-Caveat Lector-


October 4, 2001
Will Suggests Suspect Had Long Planned to Die for Beliefs


— Mohamed Atta, described by law enforcement officials as the
ringleader of the Sept. 11 hijackers, left a will in which he said he
wanted to be buried "next to good Muslims," with his corpse
pointed east toward Mecca, the officials said.

They said the will was found in a suitcase that Mr. Atta, a 33-year-
old Egyptian, left at Logan Airport in Boston, where he boarded an
American Airlines jet that later slammed into the north tower of the
World Trade Center in New York, possibly with Mr. Atta at the

The will was dated April 1996, which would suggest that Mr. Atta
had been planning for years to die for Islam and that he wanted his
final actions to be understood as an effort to serve God.
At his funeral, "everybody should mention God's name and that I
died as a Muslim, which is God's religion," he wrote, adding that
"everyone who attends my funeral should ask that I will be forgiven
for what I have done in the past" — although "not this action."

The will was written in broken English. Details of its contents were
first reported by the German magazine Spiegel.

Mr. Atta was a student in the mid- 1990's at a technical university in
Hamburg, Germany, where he was seeking a degree in urban

Law enforcement officials would not say why Mr. Atta's luggage
had remained at Logan Airport, where he transferred onto the
American Airlines jet bound for Los Angeles after flying to Boston
earlier that morning from Portland, Me.

It was not clear if Mr. Atta had checked the bag only to Boston — in
the knowledge that its contents would be seized by the police after
his death — or if he intended the bag to make the connection and
to be destroyed in the crash. The suitcase also held a five-page
letter in Arabic offering final instructions to the hijackers.

Friends and other students have said that while studying in
Germany, Mr. Atta underwent a profound change in his religious
beliefs and temperament. He embraced Muslim fundamentalism
and surrounded himself with other devout followers.

Also today, administration officials confirmed that weeks before the
terror attacks in New York and Washington, Washington-based
supervisors at the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation turned down a request for a surveillance warrant for a
Frenchman who is now being questioned in New York about any
knowledge he might have of the hijacking plot.

The man, Zacarias Moussauoi, was taken into custody in August
after officials at a Minnesota flight school warned the bureau that
he was acting suspiciously.

Officials confirmed an account in Newsweek magazine that bureau
agents in Minnesota had requested a warrant to review his
computer hard drive but that they had been turned down by Justice
Department officials in Washington. The Washington officials, they
said, believed that the request did not provide enough evidence to
suggest a crime to support a warrant under terms of the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act.

The officials would not confirm reports elsewhere that the drive was
later inspected and found to contain information about crop-
dusters, which law enforcement officials have feared could be used
by terrorists for attacks with chemical or biological weapons.
Earlier this year, the judge who oversees enforcement of the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act complained to the Justice
Department over whether prosecutors were presenting enough
information to the court to justify wiretaps.

Government officials also offered new details today about
negotiations several years ago between the United States and
Sudan in which the Sudanese government offered to turn over
Osama bin Laden, who is reported to be the mastermind of last
month's terror attacks.

The officials said the United States turned down the 1996 offer
because American prosecutors had little hard evidence at the time
to use against Mr. bin Laden. Details of the negotiations were first
reported by The Washington Post.

Mr. Atta's will made clear that he wanted his funeral to be carried
out according to strict Muslim tradition.

"The people who will prepare my body should be good Muslims
because this will remind me of God and his forgiveness," he wrote.
"Those who will sit beside my body must remember Allah, God, and
pray for me to be with the angels.

"When you bury me, the people with whom I will be buried should
be good Muslims. I want to face east toward Mecca."

There were detailed instructions for the preparation of his body
before burial. He wanted only "good Muslims" to wash his corpse,
and he asked that his body then be wrapped in three pieces of
white cloth "not to be made from silk or expensive material." He
asked that "the person who will wash my body near the genitals
must wear gloves on his hand so he won't touch my genitals."

Mr. Atta, said to be painfully shy around women throughout his life,
asked that women play no role in his funeral. "I don't want any
women to go to my grave at all during my funeral or any occasion
thereafter," he wrote. "I don't want a pregnant woman or a person
who is not clean to come and say goodbye to me because I don't
approve of it."

Law enforcement officials say they are continuing to search for
evidence tying Mr. Atta to Mr. bin Laden, who has long lived in exile
in Afghanistan. During long, mostly unexplained absences from
Germany in the 1990's, officials suspect, Mr. Atta may have
traveled to the Middle East or Asia and had contact with followers
of Mr. bin Laden.

Officials said today that in 1996, Sudan offered to the United States
to expel Mr. bin Laden and send him via Saudi Arabia or another
country to the United States.

At that time, American officials say, they had little hard proof
against Mr. bin Laden that could be taken to a grand jury. For
example, they could not prove then that Sudanese officials or Mr.
bin Laden had provided training centers for international terrorists
in the mid-1990's.

Moreover, they said, the United States did not trust Sudan to
deliver on its promise, calling it part of a meaningless charm
offensive intended only to help Sudan get off the State
Department's list of terrorist-supporting states.


Best wishes

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