On Jul  5 10:59, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>On Jul  5 12:21, Bill Metzenthen wrote:
>> I have problems with permissions on a network drive.  The drive is
>> maintained by others and I have no control over the Windows
>> permissions of the drive.
>> [...]
>> If I now try to use cygwin to create anything then it fails (despite
>> it reporting that I have rwx permissions for the directory):
>For now, set the mount point for this drive to "noacl".  If you're
>accessing the share via /cygdrive, create a distinct mount point for it.
>I know what change in Cygwin is causing that problem, but unfortunately
>I could never reproduce the server share settings myself which result in
>the permission denied.

I know this an old thread but I am in exactly the same situation as
the OP.  Access with 1.7.7 and before worked fine, 1.7.9 has this
problem.  The workaround with explicit noacl option works for me but
it is rather awkward as I have to work with a lot of servers.


>If you want to discuss this with your admin, the problem is this:  When
>Cygwin 1.7.9 tries to create a file on a filesystem which supports ACLs,
>it requests WRITE_DAC permissions in the open call.  WRITE_DAC is the
>access right you need to create the permission bits in the file's ACL,
>what you see in Explorer under the Security tab.
>Now, in some environments, the settings of the shares are so, that this
>right is apparently not granted, even for the creator of the file.
>But, as far as earlier reports go, there seem to be no indication of
>this in the ACL.  As I mentioned above, I experimented with this
>myself, but I have never managed to reproduce this setting on the server.
>So I neither know how this setting looks like, nor if there's a way
>to recognize such a share.
>So, for the time being, I will change this in Cygwin for the next
>version so that it doesn't request WRITE_DAC permissions when trying
>to create a file or directory on a network share.

...has this happened now?  In a snapshot?  I couldn't find any
further information.


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