-Caveat Lector-


The Next Pig Thing

Canadian researchers have developed a genetically-engineered
pig that could help clean up a major source of water pollution -- but
environmental groups want the swine squelched.
by Leora Broydo Vestel October 26, 2001

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They were very
special pigs. Their genes were engineered by scientists to make
them less damaging to the environment than any of their swine
brethren. And everybody lived happily ever after.

Or maybe not. The three pigs in question, developed by
researchers in Canada and already patented as 'Enviropigs,'
represent a unique dilemma for environmentalists. Major green
environmental organizations are virtually unanimous in the view
that genetically-modified products should be banned. But the
Enviropigs address a major environmental problem -- one those
same groups have been fighting for years.

At this point, while researchers and pig farmers have extolled the
environmental benefit Enviropigs present, most of the leading
environmental groups aren't following suit. While the hogs' virtues
may be attractive to the green groups, their modified genes
represent a vice too significant to overlook.

The crux of the debate centers around the manure pigs produce.
Modern pig farming often involves raising thousands of swine in a
single facility -- which can in turn generate thousands of tons of
manure every year. That manure is then spread in fields or stored
in "lagoons." The contaminants in the manure can spread from
either fields or lagoons into water sources. In 1995, for instance, an
eight-acre hog-waste lagoon in North Carolina burst, spilling 22
million gallons of manure into a nearby river and killing enormous
numbers of fish. Concentrations of manure rank "among the
greatest threats to our nation's waters and drinking water supplies,"
according to a recent Environmental Protection Agency study.

The Enviropig, developed at the University of Guelph in Ontario
and introduced to the world in August, have been modified so that
their manure contains up ot 75 percent less phosphorus than the
average swine. Several substances in pig manure cause
environmental damage, but phosphorus is one of the major culprits.
The presence of phosphorus in waterways can cause fish kills,
biodiversity loss and foster the growth of toxic organisms,
according to the EPA.

Unlike their predecessors, such as a salmon that are designed to
grow faster, the Enviropig is the first animal engineered for
environmental benefit. Not surprisingly, scientists and pork
industrialists are thrilled, since proposed government limits on
phosphorus output threaten the industry's growth. Ontario Pork, a
trade association representing pig farmers in the Canadian
province, calls the Enviropig "the biggest breakthrough in pig
farming since the invention of the trough."

"The environmental barriers are the largest in terms of growing as
an industry," says Clare Schlegel, chairman of Ontario Pork, which
represents 4,400 hog farmers in the province and has been a
primary funder of the Enviropig research. "[Pork producers] are
being looked at as polluters -- this is one technology to show that
we do care."

Environmentalists aren't buying it. The Sierra Club, which has
made lobbying for controls on pig manure pollution a centerpiece of
its clean water campaign, calls the Enviropig a load of hogwash.

"This is just another quick fix," says Laurel Hopwood, chair of
Sierra Club's genetic engineering committee. "The way to reconcile
[the problem] is to stop factory farming." Greenpeace and other
environmental groups have echoed the Sierra Club message,
arguing that the only real solution is moving away from massive
industrial-style hog-growing and instead raising fewer pigs in
bigger outdoor spaces.

Other technical fixes also exist. Pigs don't digest most of the
phosphorus in their grain-based diet, so it ends up in their manure.
A new breed of corn, developed by a USDA researcher, reduces
phosphorus in manure by up to 50 percent. A widely practiced
strategy of adding the enzyme phytase to feed can also reduce
phosphorus content by 56 percent.

"There are a lot of sustainable agriculture programs that offer real
benefits to food security and to the environment that take far less
resources than the biotech solutions being proposed," says
Michael Khoo of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The Guelph researchers addressed the problem by modifying the
pigs' digestive abilities. They combined a bacterial gene which
makes an enzyme that breaks down the form of phosphorus found
in pig feed with a mouse gene that causes the enzyme to be
secreted from an animal's mouth. The composite gene was then
injected into one-celled pig embryos that were subsequently
surgically implanted into a surrogate mother.

The results were the first three Enviropigs, which researchers
named Wayne, Jacques and Gordie after famous Canadian hockey
players. Today, Guelph houses more than 100 Enviropigs -- the
result of three generations of breeding, and all of them have
inherited the genetic trait that allows for the digestion of
phosphorus. All produce manure that contains 60-75 percent less
phosphorus than non-engineered pigs.

Apart from that helpful trait, "there's nothing we've seen so far that
would indicate that there's any abnormality" with the pigs, says
molecular biologist Dr. John Phillips, the lead researcher in the
Enviropig project. Nonetheless, he adds, these piggies still must
undergo three to five years of testing before they can go to market.

"These animals are going to be tested like no other animals have
been tested before they're certified to go into the human food
chain," says Phillips.

Pig farmers are apparently eager for the day when they can begin
raising Enviropigs, saying they represent a particularly promising
solution to the phosphorus problem. Some independent experts
also think Enviropig is a solid bet. Dr. Joann Whalen a soil expert
at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, thinks Enviropig is even
better than a non-biotech solution to the phosphorus problem that
she helped develop. Whalen found that mixing limestone in with
hog manure could net a 50 percent reduction in phosphorus
content. But, she says, this method is expensive and impractical,
as the limestone has to be trucked in to farms and requires
extensive manpower to spread.

"It's dealing with the problem after the fact," Whalen concedes.
"[Enviropig] is definitely a much better approach -- it's more cost
effective to have a pig that excretes less phosphorus."

Still, for virtually all major environmental groups, the matter boils
down to the fact that they oppose the introduction of genetically-
engineered organisms into the environment.

"The GMO issue is a deal breaker," says Melanie Shepherdson
Flynn, an attorney with National Resource Defense Council's Clean
Water Project. "It's an extreme solution without knowing what the
result will be."

If Enviropig passes regulatory muster, the rights to the technology
will be sold to pig breeders. But given the charged debate
developing around it, Enviropig's path to the dinner table remains

"It's a technology that adds a great deal of value," says Schlegel.
"But we're not interested in seeing the technology commercialized
if the public is not interested in genetically modified foods."


Best wishes

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