On 3/26/24 14:34, Dan Fandrich via curl-library wrote:
On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 02:17:10PM -0600, R C via curl-library wrote:
      -H "Host: $URL" \
This is seldom needed because curl adds it on its own.
without it the script doesn't work with minio
I don't know what minio is, but looking at how $URL is used in the second line
it appears to hold a host name, not a URL (it's a confusing name), so curl
should be setting the same thing already. But, I'm just guessing because I
don't know exactly what those variables hold. It can make things more brittle
to add low-level headers that aren't actually needed as when the script is
changed in the future, it can break things. It sounds like these headers are
being cargo-culted in so cleaning them up could save effort in the long term.

Minio is an object store,  similar to aws. I found the script somewhere, it seems to work but not really written 'that well'

The only thing I like about it, is that it works.

btw; you mentioned : "curl versions since 7.75.0 have AWS signature calculation built-in, with the

--aws-sigv4 option."

is there something similar, a function,  in libcurl?


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