On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Spiro Trikaliotis
<an-cyg...@spiro.trikaliotis.net> wrote:
> No: patch is very picky here. From my experience, you will observe the
> same behaviour on a Linux machine.

I just tried it on a Linux box.  The patch succeeded with both dos-
and unix-style line endings there, too (as with Solaris 10).  This was
running CentOS 5.4, GNU diff 2.8.1, patch 2.5.4.  These are the same
versions on the Solaris box as it turns out.  Both are older than the
Cygwin versions (2.8.7 and 2.5.8 respectively).  When I get a chance,
I'll try the newer versions on Linux and see what happens.

> BTW: In the project mentioned above, we always solved the issue with
>     dos2unix.

In my case I'm using git to generate patches, and handing them off to
another developer.  My head hurts thinking about the hoops one or both
of us would have to jump through to get this working on a regular
basis.  In any case, we're using Eclipse and it happily applies
patches with CRLF's in them. So at this point it's academic.  I'd
still like to know what's going on, though.


David Eisner     http://cradle.brokenglass.com

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