-Caveat Lector-

It's not a Zionist plot

The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, October 02, 2001


Dr. Gamal Solaiman, the imam of the Ottawa central mosque, was blunt in
condemning the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
"It's a horrific thing," he said last week. "(It's) simply unacceptable to
go and kill innocent people." Bravo, sir.

Yet the imam has been distressingly obtuse about who carried out the
attacks. Asked whether he thought a Muslim group was involved, he said,
"No, I don't." Queried as to whether he believed there was evidence
pointing to the Middle East, he added, "All that the Americans are
producing so far does not convince me in the least."

This is navet or denial. Yet the imam is not alone among influential
Canadian Muslims. Ahmed Adam, the Ottawa-area director of the Canadian
Islamic Congress, suggests that people consider who benefits from the
attacks, and goes on to mention Israel. And the Saudi Ambassador to
Canada, Mohammed Raja Al-Hussaini Al Sharif, says mistakes in news reports
can be traced to the "Zionist lobby." He then cautions against a "rush to
judgment" in determining who organized the terror.

To the ambassador, we say: Go home, sir. To Canadian Muslim leaders,
however, we plead for an honest look at the evidence:

a) Although the list of terrrorists who died on the hijacked planes has
been updated as more information surfaces, what has not changed is
evidence that all were Muslims.

b) A four-page letter found in the luggage of one suspect points directly
to fanatics claiming to act in the name of Islam. "Remember the battle of
the prophet ... against the infidels as he went on building the Islamic
state," it says, asking its recipients to "pray to god ... and recite the

c) The pattern of the attacks points to terrorist groups such as that of
Osama bin Laden. Suicide bombings in recent decades have been mostly the
work of Middle-East-based extremists. The World Trade Center attack in
1993 was traced to such militants, as were the bombings of U.S. embassies
in Africa.

d) There is no evidence at all of Israeli involvement or of shadowy U.S.
government plots. One may as well accuse feminists or Martians for all the
crediblity such assertions have.

Does the evidence so far pin down precisely who was involved? No. But it
points strongly toward a group or groups of fanatics, of Middle-East
origin and claiming to represents Islam. In judging who was responsible
for the attacks, rational people must act on the best evidence before
them. If the evidence changes, our judgment must also change. But facts
and wishes are not equal "evidence."

Why are so many respected, educated people unable or unwilling to grasp
the distinction? Primarily, we suspect, out of a misguided sense that
Muslims will be seen as collectively guilty.

This isn't so: to posit that a horrific crime was carried out by sick
souls claiming to act in the name of Islam is neither a repudiation of the
religion nor an indictment of its peaceful adherents. Yet many Canadian
Muslims, apparently, believe they stand accused as a group. They do not,
and they should reinforce this by decrying those who use their fine
religion as an excuse for terror.

Canada's Muslim leaders, meanwhile, should show real leadership by
publicly insisting that stories about Zionist conspiracies and militia
plots be treated as the intellectual vapour they are.

That, not denial, will help everyone in the search for the truth behind
the evil.

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