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Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:05:06 +0200
From: Nicole Cohen-Addad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [neah] Fw: Pentagon Admits Exposing Sailors to Chem/Bio Weapons

----- Original Message -----
From: Sunil Sharma/Dissident Voice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Recipient list suppressed>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 4:37 AM
Subject: Pentagon Admits Exposing Sailors to Chem/Bio Weapons

> [I'm curious to see if this item gets the wider coverage it deserves. It's
> typically the case that when the nation's attention is diverted towards a
> major crisis, other important stories pop up, usually in the back
pages. --
> Sunil]
> A Military Secret No Longer
> Classified U.S. Tests 30 Years Ago Exposed Thousands Of Sailors To
> And Biological Weapons
> The Hartford Courant; October 19, 2001
> He kept the secret for 30 years. The former Navy skipper told no one about
> the classified tests of Project Shad, how the Marine jets came screaming
> out of the night off a remote Pacific atoll, spraying a 100-mile-long
> aerosol cloud over his five tugboats. Then Jack Alderson's men started
> getting sick.
> "Some of the guys tried to go to the Pentagon or the American Legion and
> said, `I did biological warfare testing.' They basically threw them out,
> told them they were crazy," said Alderson, many of whose former crew
> complain of chronic respiratory problems. "They told them, `We didn't do
> things like that.'"
> But now, after seven years of inquiries from veterans, Congress and the
> Department of Veterans Affairs, the Pentagon has confirmed that thousands
> of sailors were present during a decadelong series of classified tests to
> determine the vulnerability of U.S. warships to attack by chemical and
> biological warfare.
> In a series of "fact sheets" given to veterans' hospitals and
> last month without wider public notice, the Pentagon acknowledged that
> of the tests involved spraying live biological weapons over U.S. ships,
> including Alderson's tugs. Pentagon officials say that nerve agents such
> sarin and VX gas also were used, but they refuse to disclose where, when
> and how.
> Other tests involved exposure to "simulants," relatively harmless microbes
> and chemical markers used as stand-ins for a potentially deadly biological
> agent that resonates so powerfully today: anthrax. In all, more than a
> dozen ships were used, in both the Pacific and Atlantic, from 1960 to
> Involvement was brief for some ships and crews. For others, it was a
> full-time assignment lasting years.
> In the tests, Marine attack bombers sprayed either simulants or live
> biological agents. Then the ships sailed through the resulting cloud and
> collected air samples. In some tests, caged monkeys were placed on deck
> later tested to determine whether they had inhaled the material.
> In the "hot tests," involving live biological warfare agents, the sailors
> took shelter in compartments rigged with positive-pressure ventilation
> designed to prevent the test material from infiltrating the ships. Other
> precautions included inoculations for rabbit fever and Q fever, two of the
> illnesses caused by the biological weapons employed, Pasteurella
> and Coxiella burnetti.
> "The crews who participated ... were not test subjects, but test
> conductors," according to the fact sheets.
> The Pentagon says no health problems have been linked to the tests, but
> veterans say no one has ever looked. A dozen test veterans reached by The
> Courant in recent weeks, including a former medical services officer, say
> they never were examined for exposure to the test material in the 1960s or
> monitored in later years.
> "I've had some concerns, respiratory problems like the others," said
> LaChapelle, the former medical officer. "You go to the VA, a good
> will ask you, `What were you exposed to? What was your work?' Most of us
> until now couldn't say."
> One former tug skipper has cancer of the esophagus. Another officer died
> after developing fibrous growths in his lungs. Dozens of others have
> varying degrees of respiratory problems, Alderson and others said. One old
> skipper, who did not want to be quoted by name, said that he collapsed and
> was critically ill for 18 days shortly after his Pacific service.
> Ironically, the veterans say they are more concerned about the risks posed
> by the powerful cleansing agents used to decontaminate their ships than
> they are about the biological warfare agents. Some of the cleansing agents
> are now suspected of causing cancer.
> The recently released fact sheets detail only three series of tests,
> conducted in 1963 and 1965 under the code names "Autumn Gold," "Shady
> Grove" and "Copper Head." They are only a fraction of the tests conducted
> as part of Shad, an acronym for "shipboard hazard and defense."
> The three fact sheets are three pages each. They represent nearly a year's
> work searching archives and synthesizing records by a team led by Dee
> Dodson Morris, a chemical weapons expert who holds a position meant to
> underscore the Pentagon's new openness about chemical and biological
> warfare. Her title is "director of lessons learned."
> The post was created after Persian Gulf War veterans spent a frustrating
> decade seeking information about chemical and biological weapons released
> by the destruction of Iraqi munitions. The experience has left many
> doubting the Pentagon's ability or willingness to fully investigate
> Shad.
> Morris' fact sheets describe how the tests were supposed to be carried
> Since her team interviewed no veterans, even though Alderson and others
> offered to share their recollections, they do not claim to be a historical
> record of what actually happened.
> "The fact that the military is investigating, it doesn't breed confidence.
> The military tends to downplay its involvement with radiation, with
> biological warfare and chemical warfare," said U.S. Rep. Christopher
> R-4th District. "The military does not have a very good record when it
> comes to examining itself. Its past record of candid review, it's just not
> there."
> Secrets And Seasickness
> LaChapelle helped oversee Project Shad from the "mother ship," USS
> Granville S. Hall. It was a converted Liberty ship with a mysterious past:
> In the 1950s, rigged with remote-control steering, it was sent into the
> atomic fallout from nuclear tests.
> Years later, the Hall's crew members joked about setting off the radiation
> alarms every time they sailed into Pearl Harbor.
> "Every time we pulled into Pearl, it was as if we were a spook. We were
> looked on as if we were orphans in the view of the `real Navy' or combat
> Navy," LaChapelle said.
> To test simulants, the Hall and the accompanying fleet of tugs sailed only
> 60 miles off the island of Oahu. For the hot tests, they traveled 800
> to Johnston Island, a remote atoll controlled by the Army's chemical
> warfare program. It was a rough trip for the tugs. Designed for sheltered
> waters, they pitched and rolled, as much as a stomach-churning 60 degrees.
> "You had to be there to see it. Those tugs were just corks. There was no
> way to get a good night's sleep on those things," LaChapelle said.
> Even the rhesus monkeys got seasick.
> "And a seasick monkey is a pissed-off monkey," Alderson said. The 8-pound
> creatures frequently escaped, climbing the radio mast. They practiced
> own form of biological warfare, defecating and urinating on the sailors
> assigned to recapture them.
> The tests almost always were done at night, when the air was calm. An A-4B
> Skyhawk would take off from Johnston, afterburner roaring. Sometimes, the
> sailors could see the cloud falling from the sky, settling over the decks
> of the tugs.
> When instruments showed that the cloud had dissipated, a crewman in a
> protective suit would decontaminate, washing down the ship with seawater
> and cleansers. The monkeys were sent to the Hall to be killed and
> - and the results of those tests are still secret.
> Secrecy was paramount, especially when the crews returned to Pearl. J.B.
> Stone, a radioman assigned to the Hall in 1967 and 1968, said, "Guys who
> got drunk and blathered in a bar in Honolulu would disappear," reassigned
> to less-sensitive work.
> The only tests known to take place in the Atlantic, "Copper Head,"
> only simulated biological agents, according to the fact sheets. The Navy
> provided a destroyer, the USS Power. Its crew was told nothing - only that
> it was to steam from Florida to Newfoundland in January, one of its more
> unpopular deployments.
> "They wanted cold-weather testing. They got it. The winds were horrible,"
> said Larry Ginter of Fort Scott, Kan., then a petty officer. He remembers
> special crew that came aboard. "They told me they were testing air
> and the air tightness of the ship."
> Homer Tack Jr., a torpedo man from Butler, Pa., recalls conducting perhaps
> four tests in January and February of 1965.
> "We'd go to sea. The jets would fly overhead and spray. We'd get wet. We
> all asked what went on. They said nothing," Tack said. He added, "I told
> family for 30 years that someday this was going to hit the news."
> A Belated Disclosure
> Alderson started asking the Pentagon in 1994 to open its files and provide
> Veterans Affairs with enough data to evaluate what he and others believe
> a rash of chronic respiratory illness among veterans of Project Shad. He
> was no crank. At the time, he was the chief executive officer of the
> district that manages the port of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Even with the help
> of a congressman, he got nowhere.
> A book published in 1999, "The Biology of Doom," described some of Project
> Shad. Then CBS News aired two stories about the secret tests in early
> Officials say that was the impetus for the disclosures about "Shady
> "Autumn Gold" and "Copper Head."
> Pat Eddington of the Vietnam Veterans of America said that his
> was "appalled" the experiments were ever conducted and that it took 40
> years for the Pentagon to acknowledge them.
> But Alderson and some of the other veterans, while frustrated at the
> military's slow response to their requests for information, said they are
> proud of their service and defend the necessity of the testing.
> "It was a highly motivated crew," said LaChapelle, now the administrator
> public health for Memphis and Shelby County, Tenn. "We still feel like
> that. We were doing an important job for the Navy and the Department of
> Defense."
> He said he does not need to be reminded that biowar research was a
> real-world concern during the Cold War - or now. Today, as a public health
> administrator, he is in charge of investigating reports of anthrax
> =========================================================
> Dissident Voice is a semi-regular newsletter dedicated to challenging the
> lies of the corporate press and the privileged classes it serves.
> "To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair
> inevitable."  -- Raymond Williams
> Editor: Sunil K. Sharma
> DV welcomes your feedback/free use of your country vacation home/fine
> ales/excess wealth.
> Dissident Voice
> Santa Rosa, CA USA
> (707) 545-6458
> www.dissidentvoice.org

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