"It seems like the issue is awk specific under Cygwin.  I tried a few
different things and it seems that awk is silently treating replacing
\r\n with \n in the input data."

See stack overflow ticket #24251296
titled: does-awk-cr-lf-handling-break-on-cygwin

Unfortunately the spam filter rejects links to stack overflow (already
a spam filtered site)

On Linux (good, we have cr and nl)
$ echo $'line1\r\nline2'|awk 1|od -a
0000000   l   i   n   e   1  cr  nl   l   i   n   e   2  nl

On Cygwin or MSYS (bad, we have only a cr)
$ echo $'line1\r\nline2'|awk 1|od -a
0000000   l   i   n   e   1  nl   l   i   n   e   2  nl

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