-Caveat Lector-


01 October 2001 21:39 GMT+1

Companies 'are paying protection money' to terrorists
By Paul Peachey
01 October 2001
Campaigns waged by terrorist organisations are being partly
financed through protection rackets that extort money from
respected large corporations across the world, it was claimed
Oil companies in South America and Middle Eastern airlines are
among those paying to prevent their businesses being damaged,
according to the magazine Forbes Global. It claimed timber
companies in South-east Asia have also made protection payments
and until recently, a Jewish-owned bank was paying off the
Lebanese Islamist group Hizbollah.
An executive in the financial division of a state-owned oil company
in southern Europe claimed that donating money to Islamic groups
was a cost of doing business in the Middle East. He said: "I have
been more and more worried about these transactions over the last
seven or eight years, because friends in our government's secret
service have told me that a number of these intermediaries have
direct links to terrorist organisations."
Reports have suggested that the 11 September attacks cost the
terrorists about $500,000 (£340,000), which was in part spent on
renting cars, flights and large cash withdrawals.
Last week, President George Bush issued the equivalent of a
financial "most-wanted list" of groups and individuals in an attempt
to starve them of funding. The move was seen as a largely
symbolic gesture.  Money-laundering experts have dismissed as
unworkable attempts to control the terrorists' movements of funds.
The man accused of being behind the outrages, Osama bin Laden,
is thought to earns hundreds of millions of pounds every year from
both legal and illegal activities. Al-Qa'ida, the organisation that he
helped establish in Afghanistan 12 years ago, employs some 3,000
civilians and maintains 2,000 armed troops. The group operates
communications equipment, training bases and safe houses
around the world, which are used by extremists from Egypt to the
Philippines. Frank Cilluffo, of the Washington-based Centre for
Strategic and International Studies, said: "I look at bin Laden as the
chief financial officer of a very loose coalition of radicals. It's not a
monolithic, hierarchical organisation. But he is the glue that holds
these groups together with money, training and support."
The financing for his network comes partly from his inheritance of
up to £42m and from a cut of the profits from Afghanistan's
lucrative heroin trade. Further funding comes from charities, stock
market investments and stakes in a variety of businesses in Sudan.
The magazine found that Mr bin Laden also controls an Islamic
bank and has a majority stake in a plantation. He is likely to use
tools such as offshore internet banks to help keep his financial
activities secret, experts said.


Best wishes

Wars are caused by undefended wealth.
- Douglas MacArthur, New York Daily News, November 18, 1945.

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