-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: BULLSHIT... We will never be quiet about Truth!!!
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 01:11:25 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

PLANETNEWS broadcast...

      WASHINGTON, DC Responding to the threats facing America's free
democratic system, White House officials called upon Americans to stop
exercising their democratic freedoms Monday.

Above: Ari Fleischer urges Americans to keep their mouths shut.
      "In this time of national crisis, a time when our most cherished
freedoms are threatened, all Americans not just outspoken talk-show hosts
like Bill Maher must watch what they say," White House press secretary Ari
Fleischer told reporters. "Now more than ever, if we want to protect
democracy for future generations, it is vital that nobody speak out about the
issues of the day."

      "We must all do our patriotic duty to protect our country's great
ideals," Fleischer continued, "and we have to be careful about what opinions
we express if we are to defend our Constitution, a sacred document behind
which all Americans must stand united as one."

      Fleischer's sentiments echoed those of many executive-branch officials,
who, in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, have called for broad-based
limitations on civil liberties and urged all patriotic, freedom-loving
citizens to support those restrictions in defense of the American way of life.

      "We live in a land governed by plurality of opinion in an open
electorate, but we are now under siege by adherents of a fundamentalist,
totalitarian belief system that tolerates no dissent," Attorney General John
Ashcroft said. "Our most basic American values are threatened by an enemy
opposed to everything for which our flag stands. That is why I call upon all
Americans to submit to wiretaps, e-mail monitoring, and racial profiling. Now
is not the time to allow simplistic, romantic notions of 'civil liberties'
and 'equal protection under the law' to get in the way of our battle with the
enemies of freedom."

      In the past, Ashcroft said, efforts by federal agencies to restrict
personal freedoms were "severely hampered" by such factors as the judicial
system, the Bill Of Rights, and "government by the people." Since the
attacks, however, some such limitations have been waived, finally giving the
CIA, FBI, Pentagon, and White House the greater powers they need to defend

      U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who advocated permitting the CIA to
engage in various illegal activities during a recent Tonight Show With Jay
Leno appearance, stressed the importance of not merely submitting to
freedom-curtailment policies, but also blindly agreeing with them.

      "Now is not the time for such divisive, destructive things as dialogue
and debate," McCain said. "Now is not the time for, 'My opinion is just as
valid as yours,' and 'What are my country's leaders doing and why?' and 'I
have a question, Mr. President.' Now is the time for one thing and one thing
only: The defense of the American democratic ideal. Any and all who disagree
with this directive, or who have different ideas about how it should be
accomplished, should learn to shut their mouths."

      As the U.S. prepares to mobilize forces against Afghanistan, the
military is seeking strong limitations on the press. According to Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, such a Constitution-flouting move would not be
unprecedented, citing the suspension of habeas corpus in the Civil War and
the order to round up 110,000 Japanese-Americans in detention camps after the
bombing of Pearl Harbor.

      "Remember, under the oppressive Taliban regime, people live in constant
fear of an oppressive order to which all must submit," Rumsfeld said. "Under
their system, it is illegal to practice a different religion or support a
different political system. It is against the law for women to work or leave
their homes without their faces covered. There is no freedom of speech,
press, or assembly, as dissent of any kind is not tolerated. It is even
forbidden to smile or laugh in public, and all who fail to unquestioningly
obey are punished with reprisals of brutal violence. We must not allow such a
regime to threaten our great democracy. We must stand for something better
than that."

      "It is therefore urgent," Rumsfeld continued, "that all Americans be
quiet, stop asking questions, accept the orders of authorities, and let us
get on with the important work of defending liberty, so that America can
continue to be a beacon of freedom to all the world."
STILL ALIVE? FBI Mixed Up on True Identities of Perpetrators

Lawmakers break logjam on new anti-terrorism laws



Click here to visit Dr. Meryl Nass's web site

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do." - Edward Everett Hale

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