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Pakistani Intelligence Had Links to Al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say

October 29, 2001


WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 - The intelligence service of Pakistan,
a crucial American ally in the war on terrorism, has had an
indirect but longstanding relationship with Al Qaeda,
turning a blind eye for years to the growing ties between
Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, according to American

The intelligence service even used Al Qaeda camps in
Afghanistan to train covert operatives for use in a war of
terror against India, the Americans say.

The intelligence service, known as Inter-Services
Intelligence, or I.S.I., also maintained direct links to
guerrillas fighting in the disputed territory of Kashmir on
Pakistan's border with India, the officials said.

American fears over the agency's dealings with Kashmiri
militant groups and with the Taliban government of
Afghanistan became so great last year that the Secret
Service adamantly opposed a planned trip by President
Clinton to Pakistan out of concern for his safety, former
senior American officials said.

The fear was that Pakistani security forces were so badly
penetrated by terrorists that extremist groups, possibly
including Mr. bin Laden's network, Al Qaeda, would learn of
the president's travel route from sympathizers within the
I.S.I. and try to shoot down his plane.

Mr. Clinton overruled the Secret Service and went ahead
with the trip, prompting his security detail to take
extraordinary precautions. An empty Air Force One was flown
into the country, and the president made the trip in a
small unmarked plane. Later, his motorcade stopped under an
overpass and Mr. Clinton changed cars, the former officials

The Kashmiri fighters, labeled a terrorist group by the
State Department, are part of Pakistan's continuing efforts
to put pressure on India in the Kashmir conflict. The
I.S.I.'s reliance on Mr. bin Laden's camps for training
came to light in August 1998, when the United States
launched a cruise missile attack against Al Qaeda terrorist
camps near Khost, Afghanistan, in response to the bombings
of two American Embassies in East Africa. The casualties
included several members of a Kashmiri militant group
supported by Pakistan who were believed to be training in
the Qaeda camps, American officials said.

Since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon on Sept. 11, the Pakistani government, led by Gen.
Pervez Musharraf, has turned against the Taliban and Al
Qaeda in favor of the United States.

One element in that shift was General Musharraf's decision
to oust the chief of the intelligence service, Lt. Gen.
Mahmood Ahmed, who may have been reluctant to join an
American-led coalition against the Taliban government that
his organization helped bring to power.

Still, American officials said the depth of support within
elements of the I.S.I. for a war on the Taliban and Al
Qaeda remained uncertain, and a former chief of the agency
has become one of the most vocal critics of American policy
in Pakistan.

The former director general, Hameed Gul, complained in an
interview with a Pakistani newspaper that the Bush
administration was demanding that the agency be placed at
the disposal of the Americans, as if it were a mercenary

"The I.S.I. is a national intelligence agency, whose
potential and ouput should not be shared or rented out to
other countries," Mr. Gul said.

American officials acknowledged that recent American
policies toward Pakistan had fueled such attitudes. In the
1990's the Central Intelligence Agency failed to maintain
the close ties it had developed with the I.S.I. in the
American agency's covert action program to support the
Afghan rebels fighting the Soviet army of occupation in the

The close personal relationships that had developed between
C.I.A. and I.S.I. officials - General Gul among them -
during the war against the Soviets withered away.

"After the Soviets were forced out of Afghanistan," said
Shamshad Ahmad, Pakistan's ambassador to the United Nations
and a former foreign secretary, "you left us in the lurch
with all the problems stemming from the war: an influx of
refugees, the drug and gun running, a Kalashnikov culture."

In recent years, in fact, American officials said, the
United States offered few incentives to the Pakistanis to
end their relationship with the Taliban. Washington gave
other issues, including continuing concerns about
Pakistan's nuclear weapons program and its human rights
record, much greater emphasis than the fight against

Those priorities were illustrated by the apathetic reaction
within the United States government to a secret memorandum
by the State Department's chief of counterterrorism in 1999
that called for a new approach to containing Mr. bin Laden.

Written in the the wake of the bombings of two embassies in
East Africa in 1998, the memorandum from Michael A.
Sheehan, the State Department's counterterrorism
coordinator, urged the Clinton administration to step up
efforts to persuade Afghanistan and its neighbors to cut
off financing to Mr. bin Laden and end the sanctuary and
support being offered to Al Qaeda.

Mr. Sheehan's memo outlined a series of actions the United
States could take toward Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi
Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen to persuade them
to help isolate Al Qaeda.

The document called Pakistan the key, and it suggested that
the administration make terrorism the central issue in
relations between Washington and Islamabad. The document
also urged the administration to find ways to work with the
countries to curb terrorist money laundering, and it
recommended that the United States go public if any of the
governments failed to cooperate.

Mr. Sheehan's plan "landed with a resounding thud," one
former official recalled. "He couldn't get anyone
interested." As the threat from Al Qaeda and Mr. bin Laden
grew and the United States began to press Pakistan harder
to break its ties to the Taliban, the Pakistanis feigned
cooperation but did little, current and former American
officials say.

One former official said the C.I.A. "fell for" what
amounted to a stalling tactic aimed at fending off
political pressure. The C.I.A. equipped and financed a
special commando unit that Pakistan had offered to create
to capture Mr. bin Laden. "But this was going nowhere," the
former official said. "The I.S.I. never intended to go
after bin Laden. We got completely snookered."

The C.I.A. declined to comment on its relationship with the
Pakistani agency, saying it did not discuss its ties with
foreign intelligence services. But a former senior Clinton
administration official disagreed with the idea that the
United States had had unrelaistic expectations about the
commando proposal.

"There were some concerns about the penetration of the
I.S.I., and a lot of uncertainty about whether it would
work," the official said. "But all of us, including the
intelligence community, thought it was worth doing. What
was there to lose?"

What is most remarkable about the tensions that have grown
in recent years between the United States and Pakistan's
security service is that it was one of the C.I.A.'s closest
allies just over a decade ago.

In the 1980's, when the C.I.A. mounted the largest covert
action program in its history to support Afghan rebels
against the Soviets, the Pakistani agency served as the
critical link between the C.I.A. and the rebels at the
front lines.

While the C.I.A. supplied money and weapons, it was the
I.S.I. that moved them into Afghanistan. The Americans
relied almost entirely on the Pakistani service to allocate
the weapons to the rebel leaders, and the senior C.I.A.
officials involved developed close relations with their

But when the Soviet Army finally pulled out of Afghanistan
in 1989, the C.I.A. ended its support for the Afghan
rebels, the agency's relationship with the Pakistani agency
was neglected and Washington began to complain more openly
about the Pakistan's nuclear weapons program.

By the early 1990's, officials of the Pakistani agency
became resentful over the change in American policy. In
1990, just one year after the Soviets pulled out of
Afghanistan, Congress imposed sanctions on Pakistan for its
nuclear program.

Faced with turmoil in post-Soviet Afghanistan - which the
United States had no interest in addressing in the early
1990's - Pakistan moved in to support the Pashtun ethnic
group in southern Afghanistan as it created the Taliban

With Pakistani support, the Taliban gradually took control
of most of the country. By 1996, Mr. bin Laden, who had
been in Afghanistan in the 1980's, helping to pay for Arab
fighters to battle the Soviets, returned and quickly forged
a close alliance with the Taliban.

American officials do not believe that the I.S.I. was ever
directly involved with Mr. bin Laden and Al Qaeda in
terrorist activites against the United States. But the
Pakistani agency used Afghan terrorist training camps for
its Kashmiri operations, and the Pakistani leadership
failed to act as it watched the the relationship between Al
Qaeda and the Taliban grow ever closer.

The I.S.I. did cooperate with the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. on
several counterterrorism operations in the 1990's. Most
notably, the Pakistanis were instrumental in the capture in
Islamabad in 1995 of Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the
first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, and the arrest in
Pakistan in 1997 of Mir Aimal Kansi, who killed two C.I.A.
employees on a shooting rampage outside C.I.A. headquarters
in 1993.

American officials now believe that the Pakistanis were
finally starting to become alarmed in the last year or two
by the extent to which the Taliban had been co-opted by Mr.
bin Laden. Still, the I.S.I. did little to extricate itself
from its relationship with the Taliban - until Sept. 11.

"I think the Pakistanis realized as time went on that they
had made a bad deal," one State Department official said.
"But they couldn't find an easy way out of it."


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