It was not clear if it was orchestrated or spontaneous.

Some armed men were clearly trying to hold back the crowd and city
firefighters worked hard to tackle the blaze, but other Taliban fighters
joined in enthusiastically.

Two turbaned, black-clad Taliban shimmied up the main entrance to the
building and used a crowbar and hammer to rip off the huge metal U.S. seal
hanging between the pillars.

Boys jumped and waved their arms in jubilation as men used axes to hack at
the windows of the main building to gain entry.

Amid scenes of pandemonium, fires were started and black smoke billowed
into the sky over Kabul. Young men ripped up cabling from walls and
pathways to feed the inferno.

The hulks of dozens of abandoned embassy vehicles -- long cannibalized for
spare parts -- were also set upon and burned.

In Washington, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the United
States held the Taliban responsible for the security of the embassy

"They must assure that these facilities are protected, and I would say
once again these incidents today demonstrate once again how out of step
the Taliban is with its international obligations," he told a daily

"Governments around the world protect diplomatic facilities before events
happen, before mobs are allowed to go into them. that's the responsibility
we ascribe to the Taliban," he said.

Washington continues to employ Afghans as a skeleton staff at the embassy
but none were present at the time, he added.


It was the biggest show of anti-American and pro-Taliban support since
Saudi-born Islamic militant bin Laden was first implicated in the
devastating September 11 attacks.

The United States say bin Laden -- who lives as a "guest" of the ruling
Taliban -- masterminded the attacks on New York and Washington and has
vowed to punish him and his protectors.

"We will support Islam and bin Laden," the crowd chanted as they marched
on the embassy. "The U.S. government should learn a lesson from our defeat
of the Russians and the British."

A day earlier, Mullah Omar urged Americans not to blindly follow their
government in acting against Afghanistan. He has urged his people to be
ready for jihad, or holy war.

How many will be prepared to heed the Taliban's call for a fight to the
death against any U.S. action remains to be seen.

U.N. agencies reported hundreds of thousands of people on the move inside
the country -- and millions more at risk from the effects of a withering
drought compounded by fighting between the Taliban and opposition Northern
Alliance fighters.

Mullah Omar ordered all Afghans to return home.

"There is less possibility of an American attack," he said in a message
distributed by the Information Ministry. "America has no reason,
justification or evidence for attacking.

"Therefore all those (Afghans) who have been displaced internally or
externally are instructed to return to their original place of residence."

On Tuesday, Mullah Omar appealed for common sense from the American people
in assessing whether bin Laden could have masterminded the attacks.

"You accept everything your government says, whether it is true or false,"
Omar said in a message faxed to Reuters from his headquarters in the
southern city of Kandahar.


Mullah Omar's position has never appeared more perilous, but under siege
from the rest of the world and under attack from within, he has responded
defiantly by insisting that anyone helping the United States faced the
wrath of his holy warriors.

The Taliban were left with but a single ally on Wednesday, its neighbor
Pakistan, after Saudi Arabia -- the birthplace of Islam -- cut off all
ties with the puritanical Muslim movement.

Pakistan withdrew its diplomats on security grounds on Monday.

As they found themselves virtually friendless, the Taliban -- which
controls some 95 percent of the country -- also faced a small but
emboldened opposition that has stepped up attacks from their northern

But Taliban forces recaptured Zari, 100 km (60 miles) south of
Mazar-i-Sharif, which was lost to Northern Alliance forces trying to
advance on the strategic city at the weekend.

The U.N. refugee agency UNHCR launched an urgent appeal for a quarter of a
billion dollars in emergency funding to deal with the Afghan crisis.

"These figures are based on a worst-case scenario, but then we simply must
be prepared for the worst," High Commissioner Ruud Lubbers said in Geneva.

The UNHCR says it expects over 1.5 million Afghans to flee the country and
join 3.5 million already in camps in Iran and Pakistan -- the biggest
refugee group in the world.

The U.N. Office of Humanitarian Assistance said the number of Afghans
inside the country who would depend on outside assistance to survive the
coming winter would reach 7.5 million.

"Their grip on survival is definitely slipping," spokeswoman Stephanie
Bunker said in Islamabad.

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                         DEFINING APARTHEID

Article 2 of the "International Convention of the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid" of 1973 clearly defined the
term "crime of apartheid." This includes similar policies and practices
of segregation and discrimination as practiced in South Africa and
which also apply to inhuman acts committed for the purpose of the
establishment and maintaining of domination by one racial group over
another. This includes the deliberated imposition of living conditions
calculated to cause physical destruction and any legislative or other
measures preventing a racial group from full development of their
political, social, economic and cultural life.  This is an accurate
description of what the zionists are doing to the Palestinian people
with the full support of the USA.

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