On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:27:06AM -0500, Khaled El Manawhly wrote:
> I apologize for repeating my email, but I still didn't get a reply. I have
> still been unable to compile with Borland, and the access violation while
> compiling with MSVC is still there. Has anyone run into something similar?

I've seen only a very small handful of people ever post to this list
about the Borland compiler, so if you're looking for specific help, you might
be hard-pressed to find it. But, if you provide lots of details, we'd love to
help speculate as the cause!

You say above that you are unable to compile with Borland, but your earlier
message implies that you were able to compile it, you just didn't get the
expected results. Please start by explaining what the exact problem is that
you're seeing, along with the inputs and outputs that you're getting. Since it
seems that noone else has experience exactly this problem before, we'll need
specifics to try to help.

>>> Dan

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