-Caveat Lector-



Bush Attempts to Have His State Papers Declared Federal
W.'s Paper Chase

September 28, 2001:

Where Is Angelina Eberly When We Need Her? According to the
Handbook of Texas, in 1842 Republic of Texas President Sam
Houston tried to move the Texas capital to the city of Houston.
Austinites fiercely opposed the move, and when Texas Rangers
came to transport the state's papers out of Austin, innkeeper Eberly
fired a cannon at them, setting off what became known as the
Archive War. As George W. Bush attempts to abscond with his
gubernatorial papers, Eberly's cannon might come in handy again.
illustration by Doug Potter

In January, while the eyes of the world were on recounts in Florida
and the never-ending U.S. presidential election, a convoy of trucks
left the state Capitol complex in Austin. The trucks were on a 110-
mile trip to the southeast, to College Station and Texas A&M
University -- specifically, to the George Bush Presidential Library
on the A&M campus. Carrying 60 shrink-wrapped pallets of
documents, the convoy was removing Gov. George W. Bush's
gubernatorial records from direct state control and passing them
into the hands of federal archivists, already working to catalog the
papers of the elder Bush's government service.

The move was not remarked upon or apparently even announced
in Austin. But as early as 1997, the younger Bush had made clear
his intention to store his gubernatorial records at the library
devoted to his father's government service, instead of at the state
archives in Austin. Frustrated at first by a Texas law that would
have in theory barred him from housing his papers at the
presidential library at A&M (a federal facility, managed by the
National Archives and Records Administration), Gov. George W.
Bush had successfully sought state legislation which would allow
him to "designate an institution of higher education or alternate
archival institution in the state, in lieu of the Texas State Library
and Archives, as the repository for the records of the executive
office of the governor."

But what began in 1997 as an effort by the then-governor simply to
house his public papers with those of his father has, step by step --
with some assistance from the current occupant of the Governor's
Mansion -- led to a legal struggle conducted behind closed doors.
The final outcome, intended or not, may be to keep the record of
George W. Bush's six-year term in Austin out of reach of historians
and journalists -- and the public -- at least until Bush's term in the
White House ends, and perhaps longer.

"There is some doubt about who has ownership [of the Bush
documents] now," State Archivist Chris LaPlante told the State
Library Commission at a meeting earlier this year, in which the
impasse between the state and federal governments was
discussed. (The discussions are available to the public on
audiotape.) "And because of the difficulty of accessing these
records, it's entirely possible that at some point, someone could
take legal action under the Texas Public Information Act for failure
of the Bush Library to provide the information that one has
requested, in accordance with the Public Information Act. Of course
on their hand, [the archival staff of the Bush Library] is saying
'That's a state law, that doesn't apply to us.' They're only liable for
the Freedom of Information Act, a federal law. It's really important
that this issue be resolved."

George W. Bush is not the first former Texas governor to consign
his papers to a repository other than the state archives. John
Connally, for example, left his papers to the Lyndon Baines
Johnson Presidential Library at UT. Bill Clements' archives are also
at A&M, although not housed in the federal archives. But a crucial
difference separates these past cases from what President Bush is
now attempting to do. The state of Texas retained title to the official
papers of Connally and Clements, and the State Library and
Archives kept copies of the documents as well. In the case of the
Bush papers, state archivists have never been permitted even to
sort through the complete documents, or arrange or classify them.
President Bush's private attorney, supported by Gov. Perry's office,
is apparently now taking the position that the records no longer
belong to the state.

State archivists have offered to catalog the records for the Bush
Library either at College Station or during a temporary return to
Austin. "I think we have more agreement with the National Archives
and Records Administration than we do with other units of state
government," said one State Library official, alluding to the
difference of opinion between the state agency and Gov. Perry.
"We can deal with [NARA] as archival professionals, and they know
the kind of work that needs to be done. They know they can't do it.
They know they're not responsible for doing that kind of work on
records that are not federal records of the presidential library that
they're serving. Our offer I think [is] very generous."

A member of the State Library Commission (the six-member board
that oversees the archives and the State Library, which includes
the whole trove of official Texas writings beginning even before the
Revolution) commented: "The fact that we're requesting [the
records] come back here for the inventory process would not undo
the spirit of what [President Bush] wants, and that's the end result
for them to be placed with his father's material. So what's the

Gov. Perry Abdicates    "In December of last year," state archivist
LaPlante explained in May to the board of the State Library and
Archives Commission, "the state librarian, Peggy Rudd, received a
phone call -- December 19, I think -- from a staff member in
Governor Bush's general counsel's office saying that they were
going to walk over for her signature a formal agreement that had
been signed by Gov. Bush, in which he officially designated the
Bush Library as the official alternative repository for the records of
his administration." At that time the state librarian declined to sign a
full agreement with the president-elect. "We simply didn't know
much about what was in the records. We had not seen a 'finding
aid': an inventory of the records," one library official said. The state
archivists did, however, respond with a suggested memorandum of
understanding of their own that required "shipping those records
back here to Austin, from College Station, so that we can do a
preliminary inventory. That version has been provided to and is
currently being reviewed by staff at the National Archives, the
governor's general counsel's office, [and] President Bush's
personal attorney. Some issues did arise [that is, there were some
differences between the parties]."

In the spring, an attempt at a conference-call resolution by all the
parties to resolve those issues was unsuccessful. One state official
who took part in the call noted an odd position taken at the start by
Gov. Perry's representatives. "When Governor Perry's office
participated in the conference call, they right at the beginning made
it clear that they did not consider themselves in any way
responsible for the records, and they weren't sure why they were in
the conference call, but they were." Perry's indecisive state then
changed. "An issue involved whether [the Bush gubernatorial
papers] were state records or federal records," the same official
said, "and we thought we were in pretty much agreement that they
were state records. The national archives indicated that they had
no problem with them being state records. They didn't consider
them federal records. But then after the [proposed] memorandum of
understanding was circulated, the governor's office, in
conversations with the attorney general's office -- they didn't speak
directly to us -- [came to the conclusion that the 1997 statute
signed into law by then-governor Bush] was some kind of trump
card that gave the governor [Bush] wide-ranging authority to
redesignate the records from being state records to being
something else."

Further attempts to pursue an agreement by telephone were
quashed by Perry's office. "We were going to have a second
conference call," said a State Library official who participated in the
first, "but that got sidetracked when the governor's office felt that
the statute took us out of the picture altogether." The law, which
Gov. Bush had asked for and signed, is a brief section of an
omnibus state archives bill, House Bill 1812 of 1997's 75th Texas
Legislature. Section 441.201 reads, in its entirety: "In consultation
with the [State Library and Archives] commission, a governor may
designate an institution of higher education or alternate archival
institution in the state, in lieu of the Texas State Library and
Archives, as the repository for the records of the executive office of
the governor created or received during that governor's term of
office. Such alternative repository shall administer the records in
accordance with normally accepted archival principles and
practices and shall ensure that the records are available to the
public. The terms of any such alternative repository arrangement
shall be recorded by the commission through a memorandum of
understanding, deposit agreement, or other appropriate

The bill, originally sponsored by Sen. Steve Ogden, R-Bryan, was
eventually folded into the omnibus State Library and Archives law
carried by Rep. Bob Hunter, R-Abilene, chair of the State, Federal,
and International Relations committee that oversees the state
archives. Ogden's office referred requests for comment to Hunter,
who said that as he understood it, the intent of the provision was
"so that the state library and archives might have some relief [as to
space], and also to give a benefit to state schools and libraries. We
were also aware that certain governors would have interest in
certain libraries ... and we want the records to be available to the
people of Texas and scholars of the world." Hunter said he was
unaware that Bush's records have already been transferred to the
Bush Presidential Library and was surprised to learn that had
happened yet no one had raised the matter with his committee
during this year's legislative session.

Nowhere -- at least not to a laymen's eyes -- does the law allow or
even address the transfer of title to the records away from the
state. Nor does the law prohibit the state's archivists from reviewing
and classifying what are (or were) state documents. The
"memorandum of understanding" that the statute contemplates is
the agreement that the state archivists have proposed to President
Bush's lawyers that would enable that review and classification --
but that the president currently is refusing to sign, apparently
because it would mean returning the documents to Austin for a
time, in order for them to be sorted and classified.

Who holds title to -- and who holds possession of -- the records of
the Bush's gubernatorial administration is particularly important.
Although George W. Bush has not been caught in an illicit
relationship with an intern, his stay in the White House has already
shown him to be vulnerable in the most fundamental aspect of
politics: policy. Because of the president's limited public experience
prior to 1994, the record of his term in Austin takes on special
importance in understanding and influencing, and perhaps
redirecting, his present administration. (Imagine the uproar if Bill
Clinton had tried to shield his Arkansas gubernatorial records.) The
files now held prisoner in College Station include documents
related to the imposition of the death penalty, policies toward the
environment and toward minorities, health care and welfare reform,
as well as a variety of other social issues.

If Bush is permitted to leave his state records in the hands of
federal archivists, the benefits to his administration -- at least in
political terms -- could well be substantial. For a politician, no news
is good news. Under the federal Freedom of Information Act,
processing a request for information via federal disclosure can and
often does take years. Disclosure under the Texas Public
Information Act, on the other hand, typically takes weeks -- and
sometimes only days. State archivists say, moreover, they have
been informed by National Archives officials that the George W.
Bush gubernatorial papers are a low priority for assessment and
cataloguing, since the federal archivists' primary responsibility is to
finish their work on the papers relating to the career of the first
President Bush. "They've said as much," a state official remarked
of the federal archivists in College Station. "They're not going to do
anything till the end of the presidential administration, at which
point [there will be] a George W. Bush Library and then they might
process [the gubernatorial records] -- after the presidential
records." In the meantime, the Bush papers are in a kind of
bureaucratic limbo. Said State Librarian Peggy Rudd: "I think at this
point it would be very difficult to determine if something were lost."
On or Off the Record?   The entire impasse is riddled with potential
conflicts of interest, and George W. Bush appears everywhere as
not just the subject of the conflict, but as a force majeure to those
who must decide the law and what is in the best interests of the
public -- or their own best interests. "The deputy [national] archivist
for presidential libraries has seen the [proposed] agreement,"
LaPlante told the State Library Commission at the May meeting. "I
got the impression from talking to her that they don't have a
problem with our proposal. They see the logic of it -- they would
like to get out from under this. But also you have to understand that
they're a federal agency and the national archivist, John Carlin,
answers directly to the president and Congress. So I think they
have to be very careful of what they propose and they want to get a
sense -- they have been in contact with President Bush's personal
attorney, and she voiced to the deputy archivist, in fact, that her
client was very reluctant to have the records leave the Bush Library
and come back [to Austin]."

The assistant state attorney general representing the library
announced to an August commission meeting that there had been
no progress in breaking the impasse; the board members then
adjourned into a closed-door executive session to discuss options.
They're discussing them still. And the recent conflagration in New
York and D.C. does not bode well for getting the president's
attention any time soon. While space is tight at the state archives
in Austin, archivists have made clear that they can find room for the
Bush papers. The issue here is access, not logistics.

However, George W. Bush may have already made an error. A war
was once fought in the Republic of Texas over an attempt to
remove government records from Austin (see "Angelina Eberly,"
p.24). In the present case, as state archivists have warned,
someone is almost certain to sue -- if only to determine who has
title to the papers and whether they are to be reviewed and
released under the more rigorous state statute, which requires
prompt cooperation with open records requests, or treated as
documents covered by the more time-consuming federal Freedom
of Information Act. (It would certainly be an odd Texas jury, indeed,
that could rule that the records of the administration of a Texas
governor are not state documents.) As one member of the Library
and Archives Commission -- himself a Republican and a lawyer
and a Bush appointee -- put it when he was informed of the
impasse, "I'll speak only for myself. I would have a serious problem
with giving up title, so to speak, to the documents. I'm very willing
to work to try and accommodate as much as possible -- but I do
believe those [papers] belong to the state. I would not abdicate that
responsibility lightly."

Moreover, archival state records are not just repositories of
information, but highly valuable state assets. By pursuing a transfer
of title, Bush is not only shutting down the public's right to know
now, but depriving future generations of Texans of their patrimony -
- apparently for his own ends.

Rep. Hunter told a reporter that this was the first he'd heard of the
controversy and that he was glad to have it brought to his attention.
While he declined to address the specific question of title to the
records, he expressed concern about the currently limited
availability of the papers and said he would be eager to take up the
matter during upcoming interim sessions of the House oversight
committee. "I think everybody would want to work this out," Hunter
said, "and it might simply be a matter of these records being copied
for the state archivists. I think under any circumstances, the State
Library and Archives would want to have access to these records."
In contrast, Gov. Perry's position is particularly difficult to justify.
After first being missing in action, he is now apparently flexing his
muscles -- in favor of the president's position. That may bring
gratitude for Perry from the White House, especially as we
approach what is expected to be a challenging election for
governor next year. But if it becomes clear that Perry has worked to
deny the rights of the public in favor of the wishes of a political
benefactor, that might also be noted by the voters in 2002. Gov.
Perry's office did not respond to several requests for comment.
Meanwhile, the State Library appears to be in the hot seat. "As an
agency we felt it was important for us," a state librarian said, "since
the governor's office was not interested in taking responsibility for
the records, that it more or less defaults to us -- which is why we've
proposed that the records come back to us, [and] we conduct a
preliminary inventory. At least get them into enough shape -- as we
understand it, The Wall Street Journal and ABC News have filed
open records requests."

It seems President Bush is in a precarious legal position. The
Texas Public Information Act is a very demanding law. One clause,
in particular, could be of interest to Bush's lawyers: Material that
has been requested under state open records law may be withheld
by the archives for reasons of privacy, for example, personal family
matters. (And there are, occasionally, good reasons for privacy:
"One has to be very careful especially in terms of confidential and
restrictive records," said the state archivist, Chris LaPlante, "and
governor's records are full of such information. ... Looking at the
records from Governor Richards' administration [and] Governor
Clements' administration -- there are lots of things that should be
exempt from public disclosure.") But according to Texas law, that
right to privacy must be invoked within 10 days after receiving an
open records request. "If you pass that 10-day time period," an
official of the State Library explained, "you have waived those
rights." The federal archivists in College Station have already
acknowledged missing the deadlines in answering some requests
for Gov. Bush's records.

photo by John Anderson
Warren Finch, supervisory archivist of the Bush Presidential
Library, told a reporter that the records are available to a degree,
and the library is processing some open records requests, but he
was not certain how long the responses were taking. He said the
library takes no position on the question of title to the records. "I
think that's a question for the state archives and the attorney
general for the state of Texas," Finch said.

The current plan of State Library officials is in effect to sell the
proposed agreement to Bush as, well, doing him a favor -- by
promising to safeguard his confidentiality through judicious use of
the privacy provisions of the Texas Public Information Act. They
have also tried to convince federal archivists that the state can
more easily do the work of cataloguing the records. Library
commission members and staff have voiced a wish to solve this
dispute through the "back door" -- that is, without getting into a
public pissing match with the president of the United States.
But there is also another issue: hypocrisy. After years of lecturing
the rest of the world about the right of Texans to run their own
affairs without interference by the federal government, the
president is literally taking refuge in the federal camp -- in this case
a camp on the grounds of Texas A&M University.

What is best for Texans appears to be falling victim to what is best
for George W. Bush.

Additional reporting by Michael King and Lee Nichols.

See Also:
Economics From the Bottom Up
Microlenders Sustain Austin's Newest Entrepreneurs [08-10-01]
Neighbors vs. Neighbors
Under Alcoa's Cloud, Communities Battle Over Work, Land, Water,
and Air [07-27-01]
Naked City
Austin Stories [07-27-01]

© 2001 Austin Chronicle Corp. All rights reserved.


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A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar.
-Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)

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