
I have the problem that I get a segmentation fault on the newer versions of the 
cygwin1.dll when debugging and a STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW exception when running 
without debugger.
I did an update of my cygwin stuff on Monday, and I'm using the latest snapshot 
dll. I'm quite sure it has something to do with the dll, because I did clean 
and rebuild with newest
cygwin versions. Since this wasn't working, I got my old dll (from 29.03.2011) 
and it worked again.  I tried some other snapshot versions (up to 04.06.2011, 
since there are no old ones),
but none of them worked.

If I can get older snapshot versions, I might be able to track it down. But 
then again stack problems are hard to catch.
I compiled my code with -fstack-protector-all --param ssp-buffer-size=4, but 
this didn't help me so far (well, maybe I'm not using it right.).

Stacktrace of the first segmentation fault:
Thread [11] 0 (Suspended : Signal : SIGSEGV:Segmentation fault)          
_alloca() at ../../../libgcc/../gcc/config/i386/cygwin.asm:45 0x6116fd02        
__small_vswprintf() at 

Another segmentation fault:
It can be triggered with my program after continuing when the firs 
tsegmentation fault.
I wasn't able to step into XCP_XmlResp_Ok. I checked the address of 
XCP_XmlResp_Ok, it stays the same from the program start.

Thread [19] 0 (Suspended : Signal : SIGSEGV:Segmentation fault)          
                _alloca() at 
                XCP_XmlResp_Ok() at /cygdrive/c/.../XmlConfigParsing.c:2.278 
                _fu82____stack_chk_guard() at 
/cygdrive/c/.../XmlConfigParsing.c:517 0x4051c2   
                _fu80____stack_chk_guard() at 
/cygdrive/c/.../XmlConfigParsing.c:166 0x404632   
                _fu434____stack_chk_guard() at 
/cygdrive/c/.../TcpIpServer.c:331 0x41843e           
                _fu427____stack_chk_guard() at /cygdrive/c/.../TcpIpServer.c:82 
                pthread::thread_init_wrapper() at 0x610fa5d2                
                thread_wrapper() at 0x61085482            


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