-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

September 26,2002

George H.W. Bush/JFK Assassination and Sensenbrenner

To The Honorable Sam Farr:

On July 18, 2001, you presented four of my books dealing with the JFK
Assassination and George de Mohrenschildt to the House Select
Committee.Letter to Judiciary Chairman James F. Sensenbrenner.  You were
quite aware that much of my research dealt with George H.W. Bush's
connections to the JFK Assassination and George de Mohrenschildt, yet you
did not touch on this issue in your letter.

You may view your letter by clicking here http://ciajfk.com/farr.jpg

I find it very disturbing that our government will not give us a complete
accounting on George H.W. Bush's involvement with September 11th nor the JFK

1). George H.W. Bush's role in Operation Zapata the Bay of Pigs invasion in
1961 through Permargo Oil in Mexico City with Edwin Pauley;

2). Bush's association to Oswald's closest friend George de Mohrenschildt
since 1942, see http://ciajfk.com/images/bush-let.jpg ;

3). On November 22, Bush called the FBI office in Houston and told them that
one James Parrott was talking about killing Kennedy.  See

4).  Bush was suing Texas Governor John Connolly in the Houston District
Court prior to JFK's assassination; see at
http:ciajfk.com/home4.html/Bush-9.jpg ;

5). FBI Director J. E. Hoover was briefing George H.W. Bush of the CIA on
the JFK Assassination no one knew  that he knew de Mohrenschildt since 1942,
http://ciajfk.com/images/fbi3.gif ;

6).  Prescott Bush never forgave the Kennedy's for what they did over The
Bay of Pigs fiasco Operation Zapata ;  See

7).  Prescott Bush's banking firm Brown Brothers & Harriman gave George de
Mohrenschildt a $300,000 line of credit at a time he was meeting with
Vice-President Johnson and Lee Harvey Oswald; Johnson met de Mohrenschildt
twice prior to the assassination on April 26, 1963 and May 20,  1963 and
Johnson was Prescott Bush's favorite even though they sat on the opposite
sides of the aisle;  For FBI doc. see the following URL at

8). On April 11, 1963, Prescott Bush left the Senate and returned to work at
Brown Brothers & Harriman while George de Mohrenschildt was hanging out with
the future assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.  http://ciajfk.com/images/PRES-3.jpg

Mr. Sensenbrenner never did act on this matter and now I find a possible
connection to George H.W. Bush and Mohamed Atta's father El-Amir Atta.  The
connection is that Mohamed Al Fayed, father of Dodi Fayed met with George De
  Mohrenschildt in 1964 and was pretending to be a Kuwaitian oilman when he
was in reality an Egyptian from Cairo reprensenting one Mohamed El-Amir
Atta.  Both de Mohrenschildt and Bush have ties to Mohamed Al Fayed.

Mr. Al Fayed lost a lawsuit against the CIA and the Pentagon on Jully 13,
2001 five days before you wrote to Mr. Sensenbrenner and two months  before
the September 11, 2001 conspiracy.  Mr. Al Fayed believed that the Pentagon/
MI6 and CIA officials were behind the death of his son on August 31, 1997.
You might recall that two of the Sept. 11, 2001 hijackers were Egyptian
while the rest were of Saudi descent.   Is El-Amir Atta the same man that
Mohamed Al Fayed was representing in 1964 when he met George de
Mohrenschildt?  Oh, how I pray that he was not.  But if he was then this is
where the Bush familly connection lies.

Mohamed Al Fayed's brother-in-law was Adnan Khashoggi who is and was the
personal adviser to the Saudi Royal family and in charge of the George H.W.
Bush Iran-Contra Scandal.  Khashoggi was the richest man in the world in the
1970s and 1980s and sold his 36 million condo in New York City in February
of 2001 for 17 million.  Dodi Al Fayed was Khashoggi's nephew and if our
government was behind the assassination of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed
there was going to be hell to pay.
Why has the Pentagon and CIA failed to release the documents on Princess
Diana and why has a foreign citizen like Al Fayed been given special
treatment by our government when I have had an outstanding F.O.I.A. since
1997-98 on Mohamed Al-Fayed's CIA folder?

The President George W. Bush, admitted in the book The Unauthoried Biography
of George H.W. Bush attending the same parties as John Hinckley.  Texas
Governor George W. Bush inherited a plane which once belonged to CIA drug
smuggler Barry Seal, who was assassinated 10 days after threatening
Vice-President George H.W. Bush.  Oswald's roommate in 1959, Billy Joe Lord
was threaten in 1976 to cooperate with Edward Jay Epstein and if he didn't
they would go to his boss George W. Bush, at this time Bush's father was CIA

Personally, I have not shrunk from the task of trying to find out the truth.
  Yet, I am not in a position to confront the President's family on the
matters listed.  There is no statute of limitations on conspiracy to commit
murder and it should not be a Federal Crime to confront a sitting President
on such.

Yet, it will take someone of a strong character and dispostion to inform
others in both houses.  With all due respect, please let me know when
Democrats and other politicians are ready to take off their kid gloves to
hold his father and son responsible.  If no one will stand up and confront
their family on these matters, then stealing an election is a piece of cake.

Respectfully  and always yours,

Bruce Campbell Adamson
P.O. Box 1003, Aptos, CA, 95001


cc: to researchers and Senators

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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