On Thu, 12 Nov 2020, Osvaldo Pérez  García via curl-library wrote:

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application / json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer undefined' 'https://apistaging.psigate.com/api/secure/ioptransactions?search=41Z256'

Some general advice (in addition to Monty's):

1. '-X GET' is rarely what you want and in this case it should be dropped from the command line.

2. Accept: headers normally don't have spaces around the slashes. Try "Accept: application/json"

3. I assume that auth header was edited? Sending "undefined" like that doesn't seem intended.

4. "I cannot get this command to work well" doesn't explain what you want nor what happens. Many times the actual HTTP request works fine but the end results is not what you want, even if curl works exactly the way it is supposed to. We need specifics!

5. You didn't tell us which libcurl version you're using. Always include that.


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