-Caveat Lector-



Bin Laden's roots
in South Africa
Osama's wealth family gives millions to spread fundamental Islam


By Anthony C. LoBaido
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Recent reports in the Afrikaans language newspaper Rapport
indicate that Osama bin Laden's wealthy family has worked for
years to increase the influence of Islam in South Africa, specifically
in the Zulu-speaking community.

This activity includes giving millions to translate the Koran into Zulu
and converting Zulus in key legal and law-enforcement positions to
Islam fundamentalism.

Yousouf Deedat, 45, of Durban, South Africa confirmed that his
Islamic center received substantial funding from the bin Laden
family and that Deedat family members often traveled to Saudi-
Arabia and had met Osama bin Laden there over the years. They
also claim bin Laden is being turned into a scapegoat by American

Deedat, who triggered a storm when he distributed thousands of
anti-Semitic handbills featuring a picture of Adolf Hitler during the
World Conference Against Racism in Durban last month, said he
and his father first met bin Laden in 1989 in Saudi Arabia and
again in the 1990s while the Deedats were drumming up support
for the Islamic Propagation Center International in Durban.

The Deedats have had close links with the bin Laden family since
first meeting Osama's elder brother, Sheikh Bakr bin Laden, in
1986. Since then, many of the 27 Bin Laden brothers have
contributed generously to the center. The sheikh alone gave the
center $3.1 million over eight years to buy a building, print the
Koran in English and Zulu, and print and distribute Islamic
literature. At least 100,000 Zulu translations of the Koran were
distributed in South Africa, say both Islamic and government

In appreciation, the Deedats named their building on Durban's
Victoria Street after the family in 1988.

Deedat told the South Africa media that bin Laden had also invited
him on a number of occasions to attend his lectures in Saudi

"He moved me to tears. He was a man of few words, but when he
spoke in public, he had this magnetic effect on all who listened to
him." Whether he was guilty or not, Deedat said, the U.S. would
"always use him as a scapegoat."

Other Muslims in Durban also told the newspapers that they
frequently met bin Laden in Saudi Arabia, where he reportedly
holds regular lectures and maintains close ties with his entire bin
Laden clan.

This information from Durban contradicts claims from U.S.
government sources that bin Laden had been "estranged" from his
Saudi tribe for many years – and had in fact been living in
Afghanistan. Evidence coming out of South Africa suggests that bin
Laden's entire Saudi family backs his activities completely.


Anthony C. LoBaido is an international correspondent for


Best wishes

God said in the holy Koran that men are better than women.  Why
we settle for that?
-Ahmad al-Baqer, Kuwaiti MP, on announcement that Kuwait's
highest court voted
against women's right to vote and hold public office. (Jan 16, 2001)

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