-Caveat Lector-



 Blair targets terror profits

 POPPY fields which supply the Taliban's
 multi-billion-pound drugs trade are to be a key
 target of military strikes in Afghanistan.

 The decision has been taken by Tony Blair and
 President George Bush to stop Osama bin Laden
 using drugs profits to wage war against the West.

 A senior Downing Street aide said: "We have
 reliable information that the Taliban are planning to
 use money from drugs to finance military action,
 and that bin Laden has ordered farmers to step up

 Specially-adapted US planes will be used to spray
 and destroy the poppies, from which opium is
 produced and processed into heroin.

 The US is currently funding the development of a
 fungus that attacks the roots of opium plants.

 There is an estimated 3,000 tonnes of opium
 stockpiled inside Afghanistan, the equivalent to
 300 tonnes of pure heroin.

 The drugs, thought to be worth £20billion, will be
 bombed when military operations against the
 Taliban have begun.

 The Afghan regime collects a 10 per cent tax on
 the £20-a-kilo that local poppy farmers earn from
 the crops that provide 80 per cent of Europe's
 heroin. This year they produced a record harvest
 with a Western street value of £4billion.

 Some of the enormous revenues generated from
 the drugs trade are funnelled into secret accounts
 for arming and supporting Islamic terror groups
 around the world. It is believed that at least
 £350,000 of this drug money was used to fund the
 suicide hijackers attacks on New York and

 The decision to attack the poppy fields comes as
 the United Nations orders the freezing of the
 finances of terrorist suspects and any person or
 group linked "directly or indirectly" with them. It
 is part of a global build-up of military and
 diplomatic pressure on bin Laden.

 President Bush said yesterday that the campaign
 against those responsible for the attacks on
 America will be waged "wherever terrorists hide or
 run or plan".

 He used his weekly radio address to the nation to
 warn that "this will be a different kind of war".

 Meanwhile, in New York it was announced that
 rebuilding on the site of the World Trade Centre
 will cost up to £40billion. It was also revealed that
 a Manhattan grand jury is investigating possible
 Mafia involvement in the theft of hundreds of tons
 of scrap metal from the Ground Zero site. As the
 start of military action grows nearer, the first lorry
 loads of 200 tonnes of aid for refugees living in
 opposition-controlled areas of Afghanistan left
 Peshawar in Pakistan yesterday. In the Middle
 East yesterday, three Palestinians were killed and
 dozens wounded by Israeli troops firing at
 stone-throwers and gunmen in Gaza.

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